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Before election day read the law.

Secure a sample ballot before going to the polls.

Decide for whom you will vote before going into the booth. Obtain your ballot from one of the Clerks of Election.

You will be allowed only ten minutes in which to prepare your ballot.

Stamp the cross X after the name for which you vote.

The cross must be made only with the stamp in black ink. Any writing or other marking will invalidate your ballot. Fold your ballot before leaving the booth.

See that the water-mark and number are on the outside.

Deliver your ballot, folded, with the stamp, ink and ink-pad to the Inspector, and give your name.

Only one voter can occupy a booth at one time.

A voter physically disabled may have the assistance of another elector in preparing his ballot.

Inability to read or write will not be considered a physical disability.

Drunkenness is not physical disability.

NOTE—The above are respectfully suggested as some of the instructions to be printed in the card of instruction to voters. Sections 27, 28, 29 and 30 of Chap. 5, entitled "An Act relating to elections and removals from office," should be printed on each card.


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