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and advise iridectomy. Suspending my judgment, I ascertained the shape and depth of the excavation, and found to my surprise that the excavation from the deepest part of the optic disk to its margin was greater in the good eye than in the bad, namely, 0.91 mm. in the former, and 0.63 mm. in the latter. The shape of the excavation differed in the two eyes: in the good, the walls of the disk slanted down gradually; in the other, abruptly. The excavation in the good eye, therefore, was conical, as we see it in physiological conditions, or in atrophy of the nerve; in the bad eye it was cupped, as in glaucoma. The blood-vessels in the former were bent at the margin of the papilla; those of the latter partly bent and partly interrupted. The main trunks of the blood-vessels in both papillæ were crowded towards the nasal wall, but did not reach it, approaching, however, nearer to it in the bad than in the good eye. These conditions led me to the belief that chronic glaucoma probably existed in the bad eye, and a tendency towards chronic glaucoma also in the good. The incompleteness of the excavation, and the preservation of the field of vision, determined me to advise a further observation of the case.

termination of the anomalies of refraction. If the background of the eye be illuminated by the reflector of the ophthalmoscope, the illuminated portion of the background becomes a luminous body, sending forth rays of light in every direction. A portion of these rays find their way through the pupil and cornea into the air. The course they pursue depends on the location of the luminous part of the background, and the refractive powers of the crystalline lens and cornea. In emmetropic eyes, i.e., eyes of a normal refraction, the background emits rays which leave the cornea as parallel, provided that the eye examined makes no effort of accommodation. An emmetropic observer, intercepting these rays with relaxed accommodation, can bring them to a focus on his own retina; that is, he receives a distinct image of the background of the examined eye. If the patient is near-sighted, the rays emerge convergent from his cornea, and unite in a point at a finite distance before his eye. The situation of that point depends on the degree of his near-sightedness. The physician may intercept these rays by a concave glass, which renders them parallel and then brings them to a focus on his own retina. The problem is to find the proper glass. If we can place behind the oph-excavation should increase both in latitude and depth, thalmoscope a series of concave lenses, ascending suc- the diagnosis of glaucoma would be confirmed; othercessively from the weaker numbers to the stronger, wise a gradual atrophy, incapable of being arrested by looking constantly with relaxed accommodation, the an operation, must be assumed. image of the background, indistinct at first, will become clearer and clearer, until one auxiliary glass makes it perfectly distinct. The number of this glass, to which, of course, the distance of the glass from the eye has to be added, indicates the degree of myopia.

A similar procedure determines the degree of hyperopia. The background of hyperopic eyes, lying in front of the posterior principal focal plane, sends forth rays which emerge divergent from the cornea. Placing convex auxiliary glasses behind the ophthalmoscope, and advancing from the weaker to the stronger numbers, we determine the degree of hyperopia by the strongest positive glass that gives us a distinct image of the fundus. The distance of the glass from the eye, in this case, is to be deducted from its number. Thus we can determine the state of refraction of any eye. I mention again, that both the physician and the patient must keep their accommodation relaxed during the examination. The physician will learn to do this by imagining that the ophthalmoscopic image is far away, and the patient will relax his accommodation by gazing vaguely at a distant object, or staring into vacancy. If the physician himself is near-sighted or hyperopic, he must take the error of refraction of his own eyes into account, or place behind the mirror another glass, which renders his refraction normal.

If the

Some among you may, perhaps, think that this whole statement betrays pedantry in diagnosis and pusillanimity in therapeutics. What harm is done, it may be said, by the excision of a piece of the iris? Little, in the majority of cases. But suppose the experiment, whether iridectomy is useful or not, had to be tried on your own eye: would not you like your oculistic adviser to note down the depth of the excavation, and measure it again four or six weeks hence?

Besides depressions, there are elevations in the interior of the eye, caused by exudations, tumors, protrusions of the coats, etc., the measurement of which may be of great diagnostic and prognostic value. How many cases of cerebral disease show a swelling of the optic disk and its vicinity. To determine the height of such a swelling, and to follow its increase or decrease, is not only of the greatest importance for our judgment on the preservation of sight, but on the nature and course of the intracranial affection. The method of ascertaining the relief of the background of the eye is only a repetition of the determination of the state of refraction. The optical constants of different eyes varying but little, we may consider them as known quantities, and determine the location of any point of a physiological or pathological part, with reference to the posterior principal focal plane of the eye. As in hyperopia the retina lies in front of that plane, in myopia behind it, elevations on the background of a normal eye will be determined with convex auxiliary lenses, depressions Last week a patient 56 years of age was sent to me with concave ones. It is easy to understand that the by a prominent oculist of this city, who wished to higher the degrees of hyperopia or myopia, which corhave my opinion on the rather critical case of the respond to certain elevations or depressions, the farther gentleman. The sight in one eye was perfect, but only from the posterior principal focal plane are the points of the normal standard in the other. There were to which such degrees of hyperopia or myopia relate. no symptoms of cerebral disease, none of external ab- Their location can be calculated, and furnishes the basis normity in the eye itself. Both globes had apparently for the determination of the relief of the fundus oculi. normal tension, and the pupils responded quickly to Suppose the crest of a choked optic papilla shows hylight. The field of vision was complete in either eye. peropia its base emmetropia; then we know that The decline of visual acuteness in the one eye had been rays which fall upon the cornea with a convergence of gradual for some months. With the ophthalmoscopen", are united on the crest of the tumor. n" and the I found incomplete excavation of both optic disks, in distance of the crest of the choked disk from the its appearance unmistakably glaucomatous. The com- second principal plane of the eye, which distance may pleteness of the visual field in both eyes, especially in be called a, form two conjugate focal lengths, of which the bad one, was the only feature that made me hesi-n is known by ophthalmoscopic investigation, and ☛ tate to declare the disease simple, i.e. chronic glaucoma, can be determined by calculation, according to the

The second object of ophthalmoscopic optometry is the determination of elevations and depressions in the background of the eye.

= 1. fi

= n, and is positive placed before the American Ophthalmological Society at Newport, last July, and which I beg leave here to demonstrate.

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n F2 n-F

F1 Fa general formula- + fi fa in myopic, negative in hyperopic eyes. fa=F. and F, denote the first and second principal focal lengths of the eye: F1 = 15 mm., F, = 20 mm. If a is F2, the point in question is situate in front of the posterior principal focal plane; if > F2, the point lies behind it. For the sake of convenience of calculation, the formula above mentioned may be somewhat altered, as Helmholtz has shown in his Physiologische Optic, p. 49. n - F. means the distance of the anterior conjugate focus from the anterior principal focus. 2 F2, which we may call 72, means the distance of the posterior conjugate focus from the posterior principal focus. If we deduct F, from both sides of

the above equation, viz.: x- - Fa =

n Fa n-Fi

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F., and

F. F n-F

la means the distance of the point under examination from the posterior principal focal plane. This point. lies in front of the posterior principal focal plane when la is negative, but behind it when it is positive.

I have calculated a table showing 12 corresponding to the different degrees of H or M, as ascertained with the ophthalmoscope, and shall publish it in the second number of the third volume of the Archives of Ophthalmology and Otology.

If we have determined the distances of the basis and apex of a diseased part from the posterior principal focal plane, we can, by addition or subtraction, easily find their distance from each other. In this manner the height of elevations and the depth of depressions can be measured.

This method of determining the relief of the background of the eye was first described by myself at the Congrès International d'Ophthalmologie de Paris in Aug. 1867, and published in the Transactions of that society, page 165, etc., "Sur la mensuration ophthalmoscopique des élévations du fond de l'œil."

A year later Mauthner described it in his exhaustive treatise on Ophthalmoscopy, Vienna, 1868, and after him, Dr. E. G. Loring, in an excellent paper on the Determination of the Optical Condition of the Eye by the Ophthalmoscope; with a new Modification of the Instrument for that Purpose. Am. Journ. Med. Sciences, 1870, p. 323, etc.

From the foregoing remarks, it is clear that we must have an ophthalmoscope at our command that admits of a complete series of auxiliary lenses to be placed behind it. Liebreich added five lenses to his mirror, and placed them in a fork-like holder.

More than ten years ago I had a small trial-case made for the purpose of determining the refraction of the eye with the ophthalmoscope. Dr. H. D. Noyes enlarged the holder for the auxiliary lenses, fitting it to the glasses of the large trial-cases of spectacles.

Rekoss, of Koenigsberg, placed behind the mirror a rotating disk containing a small number of correcting lenses. E. G. Loring availed himself of this contrivance in an excellent manner. He inserted 23 lenses in three disks, which could separately be placed behind the mirror. This was a great improvement on the former instruments. Yet the frequent change of the disks was found laborious.

H. Cohn, of Breslau, put the same number of glasses into one disk, but his instrument appears inconvenient on account of its size, the disk having a diameter of three inches.

I then had the ophtha'mcscope made which I

It consists of the ordinary mirror, having a central perforation of 3 to 4 millimetres in diameter. (See Fig. 1.)

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[merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small]

posterior surface of the instrument, with two objective lenses.

Through the small openings in the cover, above and below the central perforation, the number of the auxiliary lenses is read. The posterior plate can be removed whenever it is necessary to cleanse the glasses, which may be about once a month.

To use the instrument conveniently, I have arranged a table which shows the most suitable combinations, representing, in near approximation, the numbers of spectacles contained in our ordinary trial-cases. Furthermore, I have calculated the shortening and elongation of the optical axis corresponding to each convex and concave glass. A third table refers to aphakial eyes, i.c., eyes in which the crystalline lens is absent. These tables will be sold with the instrument, and may be hung up in the ophthalmoscope room for reference whenever we want to determine the location of any object in the background of the eye. The measurement of the height of an elevation or the depth of a depression requires no more than the ophthalmoscopic determination of the location of the two remotest points of the morbid parts, and the addition or subtraction of their corresponding values as found in

the table.

Since I exhibited this instrument at Newport, Dr. Loring has devised a very elegant modification of his previous instrument. He has inserted into one disk ali the numbers that were formerly contained in the three disks. The disk of his new instrument has two rows of glasses, each of which, by shifting the disk up and down, can be conveniently placed behind the aperture

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ordered the instrument, but have not yet received it. If the drawing represents it in its natural size, the hole in the mirror has a diameter of 1.5 mm. only, and each of the lenses has a diameter of 2.5 mm. These dimensions are surprisingly small. To test the availability of this and similar instruments, I have tried to determine, by experiment, how far the size of the opening in the mirror can be reduced. I had a series of mirrors made, in which the diameter of the opening varied between 1 and 5 millimetres. The results of these experiments, thus far, have been as follows: The greatest brilliancy--intensity of illumination-of the ophthalmoscopic image is obtained by an opening in the mirror of 3 to 3 millimetres. If we further reduce the opening, the image becomes proportionately darker.

Openings larger than 4 millimetres in diameter render the image likewise darker, by the fact that they cast a shadow in the centre of the ophthalmoscopic field of vision.

The small openings have still another disadvantage: they act as diaphragms, cutting off the peripheral rays, and thus do not readily indicate whether the adjustment of the ophthalmoscope by means of the auxiliary lenses is accurate or not. As the correctness of the observation depends on the nicety of this adjustment, ophthalmoscopes with small apertures in the reflector are of little service for optometric purposes. They are bad instruments altogether, because they throw a great amount of light into the patient's eye, but intercept so many of the returning rays that the physician obtains a dark image. If there were no

limits in the smallness of the opening in the mirror, the problem to add the necessary number of auxiliary lenses would be simple. Thinking that an opening with a diameter of 3.75 millimetres was the most appropriate, I distributed the auxiliary lenses to two disks, and by making the edges of the disks overlap each other behind the aperture in the mirror, obtained a series of lenses as extensive as pathological or physiological research seems ever to require. The instrument, with regard to brilliancy of the image and accuracy of optometric determinations, is, it seems to me, equal to the best ophthalmoscopes; whereas with regard to completeness and cleanliness, it may, perhaps, have some advantages of its own.

Mr. President and gentlemen: I have ventured to appear before you with a specially ophthalmological subject. If I have not succeeded in engaging your interest for it. I have to accuse myself alone, for the subject would have been worthy of an abler advocate. It is certainly a triumph of medicine to possess the means of detecting, without asking the patient one question, in an anomalous refraction of the eye, the cause of his inability for work, and almost constant headache; and in detecting the cause, we have at the same time found the remedy which cures him from weakness and pain. Furthermore, it is gratifying enough to gaze through the ophthalmoscope on the varied and brilliant pictures of the interior of the eye, and to study them both for their own sake and their connection with general diseases. When, moreover, in the advancement of science, we look no longer on these changes as mere flat pictures, but measure their height and depth to a small fraction of a millimetre, on a field in which, only two decades ago, their reigned impenetrable darkness, then we have passed the lower forms of the qualitative analysis, and arrived at the quantitative. And so, as this field has been gloriously conquered, the whole vast expanse of medicine will, in the long lapse of ages, be cultivated and raised to the dignity of exact science. But since it has to be conquered step by step, I thought it might not be asking too much of a general medical society to lend at times an indulgent ear to the specialist, the small freeholder who ploughs but one acre.

Progress of Medical Science.

THE OLEATES OF MERCURY.-These new mercurial preparations, which are being used so extensively and with such success, were first introduced to the profession by Mr. John Marshall.

In a practical and extremely valuable paper on this subject, he says that the oleates are cleanly and economical, and have a much greater diffusibility or penetrating power than the old mercurial ointments, for they are absorbed by the skin with remarkable facility, and manifest the remedial effects with great promptitude. They are not to be rubbed in, like ordinary liniments, but should be merely applied with a brush, or be spread lightly over the part with one finger, otherwise they may cause unnecessary irritations. This result, however, may be obviated by the addition of a small quantity of olive oil or purified lard, according as an oleaginous or an unctuous preparation is required. In his experience, however, the addition of morphia was a great advantage, but it was necessary to use the simple alkaloid, as neither the hydrochlorate, the acetate, nor the meconate are soluble in oleic acid. For every drachm of the solution of oleate of mercury in oleic acid, one grain of morphia is to be added. As a rule, from ten to


thirty drops are sufficient for one application. This should be repeated twice daily for four or five days, then at night only for four or five days, and afterwards every other day until a cure is obtained. Unless used in excessive quantities, the oleate does not salivate or produce any marked constitutional disorder. regard to the applicability and utility of the oleates Mr. Marshall says they seem to be specially designed for persistent or chronic inflammations, provided only that the seat of the disease be in or near to the skin. As to the preparation of this remedy, he adds: "The oleate must be prepared with the oxide precipitated by caustic potash or soda, from a solution of the metal in nitric acid recently made and well dried. The solution of mercury by oleic acid is assisted by a temperature of 300° Fahr. The 5 per cent. solution is a perfectly clear, pale yellow liquid, resembling olive oil, but thinner; the 10 per cent. solution is also fluid and perfectly clear, but as dark as linseed oil; whilst the 20 per cent. solution is an opaque, yellowish, unctuous substance, closely resembling in appearance resin ointment, melting very readily at the temperature of the body, and forming a kind of transparent, viscid, colorless varnish when applied to the skin. The chief care to be observed in the manufacture of these solutions is not to hurry the process, and not to employ a high temperature, or the mercury will be immediately reduced."

In cutaneous diseases the 5 per cent. solution, without morphia, is recommended. ` It has been found particularly serviceable in sycosis menti. In congenital syphilis a piece of the 20 per cent. ointment, about the size of a pea or a bean, may be placed in the child's axillæ night and morning for five or six days, and without any sign of uncleanliness, produces constitutional effects. As a topical remedy for certain local manifestations of syphilis, such as the non-ulcerating forms on the head, face, and neck, the 10 per cent. solution is a valuable adjunct to other treatment.

DIAGNOSIS OF EARLY PREGNANCY.—Among other valuable papers read at the recent meeting of the British Medical Association, was one by Dr. Rasch, in which he called attention to an important symptom of early pregnancy, which had never before been mentioned by the leading obstetrical authorities.

After detailing the principal symptoms which are to be found in the text-books, Dr. Rasch said that no opinion should be expressed in any case unless the uterus had been made out beyond doubt by the bimanual examination. The vaginal examination should always be made by two fingers, unless circumstances forbade it, as by so doing results much more accurate could be obtained. An enlargement found, the distinction had to be made between enlargement by hypertrophy or by tumors, and enlargement by pregnancy. To solve this difficulty, the author has continued his investigation in a very large number of cases, of which he kept notes for nearly ten years, and enlarged experience has fully borne out what had helped him in making a few times a right diagnosis where better men had failed. This important symptom was fluctuation. That it must be felt very early seemed to him, a priori, certain. The best way to feel it was to introduce two fingers into the vagina, while the other hand steadied the womb through the abdominal walls, and alternately to manipulate the uterus with the two fingers. In some part of the uterus the fluctuation would be found often in one corner of the fundus, sometimes lower down. In most cases of early pregnancy the author found the uterus anteverted, and then the manipulation was more easily done than when the womb was retroverted. At first it

was usual for fluctuation to be felt only by the fingers in the vagina, sometimes, too, by the outer hand at the same time. After three months, it would be mostly felt by outward manipulation alone, but we should never trust to that only. The catheter should always be introduced when accurate results were desired.

ANTIDOTE TO PHENIC ACID. The poisonous effects of phenic acid are due to the acid itself, and not to the alterations to which it is subject.

Mr. Husemann has proved, by numerous experiments, that the alkalies and alkaline earths are true antidotes to this acid, while the fat oils, glycerine, etc., are entirely without effect.

In cases of poisoning, it is necessary to use these antidotes in large excess and in solution, the saccharate of lime being employed successfully. This is obtained. as is known, by dissolving 16 parts of sugar in 40 of distilled water, and adding 5 parts of caustic lime. Digest for three days, stirring from time to time, filter and evaporate to dryness. The product thus obtained constitutes the saccharate of lime; it dissolves easily in water. Journ. de Pharm. et de Chim., Sept. 1873. ACTION OF FRESH CHOLERA DISCHARGES UPON ANIMALS.-An interesting series of experiments with the discharges from cholera-patients was made during the latter part of July, of this year, by Andreas Högyes, of the University at Pesth, a report of which is published in the Centralblatt für die Med. Wissensc., No. 50. The points which it was sought to determine were, in brief, the following:

I. Do fresh cholera discharges operate injuriously upon the organism of lower animals, and under what manifestations?

II. Does an artificially excited catarrh of the stomach and bowels increase the susceptibility to the action of the cholera discharges?

III. Can a current of air bear away particles from the discharges, which are capable of affecting the organism injuriously, and what difference is there in this respect between non-disinfected and disinfected cholera discharges, simple diarrhoeal discharges, and putrifying fluids?

IV. Are cholera discharges freed from their form(living) elements still able to act upon animals?

V. What portions of the disinfected or non-disinfected discharges does the air-current bear away, and what is the further destiny of these form-elements when they fall upon a neutral medium or one adapted to their development? In what manner do these clements modify the action of this medium?

To decide the first and second questions, fresh cholera discharges were given to healthy dogs and to others, in which an artificial catarrh of the stomach and intestines had been excited by the administration of croton-oil, sulphate of copper, etc. Both dogs were made sick, with frequent vomiting and diarrhoea. But while the previously healthy animals recovered in three or four days, those in which a catarrh had been excited died the day following.

To determine the third question, rabbits were placed under a bell-glass and exposed to air which had become impregnated as desired, from either cholera discharges, disinfected or not disinfected, diarrhoeal discharges, or putrefying fluids. Two rabbits, in one of which a bronchial catarrh had been produced by inhalations of ammonia, were exposed for twenty-four hours to air from cholera discharges not disinfected.

On the third day following, violent purging set in, and both animals became soon cold and collapsed. The one in which a bronchial catarrh had been excited died first, and the other five hours later. A rabbit

exposed for twenty-four hours to air from disinfected cholera discharges remained well. Another, exposed for an equal length of time to atmosphere impregnated from simple diarrhoea-stools, escaped uninjured, while another, which remained for twenty-four hours in atmosphere contaminated from putrid fluids, though at at first made insensible, afterwards recovered without As to the fourth point, cholera discharges were injected into the jugular veins of dogs and guineapigs, the discharges in one case having first been freed from their form-clements by thorough filtration, and in the other not. The effect in both instances was the same.


made to pass through fresh cholera discharges, both To determine the final points, a current of air was disinfected with carbolic acid and not disinfected, and then conducted through two separate vessels, which contained, respectively, an indifferent fluid-medium, and one adapted to the support and development of any living forms which the current should bring to it. The two fluids used were distilled water and the fluid of Cohn. In a short time, in the fluids communicating with the undisinfected discharges, a considerable number of form-elements had accumulated, which proved to be, almost exclusively, the bacteria which are usually found in putrid animal fluids. In twelve hours Cohn's fluid had become clouded and milky; in twenty-four hours it was covered with a thick bluish-green fungous slime, and emitted a foul odor. The distilled water remained clear. Both these fluids, when injected into the veins of dogs and rabbits, caused the same symptoms as after injection of the cholera discharges themselves. This was also true of the fluid of Cohn, after its fungous elements had been quite removed by filtration, showing that these elements are, at least, not the only source of infection. Similar experiments with discharges which had been disinfected with carbolic acid, showed that the organisms which the air-current brought to Cohn's fluid were incapable of propagation. Upon injection of the distilled water and fluid of Cohn, after previous disinfection of the discharges by carbolic acid, only symptoms of carbolic-acid poisoning were manifested.

PROFESSOR ZEISSL ON THE TREATMENT OF SYPHILIS.-After some experimental treatment of syphilis in its various manifestations, Zeissl expresses the following conclusions:

"The preparations of iodine judiciously administered, with the appropriate regimen, are able to cause the disappearance of the first manifestations of syphilis, or, at least, to so modify the disease that it yields to a small number of mercurial inunctions, without a subsequent recurrence of relapses, that is, so that the syphilis may be regarded as definitively cured." He further observed that the initial appearances succumbed sooner to an early mercurial course than to the iodine treatment. While the later phenomena quickly disappeared under iodine, the initial indurations resisted longer. The affections of the mucous membranes, as papules upon the tongue, and in the whole region of the mouth and pharynx, yielded much earlier to the treatment with iodine, at the most necessitating occasionally a slight cauterization, while with mercurial treatment they persist for a longer time. Instead of the iodide of potassium, the following formula was employed, on account of its greater cheapness:

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