Gambar halaman




weekly report of superintendent, de-
tails of, sec. 4, ch. 420, 1901.
duty of commissioner of labor as to,
sec. 4, ch. 420, 1901.

duty of factory inspectors, to assist in
securing situations, sec. 4, ch. 420,

duty of superintendent as to employ-
ers, sec. 5, ch. 420, 1901.

annual report of superintendent; other
duties, sec. 6, ch. 420, 1901.

no fee to be charged; penalty of clerks
of. accepting, see. 7, ch. 420, 1901.
employers involved in a strike, not to
be assisted, sec. 8, ch. 420, 1901.
terms applicant" of, and "work" de-
fined, sec. 9, ch. 420, 1901.

in cities where operated, private agen-
cies to obtain license, sec. 10, ch. 420,

penalty for using name of, sec. 10, ch.
420, 1901.

removal of superintendent when, sec.

11, ch. 420, 1901.

printing for, sec. 12, ch. 420, 1901.



[blocks in formation]

may advise Ebrary board of counties,
sec. 6, ch. 91, 1901.

annual report of free public libraries
to be sent to, ch. 96, 1901.

to make check list of several public
documents of state, sec. 373c, ch. 168,

state printer to deliver copies of re-
ports, documents, circulars, etc., to
sec. 724, ch. 168, 1901.

to deliver and distribute state publi-
cations to libraries, sec. 373e, ch. 168,

to maintain in capitol a working li-
brary, sec. 373f, ch. 168, 1901.

to have printing necessary to conduct
work, sec. 372g, ch. 168, 1991.
addition of books to working library
authorized, see. 373h, eh. 168, 1901.
appropriation to, sec. 3731, ch. 168, 1901.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Adjutant General, Quartermaster

creauing special fund for re-equipment
of, sec. 1, ch. 90, 1899; ch. 62, 1901.
disbursements from, how made, sec. 2,
ch. 90, 1899.

adjutant general authorized to audit
accounts of certain companies in,
and appropriation therefor, ch. 159,


state militia known as: of what to
consist; brigade organization, when,
sec. 1, ch. 200, 1899.

rank and number of brigade officers,
sec. 2, ch. 200, 1899.

regiments, how oflicered, rank of, sec.
3. ch. 200, 1899.

how off-
cered, rank of; number of men, sec.
4. ch. 200, 1899.

companies, battery, troop.

companies: how formed and mustered,
sec. 5. ch. 200, 1899.

medical department, how organized
and officered, sec. 6, ch. 200, 1899.
duties of surgeon general, sec. 6, ch.
200, 1899.

regimental band, of what to consist:
how enlisted, sec. 7, ch. 200, 1899.
governor may require physical exami
nation of men, sec. 7, ch. 200, 1899.
companies to adopt constitution and
by laws, sec. 8, ch. 200. 1899.
governor to issue all commissions, sec.
9. ch. 200, 1899.

terms of enlistment, sec. 10, ch. 200,

enlisted men. how discharged: dis-
honorable discharge, causes for, sec.
11, ch. 200, 1899.

promotions, sec. 12, ch. 200, 1899,
staff of governor, sec. 13, ch. 200, 1899
duties of adjutant general. sec. 14, ch.
200. 1899.

duties of quarter-master general, sec.
15, ch. 200, 1899.

equipment, how supplied, sec. 16, ch.
200. 1899.

disposition of unserviceable ordnance;
penalty for private use, sec. 17, ch.
200, 1899.

[blocks in formation]

company commanders, sec. 18, ch.
200. 1899.

preservation of regimental colors, sec.
19, ch. 200, 1899.

of assistant adjutant


and quartermaster generals, how
made: office assistants, pay,
sec. 20, ch. 200, 1899.

calling out of: not to be moved on
Sunday; pay and subsistence, sec.
21. ch. 200, 1899.

inspection of, sec. 22, ch. 200, 1899.
disbanding of company, how, sec. 23,
cu. 200, 1899.

semi-annual muster of, sec. 24, ch. 200,

quartermaster and ordinance stores,
condemnation of, sec. 25, ch. 200,


[blocks in formation]

U. S. rules applicable to; company
drills, sec. 28, ch. 200, 1899.

calling out of, in case of war or riot,
sec. 29, ch. 200, 1899.

penalty for failure of company com-
mander to respond; sec. 30, ch. 200,

appropriation, sec. 2, ch. 460, 1901.


organized militia to be known as; of
what to consist, sec. 1, ch. 228, 1991.
military staff of governor; rank of, sec.
2, ch. 228, 1901.

qualifications for appointment on staff,
sec. 3, ch. 228, 19.



of adjutant general; office in
capitol; report, claims for pensions,
sec. 4, ch. 228, 1901.

to be auditor of military accounts; to
keep books; blanks and forms to cor-
respond with U. S. army's, sec. 5, ch.
228, 1901.

to secure printing of proceedings of
annual convention of officers, sec. 6,
ch. 228, 1901.

to purchase military traveling library,
sec. 7, ch. 228, 1901.

enrollment of able bodied men when
state census is taken, sec. 8, ch. 228,

subsistence on active duty, sec. 31, ch. QUARTERMASTER'S, SUBSISTENCE AND ORD-
200, 1899.

governor may make rules for, orders,
etc., sec. 32, ch. 200, 1899.

when under military discipline, sec.
33, ch. 200, 1899.

encroachment on camp of; power of
commanding officer; insulting mem-
ber of, sec. 34, ch. 200, 1899.
military reservation for; expenditures
for, sec. 35, ch. 200, 1899.
payments for company expenses; goy-
ernor's authority over, sec. 36, ch.
200, 1899.

"company" defined, sec. 37, ch. 200.

allowances for troop and battery, sec.
38, ch. 200, 1899.

report of convention of officers of.
printing and distribution, sec. 39. ch.
200, 1899.

traveling library for, sec. 40, ch. 200,

retired list of commissioned officers.

re-commissions, sec. 41, ch. 200, 1899.
enrollment of able bodied men, when
state census is taken, sec. 42, ch. 200.

actions against members of, when
state may defend, sec. 43, ch. 200.

appropriation for maintenance of, sec.
44, ch. 200, 1899.

conflicting laws repealed, sec. 44, ch.
200, 1899.

special fund for equipment of, extend-
ed to military reservation, sec. 1, ch.
62, 1901.

disbursements from, how made, sec. 2,
ch. 62, 1901.

governor may appoint military in-
structor in certa'n colleges, colonel
of infantry, without command in, ch.
141, 1901.
providing for erection of armories by
cities and counties, ch. 241, 1901.
extra allowance to troop "A" for
horses, etc., sec. 1, ch. 460, 1901.


quartermaster general to be commis-
sary general an. cnief of ordnance;
bond of, sec. 9. ch. 228, 1901.
duties of; report, sec. 10, ch. 228, 1961
to issue arms and accoutrements; to
contract for transportation, sec. 11,
ch. 228, 1901.

to issue transportation to offecrs; for
what purposes, sec. 12, ch. 228, 1901.
to issue ordnance stores to colleges; to
require insurance, sec. 13, ch. 228,


to draw fund from treasury for con-
tingent expenses at reservation, sec.
14, ch. 228, 1901.

to be custodian of flags of troops, sec.
15, ch. 228, 1901.

to issue subs'stence at annual encamp
ment; accounts how audited, sec. 16,
ch. 228, 1901.


ogranization of; hospital corps, sec. 17,
ch. 228, 1901.

officers of, how commissioned; vacan-
cies; promotions; examinations, sec.
18, ch. 228, 1901.

hospital stewards, how appointed, sec.
19. ch. 228, 1901.

duties of surgeon general; report, sec.
20, ch. 228, 1901.

duties of surgeons and assistants; as-
signments to commands, sec. 21, ch.
228, 1901.

physical examinations of recruits; how
ordered; fee for, sec. 22, ch. 228, 1901.


duties of paymaster: to furnish se-
curity to treasurer: accounts how
paid, sec. 23, ch. 228, 1901.


[blocks in formation]

who to commission; oath; rank, sec. 30,
ch. 228, 1901.

examinations of, sec. 31, ch. 228, 1901.
pay of; to furnish own subsistence,
sec. 32, ch. 228, 1901

state funds not to be used to furnish
uniforms or equipment for, sec. 33,
ch. 228, 1901.

pay of, on governor's staff, when in
special service, sec. 34, ch. 228, 1901.
pay of inspecting, sec. 35, ch. 228, 1901.
bond of commanding; powers and du-

ties as to military property, sec. 36,
ch. 228, 1901.

Inspection of property issued to; board
of survey; liability of; recovery on
bonds of, sec. 37, ch. 228, 1901.
resignation or discharge of; proceed-
ings as to property, in case of death,
sec. 38, ch. 228, 1901.

contingent fund for commanding; re-
port on, sec. 39, ch. 228, 1901.
proceedings for calling out, in case of
war, etc.; duty of officer, sec. 40, ch.
228. 1901.

penalty for failure to perform such du-
ties; when excused; sec. 41, ch. 228,

power of commanding, over rendezvous
or camp; encroachments, how pun-
ished, sec. 42, ch. 228, 1901.
discharge of, sec. 43, ch. 228, 1901.
pay of mounted, not having proper
mount, sec. 44, ch. 228, 1901.
authority to administer oaths of enlist-
ment, all to have, sec. 45, ch. 228,

retired list of; second retirement; eligi-
bility for detail or appontment; pay,
sec. 46, ch. 228, 1901.
resignations of, how effected;


c'es how filled, sec. 47, ch. 228, 1901.
commanding, to maintain action and
collect fines, sec. 54, ch. 228, 1901.
duty of, at semi-annual muster, sec.
57, ch. 228. 1901.
power of commanding,

over armory

erected by city or county, sec. 4, ch.
241, 1901.

[blocks in formation]

term of service; physical examination
of, sec. 48, ch. zzs, 1901.
re-enlistments; exemptions of, from
jury service and poll taxes, sec. 49.
ch, 228, 1901.

discharge of; causes for: absence from
drill; re-instatements, sec. 50, ch.
228, 1901.

pay of, at encampments;

in active

service, sec. 51, ch. 228, 1901.

[blocks in formation]

assembling for instruction; how often.
sec. 53, ch. 228, 1901.

adoption of constitution and by-laws:
fines, how collectible, sec. 54, ch.
228, 1901.

mustering out of, for laxity in disci-
pline, etc., sec. 55, ch. 228, 1901.
annual inspection of; notice, sec. 56,
ch. 228, 1901.

semi-annual muster of;

muster rolls,

what to contain; inspection of arms,
sec. 57, ch. 228, 1901.

fund for company expenses, power of
governor over, sec. 58, ch. 228, 1901.
to provide armory; appropriations for
rent, etc., when to be paid, sec. 59,
ch. 228. 1901.

additional appropriation for troop and
battery, sec. 60, ch. 228, 1901.

issuing of property to bands; security
for, sec. 61, ch. 228, 1961.

bands, how enlisted; pay of, sec. 29,
ch. 228, 1901.

to pay running expenses of armory,
erected by city or county, sec. 2, ch.
241, 1901.


how ordered; transportation to be fur
nished troops, sec. 62, ch. 228, 1991.
for advanced instruction; who to at
tend; transportation for, sec. 63, ch.
228, 1901.

withholding of allowances, for dam
age to property by officers or men at.
sec. 64, ch. 228, 1901.
annual appropriation for maintenance
of state military reservation, sec. 65,
ch, 228, 1901.


system of U. S. army to prevail: all
others forbidden, sec. 66, ch. 228, 1901.
governor may prescribe rules, not in-
consistent therewith; publication in
book form, sec. 67, ch. 228, 1901.


penalty for private use of state mill-
tary property, sec. 68, ch. 228, 1901.
military day or night, what is; officers
and men exempt from civil process
during, sec. 69, ch. 228, 1901.
action against members of, when state
may defend, sec. 70, ch. 228, 1901.
uniform, what to be, sec. 71, ch. 28,

[blocks in formation]

objects of, sec. 4944a, ch. 28, 1899,
organization of and jurisdiction of
board of control over, sec. 4944b.
ch. 28, 1899.

who may be committed to, 4944c, ch.
28. 1899.
discretionary powers of trial court In
sentencing to, and form of sen-
sentences. sec. 4944d, ch. 28. 1899.
duty of trial court to enquire as to
elegibility of convict, in sentencing
to. sec. 4944e, ch. 28. 1899..
executive approval necessary
transfer 01 inmates from or to, sec.
4944f. ch. 28. 1899.


records to be kept of transfers from
other institutions to, sec. 4944g, ch.
28. 1899.

commitments to, and duty of super-
intendent. sec. 4944h. ch. 28. 1899.
credit to be given inmates for good
conduct, sec. 49441, ch. 28, 1899.
parole of inmates of. sec. 4944j. ch. 28.

discharge of inmates from, sec. 4944k.
ch. 28, 1899.

[blocks in formation]

correcting errors and supplying de-
fects in, ch. 351, 1899 (indexed under
titles affected).

sections not affected and repealed by
negotiable instrument act, sec. 2, ch.
356, 1899.

error in above corrected, sec. 1, ch. 361,

construed as to drainage law, sec. 7,
ch. 43, 1901.

repeal of incorporation act of Mliwau-
kee Orphan Asylum by, corrected,
ch. 137, 1901.

provisions of, relating to drains made
applicable to incorporated villages,
ch. 386, 1901.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


may be appointed on board of normal
school regents, when, ch. 166, 1901.
appo.ntment of at least one on board

of regents of university, ch. 255, 1901.
qualification of, to vote at school elec-
tions, sec. 2, ch. 233, 1899; sec. 1, ch.
285. 1901.

separate ballot boxes for, ch. 285, 1901.
appointment of, as assistant factory
inspector, sec. 1, ch. 409, 1901.
salary of, sec. 2, ch. 469, 1991.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


pensions of firemen not subject to,
sec. 17, ch. 264, 1899.

pensions of policemen not subject to,
sec. 17, ch. 265, 1899.

when returnable in sixteenth circuit
under new arrangement of terms,
sec. 3, ch. 2, 1901.

of certiorari, how issued and served.
ch. 146, 1901.

of assistance to put telephone, etc..
companies in possession of property
for lines, sec. 7, ch. 319, 1901.

of habeas corpus, insane patients en-
titled to benefits of; exceptions, ch.
367, 1901.

[blocks in formation]
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