Gambar halaman

Talleyrand to Gerry, inviting communications, 3 April iv 138

surprise at the intrigues of W. X. Y. Z. and
desire of information, 30 May iv 175
do urging him to yield to the impor-
tance of the object, 1 June

iv 176
confirming intentions of conciliation, 10 June
iv 180

explanation of principles of France, 18 June
iv 183-189

objections of French government to treat

with his colleagues, desire to treat with
him alone, urging him to comply, 27 June
iv 192

pain at the course of correspondence, desire
to negotiate, 6 July iv 199—202
enclosing passports, regrets at the failure of
negotiation, 12 July iv 208-213
new measures of French government for se-
curity against our perfidy, confirming as-
surances of friendship, 15 July iv 213
purity of views of French government, hope
of an amicable arrangement, 22 July iv

to Murray, pleasure at the appointment of envoys, 12
May, 1799 iv 301

to Pinckney, Marshall and Gerry, dispositions of the
French government, 18 March, 1798 iv


to Pichon, directing him to open a way for restoration
of harmony with us, 28 Aug. iv 292–296


28 Sept. iv 296
letter to Armstrong, requesting prohibition of St. Do-
mingo trade, July, 1805 V 156
16 Aug. 1805 v 158


Taxes, absence of v 50

Trade of neutrals in peace, whether to be extended or not by belli-

gerent in war v 213 297 vi 205 223

with East and West Indies, instructions for obtaining vi 263
how secured by treaty of 1806

vi 332

with France, how curtailed vii 495 viii 246 327

by the enemy from some of our ports, demoralizing contri-
vance of ix 207

Treaty, Monroe and Pinkney's with G. Britain, announced

rejected, why
as agreed on

474 vi 331
vi 264 267
vi 353

lord Holland's and Auckland's note attached to vi 366
Monroe and Pinkney's explanation of their vi 332
of peace with Great Britain ix 435

Tripoli, hostilities with iv 326 337 359 385 454.

blockade of vii 397

v 27 59 159

papers about the ex-bashaw of v 159 392 489 vi 51
Tunis, difficulties with iv 363 374 377 v 28 452 vii 370 488
Turreau, letter to Madison, complaint against St. Domingo trade,
14 Oct. 1805 v 153



3 Jan. 1806 v 155

to Smith, documents in favour of our trade to France, 27

Nov. 1810 vii 491

few articles admitted into France, 12 Dec.
vii 493

commerce may be enlarged by change of rela-
tions, 25 Dec. vii 297

closer relations between France and us, 14 Nov.
viii 234

conditions of amity, 14 June, 1809, Monroe's
report on
ix 303

Vengeance, affair of the ii 220

William, case of the i 99 115

War with G. Britain, message recommending viii 362-369

report of committee on causes of viii 387-

399 ix 198-206

President's proclamation of viii 487

pressures and vicissitudes of ix 50

success of, on the ocean ix 53 225 315
on the land ix 226 274 313

project, American, for arresting progress of ix

53 59

rejected with terms of peculiar re-
proach and insult ix 200

justification of necessity of ix 58 220

suspension of, by land, agreed to

ix 66

rejected, why ix 67
ix 76

cessation of, British proposals for
enemy's conduct of ix 221 316
terminated with peculiar felicity ix 432

with Algiers, message recommending ix 448

Warden's statement of cases of our vessels, captured by French in
or near the Baltick viii 319

Warren, sir J. B's letter to Monroe, proposals for cessation of hosti-
lities, 30 Sept. ix 76

proclamation of blockade of part of our coast ix 270

Wellesley, marquis, to Pinkney, blockade of May 1806, compre-

hended in order of council, 1807,

2 March, 1810 vii 409
announcing blockade of Spanish
ports on bay of Biscay, in French
possession, 20 Feb. vii 410

Wellesley, marquis, to Pinkney, recall of Jackson, 14 March vii 425

blockades in force, what, 26 March

vii 427

promise to relinquish orders in coun-
cil, when, 31 Aug. vii 445
blockade of Elsinore, not of the
Sound, 26 Sept. vii 454

no authentick advice of repeal of
French decrees, 4 Dec. viii 30

to J. S. Smith, argument on repeal of French
decrees transferred to British min-

ister in America, 14 Aug. 1811
viii 95

to Pinkney, vindication of continuance of British

orders, 29 Dec. 1810 viii 136
Britain will not repeal orders, why,

11 Feb. 1811 viii 149
appointment of a minister to the
United States, 15 Feb. viii 152
friendly intentions of Britain, 23
Feb. viii 157

West India trade, difficulties in obtaining British vi 339
Whitby, captain's affair and trial, comments on vi 128
Wilkinson, general's negotiation with Spanish generals about inva-
sion of our territory v 460

Wilmington memorial about slaves from French W. I. islands iv 486
Wolcott, secretary's project for delivery of deserters ix 13
Wormeley, lieutenant's letter to committee of senate, ex-bashaw of
Tripoli v 404

Young, consul's letters on Spanish spoliations, Oct. 1799 iv 444
Yrujo to Pickering, complaint of injuries to Spain, 6 May, 1797


iii 127-132

British design against Spanish posts in Upper

Louisiana, 2 March



21 April iii 308

disagreement between commissioners for run-
ning the Florida line, 24 June iii 313
examination of his report on conduct of Spanish
officers, 11 July iii 375-386

explanation of a part of do in answer to his
letter of 8 Aug. 19 Aug. iii 413

on conduct of American officers in the diffi-
culty on the lines, 9 Oct. iii 414

on the navigation of the Mississippi, 21 Nov.,
iii 419--425

his address, under the signature of VERUS, on the same sub-
ject, in the AURORA newspaper iii 425-433


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