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the Grand Lodge, and the ancient usages of the fraternity; and may God be with them."*

Response, by the members of the Grand Lodge.-So

mote it be!

The grand honours are then given, and the ceremony of Installation succeeds.

The Grand Master asks the Deputy Grand Master,

"Have you examined the Master nominated in the warrant; and do you find him well skilled in the science of Masonry, and worthy to be invested with the government. of a Lodge?"

The Deputy Grand Master answering in the affirmative, the Grand Master says, "Present him to me."

The Deputy Grand Master takes the Master by the hand, and presents him to the Grand Master, saying—

"Most Worshipful-I present to you my brother G. M. to be installed Master of the Lodge in this place. I find him to be of good morals and of great skill, true and trusty; and a lover of the whole fraternity, wheresoever dispersed over the face of the earth; and I doubt not he will discharge his duty with fidelity."

The Grand Master then says to him,


previous to your investiture, it is proper that you signify your assent to those ancient charges and regulations, which contain the duty of a Master of a lodge. They will be read to you by the Grand Secretary.”

The following are accordingly read:

"You agree to be a good man and true; and strictly to obey the moral law.

“You agree to be a peaceable subject, and cheerfully to conform to the laws of the country in which you reside.

"You promise not to be concerned in plots or conspira

* This proclamation must be made in the name of the Grand Master, in cases where he is not present.

cies against government, but patiently to submit to the decisions of the supreme legislature.

"You agree to pay a proper respect to the civil magistrate; to work diligently, live in credit, and act honourably with all men.

"You agree to hold in veneration the original rulers and patrons of the order of Masonry, and their regular successors, supreme and subordinate, according to their stations; and to submit to the awards and resolutions of your brethren, in general chapter convened, in every case consistent with the constitutions of the order.

"You agree to avoid private quarrels, and to guard against all intemperance and excess.

"You agree to be cautious in your behaviour, courteous to your brethren, and faithful to your lodge.

"You promise to respect true and faithful brethren, and to discountenance all impostors.

"You agree to promote the general good, to cultivate the social virtues, and to propagate the knowledge of true Masonry."

On the Master signifying his assent to these charges, the Secretary proceeds to read the following regulations :

"You promise to submit to the Grand Master for the time being, and to his officers, when duly installed; and strictly to conform to every regulation of the Grand Lodge, or General Assembly of Masons, that is not subversive of the principles of Masonry.

"You admit that it is not in the power of any man, or body of men, to make alteration or innovation in Masonry. "You promise a regular attendance on the committees and communications of the Grand Lodge, on receiving proper notice; and to pay attention to all the duties of Masonry on convenient occasions.

"You admit that no new lodge should be formed, with

out permission of the Grand Master, and with the consent of the Grand Lodge.

"You admit that no person can be regularly made a Mason, or admitted into any lodge, without previous notice, and due inquiry into his character.

"You promise that no visiter shall be received into your Lodge, without due examination, or producing proper vouchers of their having been made in a regular lodge.

"These are the regulations of free and accepted Masons: The Grand Master then addresses the Master elect in the following manner:

"Do you submit to these charges, and promise to support these regulations, as Masters have done in all ages before you ?""

The new Master having signified his submission, the Grand Master says:

"Brother, In consequence of your conformity to the charges and regulations of the order, you are now to be installed Master of this new lodge, in full confidence of your care, skill and capacity to govern the same."

He then invests him with his jewel, and thus addresses him :

"I invest you with the honourable badge of the office of Master of this lodge. And now present you the insignia of your office, and the necessary furniture of your lodge.*

"This [great light] will guide you to all truth; will direct you to the temple of love; and point to you the whole duty of man.

"This square, the use of which is to bring all rude matter into form,' teaches you to form and instruct all

* When the Grand Master is present, this ceremony may be performed by the Deputy Grand Master; but, in all other cases, it should be performed by the presiding brother, whether as officer of the Grand Lodge, or deputy for the occasion.

Masons under your care, and to make them perfect in their order.

"The compasses direct you to keep your brethren within the limits of Masonry; and so to regulate your lodge, that none be admitted but such as are worthy that higher sphere of merit and of worth.

"I present you, also, this book, which contains the Constitutions of Masonry. Search it at all times. Let it be read in your lodge; that none may pretend ignorance of the excellent precepts it enjoins. I also place in your personal custody, the charter or warrant; [making such remarks as are well known to the expert workman.]

"Lastly, I give into your charge the by-laws of your lodge. See that every member abides by them."

After this, the jewels of the officers of the new lodge being returned to the Master, he delivers them to the several members of the Grand Lodge, who proceed to invest the other officers: the Grand Wardens investing the Wardens of the new lodge, the Grand Secretary the Secretary, and so on; each giving a short charge.*


"Brother, I invest you with the badge of your office. "This level, as an instrument in your hands, you will use to preserve that equality which ought to subsist among Masons, which nature assigns, and which love requires.

"Your regular attendance on the stated and special meetings is highly expedient. In the presence of the Master you are to assist him in the government of the lodge, and in his absence to take the charge of it.

"You will undoubtedly discharge with faithfulness the

* The officers of the new lodge should be presented to the Grand officers who invest them, by the Grand Marshal.

duties of this important office, and become a pillar of strength to the Lodge.-Look well to the west!"


"Brother, I invest you with the badge of your office, as Junior Warden of this lodge.

"The plumb teaches you to act with that uprightness which belongs to your office.

"Your regular and punctual attendance on the lodge is particularly requested.

"The examination of visiters is within your care.

"In the absence of the Master and Senior Warden you know your duty; and will then, and at all times, faithfully discharge it.


Beautify your column in the temple of Masonry."


"Brother, I invest you with the badge of your office, as Secretary to this lodge.

"It is your province to keep the records regularly, fairly, and faithfully: To examine and settle accounts; and to issue summonses at the Master's direction.

"Your love to the craft, and attachment to this lodge, will induce you cheerfully to fulfil the duties of your office; and in so doing you will merit the esteem of your brethren."


"Brother, I invest you with the badge of your office, as Treasurer of this lodge.

"Your honour, and the confidence the brethren repose in you, will excite to that faithfulness in the discharge of the duty of your office, which its important nature demands.".

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