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On the day appointed for the celebration of dedication, the Grand Master and his officers, accompanied by the members of the Grand Lodge, meet in a convenient room adjoining to the place in which the ceremony is to be performed; and the Grand Lodge is opened in anıple form, in all the degrees of Masonry. The order of procession is read by the Grand Secretary, and committed to the Grand Marshal; and the necessary directions are given to the brethren from the chair. The lodge is then adjourned, and the procession formed, and moves forward till they reach the chair of the Master. The officers of the lodge are then proclaimed, in order. Solemn music is introduced, and continues while the procession moves three times round the hall. The lodge is then placed in the centre, on a crimson velvet couch; and the Grand Master having taken the chair, under a Masonic canopy, the grand officers, and the Masters and Wardens of lodges, repair to the places previously arranged for their reception. The three lights, with the gold and silver vases, with the corn, wine and oil, are placed on the lodge, at the head of which stands the pedestal, with the Bible open, with the square and compasses laid thereon; and the constitution roll, on a crimson velvet cushion. Then an anthem is sung,* and an encomium on Masonry is delivered. After which the architect addresses the Grand Master, returns thanks for the honour conferred on him, and surrenders up the implements entrusted to him for the finishing of the work. The Grand

* See Songs.

Master, having expressed his approbation, an ode in honour of Masonry is sung, accompanied by instrumental music: after which, such of the spectators as are not Masons retire for refreshment.

The lodge being tiled, the business of Masonry is resumed.

The Grand Secretary informs the Grand Master, that it is the design of the fraternity to have the hall dedicated to Masonry; upon which, he orders the grand officers to assist in the ceremony, with solemn music, excepting only at the intervals of dedication.

The lodge is uncovered, and the first procession being made round it, the Grand Master having reached the east, strikes thrice with the mallet; and, after profound silence, dedicates the hall to Masonry, "in the name of the GREAT JEHOVAH to whom be all glory and honour."

Upon which, the Grand Chaplain strews corn over the lodge.

Solemn music then begins, and a second procession is made round the lodge; when, on the Grand Master's arrival at the east, silence is again proclaimed—and he declares the hall dedicated, as before, to virtue and science, on which the Chaplain sprinkles wine on the lodge.

Solemn music is again performed, and a third procession made round the lodge: when, the chief Master having reached the east, all is silent-and the hall is dedicated as before, to universal charity and benevolence. Upon which, the Chaplain dips his fingers in the oil, and sprinkles it over the lodge.

At each dedication the honours are given.

A solemn invocation is made to heaven by the Grand Chaplain, followed by responses from all the brethren; and an anthem is sung. After which, the lodge is covered, and the Grand Master retires to the chair.

The spectators may now return, and the Grand Master

may direct the grand procession to be resumed, and to march three times round the hall, halting each time in the east. Whilst the procession is moving, the music continues, but ceases when the procession halts. After this, the members of the Grand Lodge take their places. An oration, suited to the occasion, is delivered by the Grand Chaplain, or some other brother, appointed for that purpose by the Grand Master.

The Grand Lodge again forms in procession as at first, and returns to the room where it was opened; the laws of the order are rehearsed, and then the Grand Lodge is closed in ample form.



THE practice of funeral rites has been general among mankind. It affords opportunity for the happy recollection of the virtues of the deceased, as well as for the public testimony of the duties which have existed between the dead and the living. It at once assists sympathy and virtue.

The ceremonies are different in different nations, and a conformity to them has been recommended among the brethren; they have also their usual forms, in which they express their common friendship in mourning for the dead.

No Mason can be interred with the formalities of the order, unless it be by his own special request whilst living, communicated to the Master of the lodge of which he died a member; nor unless he has been advanced to the third degree of Masonry; foreigners, sojourners, and particular officers excepted, and those at the direction of the Grand

Master. From the above restriction, there can be no other exceptions.

The Master of a lodge having received notice of a Master Mason's death, and of his request to be interred with the ceremonies of the order, and duly notified of the time and place of interment, must summon his lodge, informing them of the funeral solemnities. Where the lodge is in the same city where the Grand Lodge is located, it is absolutely necessary to obtain the consent of the Grand Master.

If more lodges are expected to attend, he must make application, by the Grand Secretary to the Grand Master, for permission to preside over such brethren from other lodges as may assist in forming the procession, who are to be under his direction for the time, unless the Grand Master, his deputy, or the Grand Wardens, are present.

In case of a stranger, the Master of the senior lodge present presides, if the proper grand officers are absent.

The dispensation being obtained, the Master may invite as many lodges as he thinks proper; and the members of these lodges may accompany their officers in form.

All the brethren must appear in decent mourning; dressed in white stockings, gloves and aprons, the usual clothing of Master Masons.

The officers must appear with the badges of the lodge, and such as have been officers, may wear the badges of their former stations, provided that the brethren actually in office are distinguished by sashes and hat bands.

The brethren should first assemble, if it be possible, in their lodge room, and open in due form, and remain standing during the first part of the service, which may, in common cases, be performed in their hall, with the usual ceremonies.

A procession is then formed; the lodges move according to seniority, excepting that the lodge, of which the deceased was a member, moves nearest to the corpse.



On the day appointed for the celebration of dedication, the Grand Master and his officers, accompanied by the members of the Grand Lodge, meet in a convenient room adjoining to the place in which the ceremony is to be performed; and the Grand Lodge is opened in anıple form, in all the degrees of Masonry. The order of procession is read by the Grand Secretary, and committed to the Grand Marshal; and the necessary directions are given to the brethren from the chair. The lodge is then adjourned, and the procession formed, and moves forward till they reach the chair of the Master. The officers of the lodge are then proclaimed, in order. Solemn music is introduced, and continues while the procession moves three times round the hall. The lodge is then placed in the centre, on a crimson velvet couch; and the Grand Master having taken the chair, under a Masonic canopy, the grand officers, and the Masters and Wardens of lodges, repair to the places. previously arranged for their reception. The three lights, with the gold and silver vases, with the corn, wine and oil, are placed on the lodge, at the head of which stands the pedestal, with the Bible open, with the square and compasses laid thereon; and the constitution roll, on a crimson velvet cushion. Then an anthem is sung,* and an encomium on Masonry is delivered. After which the architect addresses the Grand Master, returns thanks for the honour conferred on him, and surrenders up the implements entrusted to him for the finishing of the work. The Grand

* See Songs.

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