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British Statistics.

Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years ending the 5th July, 1816, and 5th July, 1817; and also the Total Produce of the Customs and Excise.

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been seen at different periods; which those who did see them, were prevented from saying much about, by the fear ridicule for dealing in the marvellous. We already have some six or seven of these accounts. The following, being a copy of a letter from William Lee, esq. late consul of the United States at Bordeaux, and now accountant in the treasury department, to Dr. Mitchell, of New-York, is worthy of record, and may serve as a specimen of the rest.

WASHINGTON, September 2, 1817. "My dear sir-The description given in our newspapers of a sea-serpent, lately seen for several days, recollection one of this species. in and about Cape-Ann harbor, has brought to my

Thanks of Congress. Almost every body has heard of the sufferings and marvellous escape of our countryman, captain Riley, wrecked on the coast of Africa, seized by the Arabs,transported through the interior, and finally ransomed by Wm. Willshire, an English merchant, resident at Magadore. Captain Riley's book is one of the most interesting publications that has appeared for some years, and has added much to our stock of geographical knowledge. He prevailed upon his Arab master to carry him to Magadore, where he pretended he had a friend that would pay a large ransom for him. The condition was, that if he was not ransomed as expected, "On a passage I made from Quebec, in 1787, in his throat was to be cut immediately!-So a schooner of about 50 tons burthen, while standgreat were Riley's sufferings that he took this ing in for the Gut of Canso, the island of Cape Brerisk-he knew no person at Magadore; he ton being about four leagues distant, one of the trusted to accident, and happened to meet with crew cried out "a shoal ahead!" The helm was Willshire, an entire stranger, who even did astonishment, this shoal, as we thought it to be, instantly put down to tack ship, when to our great more for the Arab than had been promised, &c. moved off, and as it passed athwart the bow of our The "Federal Republican" proposes that the vessel, we discovered it to be an enormous sea-serthanks of Congress should be given to this good pent, four times, at least, as long as the schooner. Its Englishman, who has since rescued several back was of a dark green color, forming above the others of our countrymen from Arabian slave-water a number of little hillocks, resembling a We most heartily accord with this idea-much terrified, ran below until the monster was at chain of hogsheads. I was then but a lad, and being the thanks of Congress ought not to be lightly some distance from us. I did not see his head disgiven; but an act like this, of holy benevolence tinctly; but those who did, after I had hid myself and christian charity, claims a mark of the na in the cabin, said it was as large as the small boat tional gratitude. of the schooner. I recollect the tremendous ripple and noise he made in the water, as he went off from us, which I compared at that time to that occasioned by the launching of a ship.


Sea Serpents.

It being now an admitted fact-established) by the testimony of so many witnesses as to prevent controversy about it, that monstrous fishes, of the serpent kind, inhabit the sea, we have many accounts of such animals having

of your city,

"My venerable friend, Mr. was a passenger with me at the time. He will corwith a better description of this monster; for I well roborate this statement, and probably furnish you recollect his taking his stand at the bow of the vessel, with great courage, to examine it, while the

funds and

other passengers were intent only on their own and for some years Mr. Fulton was a member of safety. the family of Mr. Barlow. He projected a panorama, "At Halifax, and on my return to Boston, when which proved successful and beneficial, and made frequently describing this monster, I was laughed some experiments upon the explosion of gunpowder at so immoderately that I found it necessary to re-under water. The French directory gave him hopes main silent on the subject, to escape the imputa- of patronizing these attempts, but at length withtion of using a traveller's privilege of dealing in the drew their support. He offered the project to the marvellous." Dutch government, but it was declined. It was That a serpent encountered the army under then offered to Bonaparte, who had become first Regulus, in Africa, in the first Punic war, is consul, and he appointed a commissioner with a well established historical fact. He was at powers to give the required assistance. length killed; and the skin, 120 feet long, with he formed an intimate acquaintance with Chancellor While, in France, and probably about this period, the jaw-bone of the monster, sent to Rome. Livingston, and at that period those gentlemen laThat serpent probably came from the sea, be- bored conjointly in their attempts to introduce ing first discovered on the banks of the river steam navigation, which was afterwards attended Bagrada. We also frequently hear of the Ana-with such brilliant success. la 1801, he made conda of the East-Indies, from 30 to 50 feet for a sub-marine warfare, with a degree of success several experiments with a plunging boat, designed long; which, we are told, attacks and kills, which seems to have been satisfactory to himself with entire ease, and devours, at once, the The following very flattering account was given by largest tygers of that country, the fiercest and St. Austin, a member of the tribunal. most formidable of quadrupeds. The sea-serpent still keeps on the eastern is now employed, will be capacious enough to concoast of the United States, feeding on herrings tain eight men, and provision enough for twenty and other small fish. He has been seen lying to enable him to plunge 100 feet under water if days, and will be of sufficient strength and power on the surface of the water, coiled up and ap-necessary. He has contrived a reservoir of air, parently reposing. which will enable eight men to remain under water eight hours. When the boat is above water it has two sails, and looks just like a common boat; when she is to dive, the mast and sails are struck.

The diving boat in the construction of which he

In making his experiments, Mr. Fulton not only remained a whole hour under water with 3 of his companions, but had the boat parallel to the horizon at any given distance. He proved that the compass points as correctly under water as on the surface, and that while under the water, the boat made way at the rate of half a league an hour, by means con trived for that purpose.

The late Robert Fulton. From a review of "Colden's life of Fulton," published in the New York Monthly Magazine, the follow ing interesting extracts are made. Robert Fulton was born of Irish parents, in Little Britain, in the county of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1765. His family is said to have been respecta ble, but not rich. Mr. Colden says that his peculiar genius manifested itself at an early age, and that his leisure hours in childhood were spent in mecha- If we may judge of the future from the past, it nics' shops or devoted to the pencil. This latter would seem necessary for the success of these pro. employment seems at that time to have possessed jects, to obtain the consent of those who are to be the greatest attractions, for from the age of seven-decomposed" which has not yet been done. Mr. teen to twenty one, he painted portraits and land-Fulton was therefore never able to demolish an Enga scapes, at Philadelphia, for profit. He then pur-ish ship, although he watched long and anxiously chased, with his little earnings, a little farm in such as approached the French coast, for that purPennsylvania, upon which he established his mo- pose. The rulers of France being at length dis ther. We rejoice to record this circumstance, as couraged and Mr. Fulton thinking that the all-imwe can scarcely conceive one more honorable to the portant object was to blow up ships, and so that character of a young man. It proves early indus. was effected, it was no great matter to what power try, frugality, and great strength of filial affection. they might happen to belong, turned his eyes for In the same year he went to England to improve patronage to the English government-or they himself in his profession, as a painter, under the pa. turned their eyes to him. Mr. Colden seems very tronage of Mr. West. He was for some years an properly aware that this conduct of his friend might inmate in the family of that gentleman. After leav.make an unpleasant impression on the minds of ing it, he removed to Devonshire, and remained in those who were not like his biographer, acquainted that place, and in other parts of England, for some with the elevation and philanthropy of his views, years longer-it does not clearly appear how many and seeks to justify him by the following defence. and then went to France. During the latter It must be recollected, that Mr. Fulton's en part of his stay in England he seemed to have thusiastic notions of the advantages of an universal relinquished his profession, and to have busied him-free trade and liberty of the seas, had led to the self about several projects relating chiefly to canal inventions which he was then endeavoring to emnavigation. In 1793, he addressed (we presume ploy, and which as he supposed, would annihilate from France) some general speculations on French naval armaments, the great support in his estimapolitics, to lord Stanhope, who appears to have tion of what he ealis the war system of Europe. been his intimate friend-but tho' designed for the He was persuaded, that if this system could be public they attracted little of the public attention, broken up, all nations would direct their energies his biographer does not even know whether they to education, the sciences and a free exchange of were ever, in fact published or not. In 1797, he their natural advantages. He was convinced, that took lodging at an hotel in Paris, with Mr. Joel if on the contrary, the Europeans continued to Barlow, with whom he formed so strong a friend-cherish this war system, and to support and augship, that when Mr. B soon after removed to his ment their great naval armaments, his own counown hotel, he invited Mr. F. to reside with him try would be driven to the necessity of protecting

Mr. Colden here fairly states

herself by similar establishments, which as he out effect-a circumstance which Mr. Fulton atthought would be inimical to her republican in-tributed to a slight, and easily rectified mistake. stitutions, and destructive of her happiness. With. To evince the correctness of his opinion, in Octo out reference, therefore, to the merits of the then ber, 1805, he did blow up with complete success a existing contest, the grounds which of were con- brig provided for the purpose. Still, however, the antly changing, without feeling a partiality or enmi. British ministry were incredulous, and Mr. Fulty to either of the belligerents, he was desirous of ton, wearied with incessant applications, disappointengaging one the nations at war, to give him an op-ments and neglect, at length embarked for this portunity of trying the efficacy of his inventions. country.” It would be doing injustice to the memory of If they were proved to answer his expectations, he was indifferent as to the temporary advantages it night give either over the other. He believed that Fulton, as well as that of another ingenious native te result would be the permanent happiness of all, American, not to notice, before we leave this suband that in the general good, his own country would ject, that Mr. Fulton did not pretend to have been largely participate. He considered himself as in the first who discovered that gunpowder might troducing a new military science, which he wished be exploded with effect under water; nor did he to prove, and which he had a desire to perfect pretend to have been the first who attempted to himself. for the benefit of his country and of man- apply it as the means of hostilily. He knew well kind. His sentiments on this subject were not novel, what had been done by Bushnel in our revolutionary He frequently spoke of the genius of this nor without the sanction of the nations which they war. most immediately concerned. Neither France nor American with great respect, and expressed a conEngland has hesitated to encourage their citizens viction that his attempts against the enemy would with a view to their improvement in military have been more successful if he had had the advanscience, to serve in the armies and navies of foreign tages which he himself derived from the improvements of nearly forty years in mechanics and mestates at war, when they have been neutral. chanical philosophy.

"Whatever" says Mr, C. "may be the just force We cannot but think, that it is a very exaggerated of this reasoning, it swayed the mind of Mr. Fulton to honest conviction." It is doubtful whether estimate of the efficiency of Mr. Fulton's contriit will produce a similar effect on any other mind. vanoes which induces Mr. Colden to suppose, that From the following passage we infer, that the the "British ministry never truly intended to give negociations between Mr. Fulton and the English Mr. Fulton a fair opportunity of trying the effects ministry were clandestine, and were carried on at ofhis engines." a time when he resided in France, and was ostensibly attached to her interests:

The object may have been to prevent their being placed in the hands of an enemy and if that was It has been mentioned, that the earl of Stanhope accomplished, it was the interest of England, as had taken great pains to inform himself as to Mr long as she was ambitious of maintaining the proud Fulton's proceedings in France. This nobleman's title of mistress of the seas, to make the world mathematical and mechanical mind, perceived what believe that Mr. Fulton's projects were chimerical. Consequence might result from the application of Nothing could be more likely to produce this efMr. Fulton's inventions. The information be obfect, than abortive attempts to apply them. This tained was communicated to the British cabinet, would prevent other nations from making similar It was determined by the experiments and discourage the inventor. In June the British ministry appointed a comand excited alarm. British ministry, if possible to withdraw Mr. Fulton from France. Lord Sidmouth who was then one of mission to examine Mr. Fulton's projects. The the ministers, contrived to have a communication commissioners were sir Jos. Banks, Mr. Cavendish, with Mr. Fulton, while he was in Paris, and ob sir Home Popham, and major Congreve, and Mr. tained his consent to meet an agent of the British John Rennie. Many weeks passed before Mr. Fulgovernment in Holland. In October 1803, Mr. Fulton could prevail on them to do any thing, and ton went from Paris to Amsterdam for this purpose. finally when they met they reported against the But the agent with whom he was to confer did not sub-marine boat as being impracticable. In a letarrive; and after being in Amsterdam three months ter to the ministry, Mr. Fulton complains that this report was made without his having been called he returned to Paris. upon for any explanations, and although the gentlemen who made it had before them no account of what had been done. Indeed, in the first interview which Mr. Fulton had with Mr. Pitt and lord Melvile, the latter condemned the Nautillus without a moment's consideration.

We cannot resist the impression that some light is thrown upon Mr. Fulton's conduct by the evidence adduced for another purpose by Mr. Colden from lord Stanhope, his early friend and correspondent. In a speech on American affairs made by lord Stanhope in the house of lords, soon after these If these engines were in truth, terrible as the experiments were made, he is reported in a English newspaper, to have said "it was not perhaps, suf- bioprapher imagines, it would not be strange that ficiently known that at that very moment exertions the British ministry should choose to preserve the were making in America to carry into effect a plan navy by almost any means, from entire demolition; for the disclosure of which an individual had, a few and they might oppose the introduction of a mode years before, demanded of the British government of warfare, which though in the first instance it Afteen thousand dollars, but had been refused. He was exerted against their enemies would infallibly alluded to a plan, he said for the invisible destruc- re-act against themselves with greater effect in tion of shipping, and particularly of men of war. [proportion to the superiority of their naval force. That the inventor of this scheme was then in Ame-But no such motives can be ascribed to the French rica, and it was ascertained that it would not, on republican government, and they rejected it-no an average, cost 20 pounds to destroy any ship what-such suspicion can be against Bonaparte, and after a full trial he relinquished it; or against the Dutch While he was laboring for his new employers government, and they declined it; no such policy some of his torpedoes were thrown from British is to be attributed to our administration, and still Boats upon Freach vessels, but they exploded with- we are told by Mr. Colden, (p. 297,) "Mr. Fulton's


plan for sub marine warfare met with no counten-entitled to praise enough to fully satisfy the ambi. ance from the government. He had not been able tion and affection of his friends. The increased to inspire the executive officers with any confidence facility of intercourse in many parts of the world, in them." We presume also that commodore Rod- and especially on this continent, is such that twen-. gers is not to be accused of connivance in a similar ty years ago it would have required a bold imagi design. nation to conceive. Can any man doubt that Mr, Besides, Mr. Golden should have weighed the Fulton has been mainly instrumental in accelerating? matter well before he made a charge which ne- if he did not exclusively produce this state of things cessarily implies that all the experiments made by The whole progress of the arts shows that the first such men as Mr. Cavendish, sir Home Popham, discovery of a principle is usually very remote from major Congreve and Mr. Rennie, (the commission- the perfection of the practice. This is strongly exers appointed by the British ministry) were intend-emplified by some facts stated by Mr. Fulton him. ed to be deceptive, and that their report was self. In 1320 gunpowder was discovered: 150 years meanly fraudulent and false.

Mr. Colden has so far suffered his imagination to predominate over his better judgment upon this subject, that he seems really to have supposed that during the late war it was a main object with the British navy to ascertain the part of the coast where Mr. Fulton might reside, and to avoid it as the particularly fulminating point of this terrific submerged thunder.

after that period iron balls were first used; muskets were unknown until 200 years from the same time; and in these the cumbrous match lock did not give place to the fire-locks till the beginning of the 17th century, that is 280 years after the first knowledge of gunpowder.

"In the year sixteen hundred and sixty-three, the marquis of Worcester discovered the expansive power of steam. 33 years afterwards, captain Savory Mr. Fulton arrived in New-York in December took out a patent for a steam-engine, to pump the *1806, and immediately renewed the pursuit of the mines of Cornwall. In seventeen hundred and five, objects upon which he had recently been engaged Mr. Newcomen thought of a piston to the cylende; in Europe, that is, sub-marine war and steam na- but he worked at it nine years before it was suffi. vigation He was encouraged by the American go-ciently improved to give it a fair prospect of atility; vernment, and in the summer of 1807, made several Fifty two years after Mr. Newcomen's discovery, experiments, and one of them upon a large hulk Mr. Watt thought of another improvement, which brig, (an unresisting subject,) was completely suc-was the separate condenser. Thus it was a hundred cessful. The narrowness of our limits-the neces-years from the time of the marquis of Worcester, sary length of this article-and the notoriety of till Mr. Watt's discovery gave the steam-engine, in these attempts, which were made in the vicinity of any degree, its present perfection; and rendered it this city, render it unnecessary for us to detail them so simple, familiar, and useful, as to be adapted to with minuteness. In March, 1810, congress passed the many important purposes to which it is now an act making an appropriation for trying the use applied.

of torpedoes and sub-marine explosions. Commis- Another striking illustration to the same effect, sioners were appointed to observe the success of and which may serve to exemplify the nature as the experiments of which the sloop of war Argus, well as to manifest the degree of Mr. Fulton's benecommanded by captain Lawrence, was to be the factions to the public, is to be found in the gradual subject. These commissioners differed consider-improvements effected in his steam boats since their ably in their reports of the result to the govern-establishment. We believe that the average pasment.-Chancellor Livingston, with whom, as we sage of the first boat between Albany and this city before mentioned, Mr. Fulton had formed a very fell little short of thirty six hours, and in some of intimate acquaintance and connexion in France, the present boats it does not exceed twenty-one which subsisted during their joint lives, was rather hours.

favorably impressed. General Lewis ("whose long Mr. Fulton's attention was strongly attracted, dumilitary services, and experience," Mr. Colden ring several parts of his life, to the subject of im thinks, ("render his judgment on this subject de- proving internal navigation by means of canals, and serving of the highest consideration:") was very in particular, he entered with his characteristic ensanguine of their ultimate success; and such, also, thusiasm, into the magnificient project which our was the opinion of the biographer, then one of the legislature is now attempting to realize. In 1811, commissioners. he was appointed one of the commissioners upon the

Commodore Rodgers also made a report, which subject, but he did not sanction the report which in contained a journal of the daily proceeedings of the subsequent year was returned to the legislature. Mr. Fulton and the committee, and very minute It is not claimed by the biographer either by this descriptions of the machines and experiments.-scheme in particular, or generally this branch of in His opinion was entirely against Mr Fulton's sys-provement, has received any eminent benefit from tem, and he concludes, that every part of it would the genius or industry of Mr. Fulton. be found totally impracticable. In February eighteen hundred and fourteen, he

A great portion of the work is occupied by a addressed a letter to Governeur Morris, esq. presistatement of Mr Fulton's merits and those of his dent of the board of commissioners, in which he chief friend and associate Chancellor Livingston, in shows what would be the advantages of the proposrelation to steam navigation. The information pre-ed canal, and exhibits very interesting and curious valent on the subject-the legal discussions which calculations of the comparative expence of transhave already been had, and which may hereafter portation upon land, and upon rivers, and upon caarise in relation to it-and to speak honestly, a lit nals.

tle distrust of our own judgment, induce us to re- The same year Mr. Fulton with the other comfrain from a minute examination of the claims which|missioners, made another report to the legislature; are advanced in favor of those gentlemen. It is but this is the last service he rendered this magnificent fair, however, to remark, that even if it be admitted project.

that Mr. Fulton has done no more than to reduce We presume that our readers will readily excuse to successful practice previously existing theories our omission of any account of Mr. Fulton's welf upon a subject of such paramount importance, he is known and very extensive experiments in relation

to enable the people of the western part of the Mississippi Territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states;" in order to secure to the citizens thereof the rights of life, liberty and property; do ordain and establish the following CON STITUTION and form of government, and do mutually agree with each other to form ourselves into a free and independent state, by the name of the State of Mississippi.

to the various modes which he devised for subma-, rine attack, and for transfering a large portion of naval warfare beneath the surface of the ocean, We are told by Mr. Colden that the steam frigate, that imposing if not effective engine of war, owes its origin to these experiments, although it is not apparently connected with them. The untimely death of Mr. Fulton; the cessation of the war; and the imperfections inseparable from the infancy of all improvements, may have prevented the full develope-equal in rights; and that no man or set of men, are entitled to ex

inent of the powers which, perhaps, this invention is hereafter destined to display.

The occasion and manner of Mr. Fulton's death s thus related.

In January, eighteen hundred and fifteen, Mr. John Livingston, who owned the steam boat which plyed between New York and New-Jersey, but which was stopped by the operation of the Jersey laws, petitioned the legislature of that state for their repeal. After hearing witnesses and counsel for several days, the laws were rescinded. It was upon this occasion Mr. Fulton was examined as a witness as we have before stated.—The weather, while he was at Trenton, where he was much exposed in attending the hall of the legislature, was uncommonly cold. When he was crossing the Hudson to return to his house and family, the river was very full of jce, which occasioned his being several hours on the water in very severe day. Mr Fulton had not a constitution to encounter such exposure, and upon his return found himself much indisposed from the ef fects of it. He had at that time great anxiety about the steam-frigate, and, after confining himself for a few days, when he was convalescent, he went to give his superintendence to the artificers employed about her; he forgot his debilitated state of health in the interest he took in what was doing on the frigate, and was along time, in a bad day, exposed to the weather on her decks. He soon found the effects of this imprudence. His indisposition returned upon him with such violence as to confine him to his bed; his disorder increased, and on the twenty-fourth day or February, eighteen hundred and fifteen, terminated his valuable life.

As soon as the legislature, which was then in session at Albany, heard of the death of Mr. Ful.on, they expressed their participation in the general sentiment, by resolving that the members of both houses should wear mourning for some weeks.


That the general, great and essential principles of liberty and free government, may be recognized and established, We Declare; Sec. 1. That all Freemen when they form a social compact are

clusive, separate public emoluments or privileges, from the community but in consideration of public services.

Sec. 2. That all political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their benefit; and therefore they have at all times an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, or abolish their form of government, in such manner as they may think expedient.

Sec. 3. The exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination, shall forever be free to all persons in this state: provided, that the right hereby declared and established shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness, or jas. tify practices, inconsistent with the peace and safety of this State. Sec. 4. No preference shall ever be given by law to any religious sect, or mode of worship.

Sec. 5. That no person shall be molested for his opinions on any subject whatever, nor suffer any civil or political incapacity, or ac quire any civil or political advantage, in consequence of such opinions except in cases provided for in this Constitution. Sec. 6. Every citizen mav freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty.

Sec. 7. No law shall ever be passed to curtail or restrain the liberty of speech or of the press.

Sec. 8. In all prosecutions or indictments for libels, the truth may be given in evidence, and the jury shall have the right to deter mine the law and the facts under the direction of the Court.

Sec. 9. That the people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions, from reasonable seizures or searches; and that no warrant to search any place, or to seize any person or things. shall issue without describing them, as nearly as may be, nor without probable cause supported by oath, or affirmation. Sec. 10. That in all criminal prosecutions, the accused hath a right to be heard by himself and counsel, and to demand the nature and the cause of the accusation, to be confronted by the witnesses against him, to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favour; and in all prosecutions by indictment or information, a speedy public trial by an impartial jury of the County; that be can not be compelled to give evidence against himself nor can he be de prived of his life, liberty or property, but by due course of law. Sec. 11. No person shall be accused, arrested or detained, ex cept in cases ascertained by law, and according to the forms which the same has prescribed; and no person shall be punished but in vir tue of a law established and promulgated prior to the offence, and legally applied.

Sec. 12. That no person shall for any indictable offence, be proceeded against criminally by information except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or the militia when in actual service, or by leave of the court, for misdemeanor in office.

Sec. 13. No person shall for the same offence be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall any person's property be taken or applied to public use, without the consent of his representatives, and without just compensation being made therefor.

Sec. 14. That all courts shall be open, and every person, for an injury done him in his lands. goods, person or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and right and justice administered without sale, denial or delay.

Sec. 15 That no power of suspending laws shall be exercised, except by the Legislature, or its authority.

Sec. 16. That excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel punishments inflicted.

It will appear from the above slight sketch of the life of this valuable citizen, that the three great sub. jects of his attention and efforts, were the improvement in the art of making canals, sub-marine warfare, and steam navigation. In relation to the first, we are not aware that he has effected much; in the second, he has displayed great talent and wonderful industry, the effects and utility of which time is Sec. 18. That the person of a debtor where there is not strong hereafter to develope; and in the third he has done presumption of fraud, shall not be detained in prison, after deliver what should make his country proud, and the worlding up his estate for the benefit of his creditors, in such manner as grateful.

Sec. 17. That all prisoners shall, before conviction, be bailable by sufficient securities, except for capital offences, when the proof is evident or the presumption great; and the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless, when in case of re bellion or invasion, the public safety may require it.

shall be prescribed by law.

Sec. 19. That no ex post facto law, nor law impairing the obli gation of a contract shall be made.

Sec, 20. That no person shall be attainted of treason or felony

Constitution-State of Mississippi. by the Legislature.

We, the Representatives of the people, inhabiting the western part of the Mississippi territory contained within the following limts, to wit: Beginning on the river Mississippi at the point where the southern boundary hie of the state of Tennessee strikes the same; thence east along the said boundary line to the Tennessee river; thence up the same to the mouth of Bear creek; thence by a direct Jine to the northwest corner of the county of Washington; thence due south to the Gulf of Mexico; thence westwardly, including all islands within six leagues of the shore, to the most eastern junction. of Pearl river with lake Borgne; thence up the said river to the thirty-first degree of north latitude; thence west along the said degree of latitude to the Mississippi river; thence up the same to the beginning: a sembled in convention at the town of Washington, on Monday the seventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, in pursuance of an act of congress catitled "An act to

Sec. 21. That the estates of suicides shall descend or vest as in cases of natural death; and if any person shall be killed by casualty, there shall be no forfeiture by reason thereof,

Sec. 22. That the citizens have a right in a peaceable manner, to assemble together for their common good, and to apply to those invested with the powers of governmeut, for redress of grievances, or other proper purposes, by petition, address or remonstrance. Sec. 23. Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defence of himself and the State.

See. 24. No standing army shall be kept up without the consent of the Legislature, and the military shall in all cases, and at all times be in strict subordination to the civil power.

Sec. 25. That no soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

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