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Year's Day


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hase in Tease1. In 1897 they amestec to $400,000 in gold. In 1898 mulroad material $295,861, and petroleum, $189,590, were the tier items in the total of 85637 Ta taxistes e sport of Japanese yarn. en on their hand looms, 3th of shirting decreases, that The Korean's comHe runs easily into verdraws his account at nese trader is steadily hese and Chinese have eough the foreclosure stran Government fears e bands of the aliens.

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the bret in the country under native user After much excitement between the anty R party and their few opponents, during when Kis Hong-Niuk, a powerful pro-Russian, a t dered and his body mutilated by the muke, and Japan, on April 25, agreed on a modus cited both recognizing the sovereignty of Kors and engaging to refrain from direct interfere in her internal affairs. No military or financial a visers will be nominated by either without wa tual agreement. Russia agrees not to impose the commercial relations between Japan

Korea. On June & Prince Henry of Prussis-at rived at Chemulpo, and on the 11th he had aud ence of the King, with a review of 3.000 troopec On the same day there were attacks with dyna mite bombs on five Korean ministers. On Oct. 21 the King's adviser, Mr. G. R. Greathouse, an American of great legal ability, followed in death Gen. Charles Le Gendre, who for several vous held the same office, and Gen. William MeE. Dee The American military instructor and Vice-Minis fer of War. The year was one of notable activity in Christian missionary work at the ports and the capital, and of steady progress in education, with a revival of Confucianism among the yong

KRUGER, STEPHANUS JOHANNES PAUL. President of the South African Republic, He was born in Rastenburg, Cape Colony, in 1825. This father was not of the old Afrikander stock, but an immigrant from Germany, one of the many that came from the Rhine country in the ighter sth century and merged readily in the Dutch population, to which in language and race they were closely related. When the Boers of Che eastern parts of the colony, rendered desper ate by the decision of the British Government that the Katirs who had murdered their neigh hors, stolen their cattle, and burned their home studs were in the right. aggrieved too by the tolicy of the colonial Government to uproot the Dutch language and laws, determined to abandor their homes and their fixed property and to go Turint the wilderness to seek a promised land where the English scepter could not reach, the Krugers were as ready as the old Cape facilies to leave their roof tree and encounter the dan gers of the gat trek. Paul Kruger was only boy of twelve, but so strong and bold that wher a leopard seized his little sister he rested her and killed the beast with his knife. They we with one of the commandos, all neighbors ar relative that trekked all the way

The Veal, up the valley of the tale The Thea kegisterg, and from their last sent the wisest farmers mont and they and it fair the Natal, trule the pro-941

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