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dred and fifty, shall be subjected to such local taxes only as are now by law levied and assessed upon the Banking and Saving Institutions rechartered in one thousand eight hundred and fifty: Provided, That the amount of taxes which the said institutions are now by law required to pay into the State treasury, shall in no manner be lessened or affected by the operation of this section.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The sixth day of April, A. D. one thousand eight hun

dred and fifty-three


No. 213.


For the relief of Elizabeth M. Call, Agnes Hamilton, and Margaret Hickernell, widows of soldiers of the Indian war.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the State Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to Elizabeth M. Call, late of Lawrence county, widow of John M. Call, deceased, and to Agnes Hamilton, of Sewickleyville, Allegheny county, widow of William Hamilton, formerly of Fayette county, and Margaret Hickernell, widow of Frederick Hickernell, deceased, late of Crawford county, all widows of soldiers of the Indian war, or to their orders, forty dollars each as an annuity during their lives, commencing on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, to be paid semi-annually, on the first day of January and first day of July. W. P. SCHELL,

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED-The sixth day of April, A. D., one thousand eight hun

dred and fifty-three.


No. 214.


For the relief of the Broadtop Rifle Rangers.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That

the treasurer of the county of Huntingdon is hereby authorized and Treasurers of required to pay seventy-five dollars, and the treasurer of the county of Huntingdon and Bedford one hundred dollars, to the treasurer of the company of Bedford counBroad Top Rifle Rangers, upon the order of the captain thereof, out ties to pay certain moneys. of the proper military fund for the years one thousand eight hundred and fifty, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, and one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, as is provided in the act of Assembly passed the seventeenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, entitled "An act to revive the Militia System, and provide for the training of such only as shall be Uniformed:" Provided, The said several amounts shall be found due.

SECTION 2. That the captain of said company is hereby authorized Captain to take and empowered to take possession of the arms and accoutrements be- possession of longing to said company, in whosoever possession the same may be found: Provided, That he accounts therefor according to law.


SECTION 3. That the several uniformed companies that shall be or- Brigade inspecganized on or before the first Monday of June, one thousand eight tor. hundred and fifty-three, in the county of Bedford, shall elect one brigade inspector for the brigade composed of the said county of Bedford, as is provided by the laws of this Commonwealth: Provided, That the person so elected shall only continue in office until the next regular election for brigade inspector.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The sixth day of April, one thousand eight hundred

and fifty-three.


No. 215.


Authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Coopertown Turnpike and Plank
Road company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Commissioners. David Lyons, Jesse Brook, Philip Sheaff, James A. Moore, George


Comog, David R. Mullen, Barton Smith, James Lindsey, Charles Johnston, Jackson Lyons, Isaac Anderson, Samuel Leedom, Thomas Powell, of Delaware county, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorized and appointed commissioners to open books, and receive subscriptions, and organize a company by the name, style and title of "The Coopertown turnpike and plank road company," with power to construct a plank road over and upon the bed of the Darby road, beginning at a point where the West Chester road crosses the said road, at or near the six mile stone of said West Chester road, and following the line of said Darby road to and terminating at Coopertown, a distance of about two miles, subject to the provisions and restrictions of Subject to provisions and rean act regulating turnpike and plank road companies, passed the twenstrictions of cer- ty-sixth of January, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, and the supplements thereto, excepting that portion of which relates to the collection of tolls.

main act.


Capital stock. Proviso.

Duties of road

SECTION 2. That the company hereby incorporated shall have power to regulate their tolls, apportion toll gatherers, and punish frauds, agree. ably to the provisions and restrictions of the twelfth section of an act entitled "An Act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the West Chester and Philadelphia turnpike road company," approved the twenty-fifth day of March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fortyeight.

SECTION 3. That the capital stock of said company shall consist of three hundred shares of twenty-five dollars per share: Provided, That the said company may from time to time, by a vote of a majority of the stockholders, at a meeting called for that purpose, increase their capital so much as may be necessary in their opinion to complete the road, and carry out the true intent and meaning of this act.

SECTION 4. That the road commissioners and supervisors of highCommissioners ways of the townships through which the said road shall pass, shall, in and supervisors. addition to the powers vested in them by the act of Assembly, approved April fifth, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, authorizing subscriptions to turnpike roads on behalf of townships through which said roads may pass, be authorized and empowered to borrow money to pay the instalments on the stock so subscribed, and to issue certificates of loan for the same, bearing an interest not exceeding six per centum per annum, and payable at any time not exceeding ten years, which certificates shall be binding on said townships for said purpose: Provided, That no certificate of loan shall be issued of a less amount than one hundred dollars.

Commencement and completion of road.

SECTION 5. That if said company shall not commence the construction of their road within three years, and complete the same within

ten years, after the passage of this act, it shall be null and void, except so far as may be necessary to wind up the affairs and pay the debts of said company.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The sixth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three.


No. 216.


Authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Saw Mill Valley Turnpike or Plank
Road company; relative to Roads in Pine township, Allegheny county.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Jacob Heitshue, George Royal, James Watson, William Baxter, Thorn- Commissioners. ton A. Shinn, Jacob Geyer, John Wilson, Andrew Barclay, George Evans, and Alexander M. Watson, of Allegheny county, be and are hereby appointed commissiouers, to open books, receive subscriptions, and organize a company, by the name, style and title of "The Style. Saw Mill Valley Turnpike or Plank Road company," with power to locate and construct a turnpike or plank road in said county, commencing at the line of the city of Allegheny, on the northerly side of the same, at the end or terminus of East lane or. East street, as may be determined by a majority of said commissioners, and extending thence Location. in a northerly direction along and up the valley of Saw Mill run, by the nearest and best route to Cross-cut street, in Jacob Dellenbaugh's plan of lots in Ross township, and thence by the nearest and best route to the Allegheny and Perrysville plank road, terminating at and on the same, subject to all the restrictions and provisions of an act entitled Subject to pro"An Act regulating Turnpike and Plank Road companies," approved visions and rethe twenty-sixth day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and the supplements thereto.

strictions of certain act.

SECTION 2. That the capital stock of said company shall consist of Capital stock. three hundred shares, of twenty-five dollars each: Provided, That said Proviso. company may from time to time, by a vote of the stockholders, at a neeting called for that purpose, increase the capital stock so much as may be necessary in their opinion for the completion of the road, and to carry out the true intent and meaning of this act.

SECTION 3. That whenever said company shall have finished two Tolls. miles or more of said road, they shall have power to erect a gate or gates, and receive tolls, pursuant to the provisions of this act, agreeably to such provisions and restrictions of the thirteenth section of the act



of road.

of twenty-sixth of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, aforesaid, as remains unaltered by the provisions of this


SECTION 4. That the viewers to be appointed by the Governor as authorized by the twelfth section of the act last aforesaid, may be appointed whenever the company hereby to be incorporated shall have finished two miles or more of said road.

SECTION 5. That if said company shall not commence the construcand completion tion of their road within two years and complete the same within three years from and after the passage of this act, then the same shall become null and void, except so far as may be necessary to settle up the affairs and pay the debts of the company.

Duties of andi

SECTION 6. That on the fourth Friday of March, in every year, the tors and super-auditors and supervisors of highways in Pine township, Allegheny visors of Pine county, shall meet together, and at said meeting or any adjournment tp., Allegheny thereof, shall fix the rates and amount of road taxes for the current


Further duties.

Allotment to

year, and shall ascertain as far as practicable, the probable extent of work which shall or may be required to be done by the said supervisors during the year, and shall allot to each supervisor a separate portion of the township for his more especial care and superintendence, and shall assign to each supervisor a fixed sum or salary, to be in full of all his services during that year, whieh salary shall not exceed thirty dollars to any one of said supervisors.

SECTION 7. That the said supervisors, or either of them, shall, as far as practicable, contract with the taxable inhabitants for the work to be done in opening and repairing the roads within said township, but in no case shall they, either by contract or otherwise, exceed the amount of taxes levied for each year, so as to involve the township in debt, without the consent of all the auditors first had in writing approving of such contract.

SECTION 8. That either of said supervisors, within his separate porlowest bidders. tion of said township, shall, when requested by any two of the taxable inhabitants of said township, or when he may deem the same advisable, after having given ten days public notice, allot to the lowest and best bidder any section or sections, part or parts of the roads in his district: Provided, The lowest sum bid does not, in the estimation of the said supervisor, exceed the proper cost of the work: And provided, That the supervisors shall not be allowed, either directly or indirectly, to contract for any section or portion of the work under their supervision.


SECTION 9. That it shall be the duty of each of said supervisors to Supervisors to procure books. procure a book, in which the work allotted by contract shall be numbered and described in sections; they shall also distinctly specify therein what they deem necessary for the improvement and keeping in good repair said publie road for one year.

Contractors to write their

SECTION 10. Any person or persons to whom a contract shall be given or allotted for any section aforesaid, shall write his or their name names in super- or names respectively in the supervisor's book, opposite to the section or sections so taken or allotted, together with the amount for which he agrees to repair the section.

visors' books.


Contractors to SECTION 11. That it shall be the duty of the contractors to keep keep their sec- their sections in good and substantial repair, according to the terms of tions in good re- their contract, and if any contractor shall refuse or neglect to keep his or her section in good and substantial repair, according to the terms of agreement, upon complaint of any person made to the supervisors, it shall be the duty of the supervisors to examine the section complained of, and if there shall be cause for complaint, they or either of them, shall

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