Gambar halaman

fiction, 449; works of art and criticism, 450; do. of
philosophy and science, 450, 451; do. of theology and
religion, 452; do. of geography, travel, etc., 454; text-
books for schools, 455; works on law, 456; do. on
medicine, 456; gift-books, 457; miscellaneous works,
458; reprints and republications, 459.
Literature, Continental, in 1874.-Progress in Belgium,
460; do. in Bohemia, 461; do. in Denmark, 462; do.
in France, 463; do. in Germany, 465; do. in Greece,
468; do. in Holland, 468; do. in Hungary, 469; do. in
Italy, 470; do. in Spain, 471; do. in Portugal, 472; do.
in Russia, 472.
Literature, English. - History, 473; biographies, 474;
philosophy and science, 474; religious and theologi-
cal books, 474; geography and travel, 475; works of
art, 475; fiction, 475; miscellaneous works, 475.
Liverpool Dock Extensions.-Lister's scheme, 475; docks

for steam-trade, 475; area of extension, 475; aim of
the engineer, 475.

Local-option Law.-Decision of California courts, 101.
LOGAN, JOHN A.-Senator from Illinois, 150; on the com-
pensation of members of Congress, 164-166; on a re-
turn to specie payments, 193.
LOUIS, JACOB.-Decease of, 624.

Louisiana.-Bill to restore the rights of, 222; action of
the Legislature, 476; Republican Convention, 476;
resolutions, 476; nominations, 476; Democratic Con-
vention, 477; nominations, 477; resolutions, 477; the
Coushatta tragedy, 477; address of the people of Red
River, 478; statement of Governor Kellogg, 478; ac-
tion of the Federal Government, 478, 479; resolutions
of the Committee of Seventy, 479; mass-meeting to
protest against the Kellogg administration, 479; reso-
lutions adopted, 479; reply of Governor Kellogg to
the delegation, 480; response of the committee, 480;
proclamation by D. B. Penn, claiming to be Lieuten-
ant-Governor, 480; assembling of militia, 480; pos-
session taken of the public offices, 481; dispatch of
Penn to the President, requesting him to withhold
Federal interference, 481; application of Kellogg, 481;
proclamation of President Grant, 481; troops sent to
New Orleans, 481; surrender of State property de-
manded and made, 481; surrender of McEnery, 482;
approval of the President, 482; address to the people
by McEnery and Penn, 482; report of General Emory,
483; address of McEnery's friends to the people of
the United States, explaining the revolutionary move-
ment, 483; origin and object of the White League,
484; immediate causes of revolution, 484; address of
Governor Kellogg, 484; his financial statement, 485;
review of the political campaign of 1872, 485; the law
of the election explained, 486; approaching election,
486; agreement relative to registration, 487; address
of the Conservatives, 487; reply of Governor Kellogg,
487; proposition to submit election returns to a board
of arbitrators, 487; the advisory board, 488; confer-
ence of committees, 488; protest against the presence
of troops in New Orleans, 488; canvass of the Return-
ing Board, 489; Democratic committee to witness the
canvass withdraw, 489; protest, 489; address of the
Committee of Seventy, 490; extracts, 490; resigna-
tion of a member of Returning Board, 491; the report
and completion of the work of the board, 491; results
of the election, 492; protest of McEnery, 493; threat-
ened violence, 493; General Sheridan ordered to New
Orleans, 493; his instructions, 493; affairs in the Red
River region, 493; Sheridan's report, 494; report of
Legislative committee for congressional considera-
tion, 495; memorial to Congress by the Conservative
members of the Lower House of the Legislature, 497;

dispatches of General Sheridan, 498, 499; excitement,
499; address of the chairman of the Committee of
Seventy, 499; other addresses and appeals, 499; re-
assertions of General Sheridan, 499; his statements,
500; action of Congress, 501; call upon the President
for information, 501; various outrages perpetrated,
501; congressional committee visit New Orleans, 502;
report, 502; another committee, 502; message of Gov-
ernor Kellogg, 503; State debt, 503; special message
of the President relative to, 730; documents accompa
nying the message, 734.

LOWELL, Mrs. A. C.-Obituary notice of, 623.
LUNALILO I.-Birth, 503; reign, 503; death, 503.
Lutherans.-Statistics, 504; theological seminaries, 505;

colleges, 505; academies, 505; female seminaries,
505; General Synod, South, 506; report and resolu-
tions on a general meeting of representatives of
Lutheran bodies, 506; Synodical Conference of North
America, 506; proceedings, 506; General Council of
Evangelical Lutherans, 507; proceedings, 507; Lu-
therans in France and Alsace, 508.


MACCAFERRI, Signor.-Decease of, 651.
MACFARLAND, FRANCIS P.-Birth, 526; clerical career,
526; death, 526.

MCKIM, JAMES M.-Decease of, 638.
MCLEOD, JOHN N.-Birth, 526; clerical career, 526; death,

MCNAUGHTON, JAMES.-Decease of, 638.
Madagascar.-Reigning Queen, 508; population, 508; re-

ligious divisions, 508; missionary work, 508; deputa-
tion from England, 508; addresses before the London
Missionary Society, 509; proclamation of the Queen,

MADDIN, THOMAS.-Decease of, 642.

MAEDLER, JOHN H.-Birth, 510; career as an astronomer,
510; death, 510.

Maine.-Financial condition, 510; tax on railroads, 511;
educational interests, 511; Insane Hospital, 511;
State-prison, 511; State Land-Office, 512; Penobscot
Indians, 512; right of women to hold office, 512; acts
of the Legislature, 512; Industrial School for Girls,
512; Woman-Suffrage Convention, 513; resolutions,
513; State Temperance Convention, 513; resolutions,
513; Republican Convention, 513; nominations, 513;
resolutions, 513; Democratic Convention, 514; nomi-
nations, 514; resolutions, 514; results of election, 514.
MANNERS, Rt. Hon. JOHN.-Biographical sketch of, 371.
MARSH, SAMUEL.-Decease of, 629.
MARSHALL, THOMAS W.-Decease of, 661.
MARVIN, E. P.-Decease of, 634.
Maryland.-Session of the Legislature, 514; senatorial

election, 514; new registration law, 514; details,
515; oyster fisheries law, 515; new license law,
515; State Grange, 515; resolutions, 515; second ses-
sion, 516; resolutions, 516; congressional elections,
516; State finances, 516; Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 516;
Normal School, 516; insurance companies, 516; pub-
lic schools, 516; Maryland Canal Company, 516.
MASON, FRANCIS.-Birth, 517; missionary career, 517;
death, 517; scientific works, 517.
Massachusetts.-Session of the Legislature, 518; resolu-
tion of censure of Charles Sumner repealed, 518; con-
tested election of Senator, 518; acts of the Legislature,
518; State constabulary abolished, 519; views of the
Governor, 519; license law proposed, 519; Governor's
veto, 519; Hoosac Tunnel, legislation relative to, 520;
act relative to rights of husband and wife, 520; the

political campaign, 521; Democratic Convention, 521;
nominations, 521; resolutions, 521; Republican Con-
vention, 522; nominations, 522; resolutions, 522; re-
sults of the election, 522; congressional elections, 522;
women chosen as school committee in Boston, 523;
opposition to their admission, 523; Williamsburg
flood disaster, 523; State debt, 524; finances, 524;
completion of the Hoosac Tunnel, 524; receipts of
railroads, 525; number of insane persons, 525; chari-
table institutions, 525; Fish Commissioners, 525;
insurance companies, 525; savings-banks, 525; rail-
road corporations, 525; school-children, 526.
MAY, Mrs. LEWIS.-Deceased, 658.
MELLISH, DAVID B.-Decease of, 636.
MENDELHALL, GEORGE.-Decease of, 638.
Mennonites.-Board of Guardians, 526; its object, 526;
passages from Europe furnished, 527; places of set-
tlement by immigrants, 527.

MICHELET, JULES.-Birth, 556; literary career, 556; writ-
ings, 556; death, 556.
Michigan.-Election, 557; State officers and Congress-
men, 557; vote on the amended constitution, 557;
Republican Convention and platform, 557; Demo-
cratic Convention and platform, 558; National Re-
form Convention and platform, 559; school statistics,
559; results of the State census, 560; copper-mining,
560; railroads, 560; fisheries, 560; salt, 560; lumber,
560; Land-office Commissioner, 560; statistics of the
State-prison, 561; inmates in Reform School, 562;
charitable, penal, pauper, and reformatory institu-
tions, 562; statistics, 562, 563; fiscal operations of the
State Treasury, 563.

MILLER, HENRY.-Decease of, 625.
MILLIGAN, SAMUEL.-Decease of, 632.
MILLS, Mrs. C. R.-Decease of, 624.
MILLSON, JOHN S.-Decease of, 626.

MERIVALE, HERMAN.- Birth, 527; public career, 527; Minnesota.-Legislation, 564; act creating a Board of
death, 527.

MERRIMON, AUGUST S.-Senator from North Carolina, 150;
on the Louisiana bill, 238.

Metals.-Mechanical puddling, 527; effects of cold on iron
and steel, 528; silicon in pig-iron, 528; extraction of
iron from pyrites refuse, 529; strength of iron in-
creased by strain, 529; restoration of burned steel,
529; preservation of iron, 530; spongy iron as a water-
purifier, 530; unpressed tin-dressing machinery, 531;
nickel and cobalt ores, 531; precipitation of copper
with tin-scrap, 531; new method of welding copper,
532; purification of lead by steam, 532; assay of lead,
533; quicksilver, 533; origin of gold nuggets, 533;
gold assays, 534; alloys, 534; ornamentation of met-
als, 335.
Methodists.-Statistics of Methodists in the world, 536;
Episcopal Church statistics, 536; German Churches,
537; missions, 537; Freedmen's Aid Society, 538;
Episcopal Church South, 539; statistics, 539; institu-
tions, 539; missions, 540; General Conference, 540;
report of the Colored Church, 540; fraternal relations
with other bodies, 540; responses, 541; the Northern
Church, 541; reply to its communication, 541; reso-
lutions, 542; veto power of bishops, 543; Colored
Methodist Episcopal, 543; statistics, 543; Conference,
543; Methodist Protestant statistics, 543; General
Conference, 543; proposals for reunion, 544; Primi-
tive Methodists, 544; Western Conference, 544; East-
ern Conference, 544; Free Methodists, 545; Wesleyan
Methodists, 545; Conference, 545; proceedings, 545;
Methodist New Convention in Canada, 546; settle-
ment of differences, 546; Methodist Church of Can-
ada, 547; Conference, 547; Missionary Society, 547;
Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada, 548; Confer-
ence, 548; Primitive Methodists in Canada, 548; Bible
Christian Church, 548; Wesleyan Methodist Conven-
tion, 548; Irish Wesleyan Conference, 549; Confer-
ence, 549; Methodist New Convention, 550; Primi-
tive Methodist Convention, 550; United Methodist
Free Churches, 550; Wesleyan Reform, 551; Bible
Christians, 551.

Mexico.-Boundaries, 551; divisions, 551; population, 551;
government, 551; finances, 552; public debt, 552; coin-
age, 552; product of mines, 552; silver mines of Sina-
loa, 553; Lower California, 553; articles of export,
558; agricultural products, 553; total exports, 553;
relative imports, 554; exports from Yucatan, 554;
shipping movement, 554; railways, 554; railway con-
tracts, 554; army, 555; public instruction, 555; Presi-
dent's message to Congress, 555; murder of the mis-
sionary Stephens, 556.

Railroad Commissioners, 564; powers and duties,
564; political campaign, 564; Republican Convention
and platform, 564; Democratic Convention and plat-
form, 564; results of election, 564; action relative to
the Commissioner of the Land-Office, 565; report of
committee, 565; State finances, 565; illegal bonds,
565; new tax law, 566; water-power, 566; pine-forests,
566; railroads, 567; differences with Wisconsin, 567,

Mississippi.-Condition of affairs, 568; serious conflict at
Vicksburg between blacks and whites, 568; state-
ment of citizens, 568; proclamation of Governor
Ames, 569; address from the tax-payers of Warren
County, 569; extracts, 569, 570; Governor Ames's
statement, 570; proclamation against rioters in War-
ren County, 571; proclamations of the Mayor of
Vicksburg, 571; extra session of the Legislature
called by the Governor, 571; the Governor's mes
sage, 572; reports of majority and minority of the
committee, 572; address by Conservative members,
573; congressional investigation, 574; finances, 574;
funding bill, 574; Equalization Board, 574; its duties,
574; State debt, 574; railroads in the State, 575.
Missouri.-Special session of the Legislature, 575; acts
passed, 575; punishment of bribery at elections, 576;
lawlessness in certain districts of the State, 576;
State debt, 576; State Grange Convention, 576; reso-
lutions, 577; Democratic Convention and noming.
tions, 577; platform, 577; Reform or People's Party
Convention and platform, 578, nominations, 578; re-
sults of the election, 579; sketch of Governor Hardin,
579; details of the St. Louis bridge, 579.
Montana.-A Territory, 580; tribal Indians, 580; numbers.
580; mining industry, 580; gold product, 581; princi-
pal towns, 581.

MONTEBELLO, Duc de.-Birth, 581; diplomatic career,
581; death, 581.

MONTGOMERY, HENRY E.-Decease of, 655.
Moravians.-Statistics, 581; report of Unity Elders, 581;
further details, 582.

MORRILL, JUSTIN S.-Senator from Vermont, 150; on the
salary law, 171, 172.

MORRIS, EDWARD.-Decease of, 633.
MORRIS, THOMAS A.-Birth, 582; career as a bishop, 552;
death, 582.

MORSE, HENRY B.-Decease of, 642.
MORTON, OLIVER P.-Senator from Indiana, 150; on the
redemption of notes in coin, 185.

Music by Telegraph.-Sounds conveyed by electricity,
582; distance, 583; details, 583.
MYERS, FREDERICK.-Decease of, 644.


NASH, ALANSON.-Decease of, 648.
Navy of the United States.-Number of guns, 583; steam
navy, 583; iron clads, 583; marine schools, 584; hy-
drographic-office, 584; surveys in the Pacific, 584;
other surveys, 584; soundings in the North Pacific,
584; yearly pensions, 584; yearly estimates, 584;
present condition of the navy, 585; views of Ad-
miral Porter, 585; special message of President
Grant, 585.
Nebraska.-Population, increase of, 586; ravages of grass-
hoppers, 586; Republican Convention and nomina-
tions, 586; platform, 586; Independents' Convention
and nominations, 586; platform, 586; Democratic
nominations and platform, 587; result of the elec-
tion, 587; finances, 587; valuation of property, 587;
State debt, 587; education, 588; famine and drought,

Netherlands.-Area and population, 588; provinces, 588,

religious divisions, 589; population of cities, 589;
budget, 589; debt, 589; army and navy, 589; com-
merce, 589; navigation, 589; hostilities with the Sul-
tan of Acheen, 590; second expedition, 590; occupa-
tion of Kraton, 590; description of the fortress, 590;
operations of the fleet, 591; annexation of Acheen,
591; public opinion in the Netherlands, 591; losses of
the Dutch, 591; ministerial crisis, 591; new ministry,
592; new session of the States-General, 592; King's
speech, 592; preparation for the abolition of slavery
in Sumatra and Celebes, 592; financial estimates,
592; relations of Acheen with other countries, 592;
Dutch force at Acheen, 592, 593.
Nevada.-Its silver-mines, 593; bullion product of the

State, 593; discovery in the Comstock lode, 593;
excitement, 593; State finances, 594; value of prop-
erty, 594; election, 594; State officers, 594.

New Caledonia.-French convicts in, 326.
New Hampshire.-Republican Convention and nomina-
tions, 594; platform, 595; Democratic Convention and
nominations, 596; platform, 596; State Temperance
Union Convention and platform, 597; results of the
election, 597; State finances, 598; debt, 598; revenue,
598; education, 598; charitable institutions, 598; peni-
tentiary, 598; Reform School, 598; geological survey,
599; acts of the Legislature, 598, 599; prohibition bill
adopted, 599; appointment of six judges, 599.
New Jersey.-Constitutional amendments approved by

the Legislature, 599, 600; the Stevens Battery, 600; Re-
publican Convention and nominations, 600; platform,
600; Democratic Convention and nominations, 601;
platform, 601; results of the election, 602; finances;602;
war-debt, 602; taxable property, 602; Insane Asylum
at Morristown, 603; Industrial School for Girls, 603;
Soldiers' Children's Home, 603; school system, 603;
State-prison, 603; Reform-School, 603; public schools,
604; State Sanitary Committee, 604; recommenda-
tions, 601; sketch of Governor Bedle, 604.
NEWTON, WILLOUGHBY.-Decease of, 636.
New York. The compulsory education bill, 604; its pro-
visions, 604; statistics of common schools, 605; col-
leges, 605; academies, 605; funded State debt, 606;
finances, 606; State debt, 606; canal debt, 606; State
appropriations, 606; Board of Charities, 607; the
prison system, 607; taxation and value of taxable
property, 607; National Guard, 608; State banks, 608;
national banks, 608; State canals, 608; details in full,
609; salt-works, 609; Prohibition Convention, 609;
platform, 609; nominations, 610; opposition to the
renomination of Governor Dix, 610; Liberal Republi-

can Convention and platform, 610; Democratic Con-
vention, 611; resolutions and nominations, 611; Re-
publican Convention and nominations, 611; platform,
611; results of the election, 612; election in New
York City, 613; State officers, 613; ratified amend-
ments to the constitution, 613-615; decision of the
Court of Appeals in the "Ring Suits," 615; Adiron-
dack region, 616; survey, 616; height of mountains,
616; animals, 616; features of the region, 617; sketch
of Governor Tilden, 617; sketch of Senator Kernan,

Nicaragua.-Boundaries and area, 618; Legislature, 618;
constitutional provisions, 618; state officers, 618;
period of peace, 618; internal improvements, 619;
sources of state revenue, 619; surveys for a canal,
619; climate, 619; election, 619.

North Carolina.-Local-option law, 619; prohibition, 620;
new election law, 620; Congressmen, 620; results of
the election, 620; address to the people, 620; death
of the Governor, 620; educational fund, 620; State
debt, 620; the financial question before the Legisla
ture, 621; the consolidated debt bill, 621; Western
North Carolina Railroad and the State interest, 621;
the dividends on the stock, 621; railroad consolida-
tion, 621; railroads in the State, 622.
NORTHCOTE, Sir STAFFORD H.-Biographical sketch of,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Obituaries, American, 622–664.
Ohio.-Session of General Assembly, 664; State debt, 664;
local debts, 664; amount of taxes, 665; taxable valua-
tions, 665; wheat acreage and crop, 665; do. corn, 665;
do. oats, 665; do. all grain, 665; hay, 665; flax, 665;
potatoes, 665; tobacco, 665; other crops, 665, 666; sta-
tistics of land, 666; do. of animals, 666; banking cap-
ital, 666; railroad interest, 666; new buildings, 666;
vital statistics, 666; suits at law, 667; divorces, 667;
school statistics, 667; Democratic Convention and
nominations, 667; platform, 667; Republican Con-
vention and nominations, 668; platform, 668; Pro-
hibitionists' nominations, 668; results of the election,
669; Constitutional Convention, 669; proceedings,
669, 670; vote on the constitution, 670; women's tem-
perance crusade, 670.

OLINDA, Bishop of.-His arrest and imprisonment, 98.
Oregon.-Legislation, 670; finances, 670; public schools,
670; colleges and universities, 671; penitentiary, 671;
Democratic Convention and nominations, 671; plat-
form, 671; Republican nominations and platform,
672; Independent Convention and nominations, 673;
platform, 673; State Temperance Convention meets,
674; platform, 674; nominations, 674; results of the
election, 674; parties in the Legislature, 674; Wom-
en's Suffrage Association, 674; resolutions, 674;
salmon-fisheries, 675; canning fish, 675.
ORLANDINI, AGATHA, G. S.-Decease of, 650.


PALMER, CORTLANDT.-Decease of, 634.
PALMER, Mrs. PHOEBE.-Decease of, 657.
Paraguay.-Boundaries, 675; area, 675; indemnity to
Brazil, 675; estimates of population, 676; new con-
stitution, 676; revenue, 676; debt, 676; public in-
struction, 676; army, 676; commerce, 677.

PAREPA-ROSA, EUPHROSYNE.-Birth, 677; career as a vo-

calist, 677; death, 677.

PARKER, JAMES.-Obituary notice of, 622.
PARMELEE, THEODORE N.-Decease of, 643.
PARRIS, VIRGIL D.-Decease of, 639.
PEARSON, ISAAC G.-Decease of, 637.
PELL, DUNCAN C.-Obituary of, 623.
PENDERGRAST, AUSTIN.-Decease of, 656.
Pennsylvania.-Public debt, 678; revenue and expendi-
tures, 678; banks, 678; fish commissioners, 678; rail-
roads, 678; Legislature, how chosen, 678; law for
mixed schools lost, 679; State geologist, 679; Repub-
lican Convention, 680; nominations, 680; resolutions,
680; Democratic Convention, 681; nominations, 681;
resolutions, 681; results of election, 681; riot at Sus-
quehanna Depot, 681; letter of the Governor in
answer to a protest against military interference,

PERKINS, HENRY A.-Decease of, 643.
PERKINS, JOHN.-Decease of, 654.
PERLEY, IRA.-Decease of, 626.
Persia.-Sovereign, 682; area and population, 682; reli-
gious divisions, 682; Protestant missions, 682; civil
divisions, 682; imports and exports, 682; riches of
the Shah, 682; political affairs, 683; opposition to re-
forms, 683.

Peru.-Boundaries, 683; area, 683; changes in the cabi-

net, 683; development and progress of the country,
684; Lima, 684; immigration, 685; schools, 685;
finances, 685; army, 685.

POLAND, LUKE P.-Representative from Vermont, 150;
on the repeal of the salary bill, 153; reports a bill to
confer jurisdiction on the Criminal Court of the Dis-
trict of Columbia, 239.

PORTER, JOHN.-Decease of, 625.

FORTER, Mrs. MEHITABEL M.-Decease of, 653.
PORTER, SAMUEL.-Decease of, 626.
Portugal.-Sovereign, 685; provinces, 686; area and pop-
ulation, 686; foreign possessions, 686; finances, 686;
budget of the colonies, 686; debt, 686; navigation,
686; army and navy, 686; commerce, 686; legislation,
687; Lisbon, 687.

POTTER, HORATIO, Jr.-Decease of, 646.

Powers of Congress to enforce constitutional amendments,


PRATT, DANIEL D.-Senator from Indiana, 150; relative
to the compensation of Senators, 164-169; on specie
payments, 180.
Presbyterians.-Statistics, 687; General Assembly, 688;
plan for consolidating the boards, 688; the declara-
tion and testimony synod, 688; Southern Presbyte-
rians, 689; statistics, 689; General Assembly, 689;
answer to the Northern overture, 689; relations with
General Synod of Reformed Church, 689; United Pres-
byterians, 690; statistics, 690; General Assembly, 690;
proceedings, 690; Cumberland Presbyterians, 690;
General Assembly, 690; proceedings, 691; Presbyte-
rian Churches in British America, 691; General As-
sembly, 691; basis of union, 691; votes, 691; resolu-
tions, 692; votes of the Church in connection with
Church of Scotland, 692; resolution, 692; Church of
the Lower Provinces, 692; reports, 692; basis of
union, 693; resolutions, 693; Free Church of Scot-
land, 694; General Assembly, 694; United Presbyte-
rians, 694; statistics, 694; Synod, 694; Federal Union
of the Presbyterian Churches, €95; plan of the con-
federation, 695, 696; another series of resolutions
adopted, 696, 697; further proceedings, 697.

"Press Gag-Law," so called, 240.

PRIME, Mrs. JULIA A.-Decease of, 649.

PROCOPIOS, Archbishop.-Chosen head of the Church in
Greece, 381, 382.

PROCTER, BRYAN WALLER.-Birth, 697; career as a poet,
697; writings, 698; death, 698.
Protestant Episcopal Church.-First Church Congress.
698; proceedings, 698; statistics of the Church, 699;
General Convention, 699; Pan-Anglican Synod, 659;
resolution, 699; ratification of the election of bish-
ops, 699; votes on Dr. Seymour's election, 700; addi-
tion to Canon 20, 700; petitions relative to the Nicene
Creed, 700; amendment of Canon 8, 701; case of aban
donment of communion, 701; canon in reference to
church music, 701; bishop in other dioceses, 701; di-
vision of dioceses, 701; ordination of ministers, 701;
resolutions relative to the Russian Greek Church,
702; primitive orders of deaconesses, 702; new dio-
ceses formed, 702; proceedings against Bishop Cum-
mins, 702.
Prussia.-Sovereign, 703; area of provinces, 703; pcpr-
lation and religious statistics, 703; non-German pop-
ulation, 703; budget, 703; appropriation to railroads,
703; conflict between the Government and the heads
of the Catholic Church, 703; attack upon the Chancel-
lor for investigating the politics of Catholic teachers,
704; Bismarck's reply, 704; salary given to the cld
Catholic bishop, 704; new discussions of the ecclesi-
astical laws, 704; position of the Catholic clergy, 706;
exceptions, 705.

Public Documents.-Message of the President to Congress,
December 7, 1874, 706–713.

Report of the Senate select committee on transpor-
tation routes to the seaboard, 713; résumé of the
principal subjects of consideration, 713; water-lines
of transport, 714; proposed remedies, 714; competi-
tion between railways and its promotion, 715; direct
regulation by Congress 717; rates in various coun-
tries, 718; how revision of rates can be made, 719;
various rates, 720, 721; indirect regulation by doable
tracks, etc., 723; improvement and creation of water-
routes, 723; conclusions and recommendations of the
committee, 725; the numerous routes, 726, 727; bene-
fits and advantages, 729, 730.

The President's special message relative to Louisi-
ana, 730; documents accompanying the message, 734;
telegrams of General Sheridan, 735, 736.

Action of the Congressional Committee, 736; report
of the sub-committee, 736-740.

QUACKENBOS, HERMAN J.-Decease of, 658.
QUETELET. LAMBERT A. J.-Birth, 742; career as an
astronomer, 742; death, 742.

QUIMBY, JAMES M.-Decease of, 646.


Railway Bridge. -Novel construction, 742; length of
draws, 742; success, 743; security, 743.
RAINEY, JOSEPH H.-Representative from South Caro-
lina, 150; on the civil-rights bill, 204.
RANDALL, HENRY.--Decease of, 644.
Reformed Churches.-Statistics, 743; General Synod,
743; resolutions on union, 743, 744; Reformed Church
in the United States, 744; statistics, 745; institutions,
745; report on organic union, 745.

Reformed Episcopal Church.-General Council, 746; re-
port of the committee on canons and on revision of
the Prayer-Book, 746; details of the emendations rec-
ommended and adopted, 746-748.

Rhode Island.-Legislation, 749; liquor law, 749; con-
vict relief, 749; woman's suffrage, 749; Prohibition
Convention, 749; nominations and platform, 749; Re-
publican Convention and nominations, 750; Demo-
cratic Convention and proceedings, 750; speech of
W. B. Beach, 750; results of the election, 750; elec-
tion of Senator, 750; new liquor law adopted, 751;
powers and duties of State Constable, 751; prosecu-
tions, 751; finances, 752; bonded debt, 752; State
Farm, 752; other institutions, 752.

RICH, THOMAS B.-Decease of, 624.

RINEHART, WILLIAM H.-Birth, 752; career as a sculptor
752; death, 752.

RITCHIE, DAVID.-Decease of, 627.

ROBERTS, Mrs. CAROLINE D.-Decease of, 662.
ROBERTSON, GEORGE.-Decease of, 635.

Roman Catholic Church.-Pontificate of Pius IX., 753;
evangelical letter announcing a jubilee, 753; a spu-
rious brief, 756; his allocution on attempts to bring
about terms between the Holy See and the Italian
Government, 756; amount of ecclesiastical property
confiscated by the Italian Government, 757; letter of
the Pope to the Archbishop of Gnesen and Posen,
757; proceedings at Berlin against the archbishop,
758; other arrests, 758; Encyclical of the Pope on
the ecclesiastical policy of Austria, 758; proceedings
in Austria, 760; do. in Switzerland, 760; do. in Rus-
sia, 760; agitation in England, 761; troubles in the
East, 761; progress of the Church in India, 761; the
Church in the United States, 761; New Brunswick
school law, 761; proceedings in Brazil, 761; letter of
Cardinal Antonelli, 762; Pope's brief to the bishops
in Brazil, 762; proceedings in Venezuela, 762; do. in
Chili, 762; do. in Mexico, 762; decease of eminent
Catholics, 763; position of the Old Catholics, 763.
RUNNELS, HARRISON G.-Decease of, 624.
RUOFF, CHARLES.-Decease of, 624.
RUSSELL, JOHN.--Deceasc of, 663.

Russia.-Reigning family, 763; provinces, 763; popula-
tion of cities, 763; finances, 763; debt, 763; new
army law, 763; Russian navy, 764; commerce, 764;
navigation, 764; railroads, 764; trans-Caspian terri-
tory government, 764; treaty with Bokhara, 764;
marriage of the Emperor's daughter, 765; relations
between Russia and Germany, 765; relations with
England, 765; emigration of Tartars, 765; breach
between Poles and Russians, 766.


SADIER, OLIVER.-Decease of, 653.

Salary Law.-Bill to repeal, 158; substitute, 162.
SANDFORD, MILES.-Decease of, 656.

Sandwich Islands.-Population, 766; decrease, 766; visit
of the King to the United States, 766; membership
of Protestant Churches, 766; death of the King, 767 ;
election of his successor, 767.

SAULSBURY, ELI.-Senator from Delaware, 150; on the
Louisiana bill, 230.

sketch of, 366.

SCOTT, DUNLAP.-Decease of, 757.

SCOTT, JOHN.-Senator from Pennsylvania, 150; relative

to the salary law, 166.
SHARPS, CHRISTIAN.-Decease of, 627.
SHAW, THOMPSON D.-Decease of, 646.

SHEDDON, SAMUEL S.-Decease of, 655.

SHEEHAN, JAMES M.-Decease of, 647.

SHERIDAN, General PHILIP.-Ordered to New Orleans,

493; instructions, 493; his report, 494; letter to Sec-
retary of War on the state of affairs, 498; on the
White-Leaguers, 498; further communications, 499;
reassertions and statements, 500; his telegrams from
New Orleans to the Secretary of War, 735, 736.
SHERMAN, JOHN.-Senator from Ohio, 150; on the salary
law, 170; on specie payments, 179, 190, 196; on the
Louisiana bill, 230.

SHIMEAL, RICHARD C.-Decease of, 628.
SHURTLEFF, NATHANIEL B.-Decease of, 654.
SICKLES, DANIEL.-Resigns as minister to Spain, 265.
SILL, FREDERICK W.-Decease of, 662.

SIMSON, MARTIN EDWARD.-Biographical sketch of, 366.
SLICER, HENRY.-Decease of, 632.

SMITH, GERRIT.-Birth, 767; death, 767; career, 768.
SMITH, HENRY.-Decease of, 626.

SMITH, MORGAN L.-Decease of, 663.

SMITH, STANLEY, Earl of Derby.-Biographical sketch of

SMITH, THOMAS U.-Decease of, 648.
South Carolina.-Session of the Legislature, 769; various
acts passed, 769; resolutions relative to the State
Bank, 769; report of investigating committee, 769;
State and county taxes, 770; Tax-payers Association,
770; resolutions, 770; criminal suit against the Gov-
ernor, 770; indictment quashed, 771; Republican Con-
vention, 771; stormy session, 771; nominations, 771;
resolutions, 771; independent movement, 771; do.
convention, 771; nominations, 771; platform, 772;
Conservative Convention, 772; result of deliberations,
772; resolutions, 772; result of the election, 772; con-
gressional elections, 772; sketch of Governor Cham-
berlain, 772; assessments of property, 773; certifi-
cates of indebtedness, 773; the funding act, 773; com-
mon-school system, 773; finances, 773.
SOUTHWORTH, TERTIUS D.-Decease of, 647.
Spain.-Provinces, 773; population of colonies, 773; bud-
get, 773; army and navy, 774; commerce, 774; rail-
roads, 774; opening of the Cortes, 774; coup d'état,
774; new ministry, 774; dispersion of the Cortes, 774;
ministry under Serrano, 775; address to the nation,
775; fall of Cartagena, 775; retirement of the Junta,
775; concentration against the Carlists, 775; military
movements, 776; Serrano takes command, 776; inde-
cisive engagements, 777; offensive operations re-
sumed, 777; new crisis in Madrid, 777; new ministry,
777; Marshal Concha appointed commander-in-chief,
777; military operations, 777; death of Concha, 778;
another coup d'état, 778; return of Prince Alfonso and
assumption of power, 778; Cuban affairs, 778.
SPALDING, H. H.-Decease of, 647.

SPARROW, WILLIAM:-Decease of, 623.

SPRAGUE, HAVILAH M.-Decease of, 637.

SPRING, MARCUS.-Decease of, 649.

STAUFFENBERG, Baron FRANZ VON.-Biographical sketch
of, 367.

STEARNS, JOHN G.-Decease of, 623.
STEARNS, WILLIAM F.-Decease of, 635.

STEPHENS, ALEXANDER H.-Representative from Geor-
gia, 150; on the repeal of the salary bill, 155; on the
civil-rights bill, 204.

STEPHENS, JOHN L.-Decease of, 627.
STEVENS, A. S.-Decease of, 651.

STEVENS, JOHN A.-Decease of, 655.

STEVENSON, JOHN W.-Senator from Kentucky, 150; on
the salary law, 172.

STEVENSON, Major.-Decease of, 640.

STEWART, WILLIAM M.--Senator from Nevada, 150; on
solvency and honesty, 198.

St. Gothard Tunnel.-Progress, 778; operators, 778; cap-

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