Gambar halaman



SYNONYME is a term applied to different words, whose meaning is so nearly the same, that the one may be substituted for the other, without altering the sense of the sentence, in order to avoid the inelegant repetition of the same word:

BANDON, leave, forsake, desert, renounce, relinquish, quit, forego, let go, waive.

Abandoned, wicked, reprobate, dissolute, profligate, flagitious, corrupt, depraved, vicious.

Abandonment, leaving, desertion, dereliction, renunciation, defection.

Abasement, degradation, fall, degeneracy, humiliation, abjection, debasement, servility.

Abash, bewilder, disconcert, discompose, confound, confuse, shame.

Abbreviate, shorten, abridge, condense, contract, curtail, reduce.

Abdicate, give up, resign, renounce, abandon, forsake, relinquish, quit, forego.

Abet, help, encourage, instigate, incite, stimulate, aid, assist. Abettor, assistant, accessory, accomplice, promoter, instigator, particeps criminis, coadjutor, associate, companion, coöperator. Abhor, dislike intensely, view with horror, hate, detest, abominate, loathe, nauseate.

Ability, capability, talent, faculty, capacity, qualification, aptitude, aptness, expertness, skill, efficiency, accomplishment, attainment. Abject, grovelling, low, mean, base, ignoble, worthless, despicable, vile, servile, contemptible.

Abjure, recant, forswear, disclaim, recall, revoke, retract, renounce. Able, strong, powerful, muscular, stalwart, vigorous, athletic, robust, brawny, skillful, adroit, competent, efficient, capable, clever, selfqualified, telling, fitted.

Abode, residence, habitation, dwelling, domicile, home, quarters, lodging.

Abolish, quash, destroy, revoke, abrogate, annul, cancel, annihilate, extinguish, vitiate, invalidate, nullify.

Abominable, hateful, detestable, odious, vile, execrable.
Abortive, fruitless, ineffectual, idle, inoperative, vain, futile.
About, concerning, regarding, relative to, with regard to, as to, respect-
ing, with respect to, referring to, around, nearly, approximately.
Abscond, run off, steal away, decamp, bolt.

Absent, a., inattentive, abstracted, not attending to, listless, dreamy.
Absolute, entire, complete, unconditional, unqualified, unrestricted,
despotic, arbitrary, tyrannous, imperative, authoritative, imperious.
Absolve, set free, loose, clear, acquit, liberate, release, forgive.
Absorb, engross, swallow up, engulf, imbibe, consume, merge, fuse.
Absurd, silly, foolish, preposterous, ridiculous, irrational, unreasona-
ble, nonsensical, inconsistent.

Abuse, v., asperse, revile, vilify, reproach, calumniate, defame, slander, scandalize, malign, traduce, disparage, depreciate, ill-use.

Abuse, ., scurrility, ribaldry, contumely, obloquy, opprobrium, foul invective, vituperation.

Accede, assent to, consent, acquiesce, comply with, agree, coincide, concur, approve.

Accelerate, hasten, hurry, expedite, forward, quicken, despatch.
Accept, receive, take, admit.

Acceptable, agreeable, pleasing, pleasurable, gratifying, welcome.
Accident, casualty, incident, contingency, adventure, chance.
Acclamation, applause, plaudit, exultation, joy, shouting, cheering,
triumph, jubilation.

Accommodate, adapt, adjust, fit, suit, serve, supply, furnish.

Accomplice, confederate, accessory, abettor, coadjutor, assistant, ally, associate, particeps criminis.

Accomplish, do, effect, finish, execute, achieve, complete, perfect, con


Accomplishment, attainment, qualification, acquirement.
Accord, grant, allow, admit, concede.

Accost, salute, address, speak to, stop, greet.

Account, v., assign, adduce, reckon, compute, calculate, estimate. Account, ., narrative, description, narration, relation, detail, recital, moneys, reckoning, bill, charge.

Accountable, punishable, answerable, amenable, responsible, liable.
Accredited, authorized, commissioned, empowered, intrusted.
Accumulate, bring together, amass, collect, gather.
Accumulation, collection, store, mass, congeries, concentration.
Accurate, correct, exact, precise, nice, truthful.

Achieve, do, accomplish, effect, fulfill, execute, gain, win.

Achievement, feat, exploit, accomplishment, attainment, perform. ance, acquirement, gain.

Acknowledge, admit, confess, own, avow, grant, recognize, allow, concede.

Acquaint, inform, enlighten, apprise, make aware, make known, notify, communicate.

Acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, cognizance, fellowship, companionship, knowledge.

Acquiesce, agree, accede, assent, comply, consent, give way, coinside with.

Acquit, pardon, forgive, discharge, set free, clear, absolve.
Act, do, operate, make, perform, play, enact.

Action, deed, achievement, feat, exploit, accomplishment, battle, en gagement, agency, instrumentality.

Active, lively, sprightly, alert, agile, nimble, brisk, quick, supple,
prompt, vigilant, laborious, industrious.
Actual, real, positive, genuine, certain.

Acute, shrewd, intelligent, penetrating, piercing, keen.
Adapt, accommodate, suit, fit, conform.

Addicted, devoted, wedded, attached, given up to, dedicated.
Addition, increase, accession, augmentation, reinforcement.
Address, tact, skill, ability, dexterity, deportment, demeanor.
Adhesion, adherence, attachment, fidelity, devotion.
Adjacent, near to, adjoining, contiguous, conterminous, bordering,

Adjourn, defer, prorogue, postpone, delay.

Adjunct, appendage, appurtenance, appendency, dependency.

Adjust, set right, fit, accommodate, adapt, arrange, settle, regulate, or ganize.

...mirable, striking, surprising, wonderful, astonishing.

Admonition, warning, notice, caution.
Adopt, take, assume, appropriate, choose.
Adorn, beautify, decorate, embellish, ornament.

Adroit, skillful, clever, dexterous, expert.

Advance, bring forward, adduce, assign, allege.
Advancement, preferment, promotion, progress.
Advantage, benefit, good, profit, avail, utility, service.
Advantageous, beneficial, profitable, salutary.

Adventure, incident, occurrence, casualty, contingency, accident,


Adventurous, bold, enterprising, daring, chivalrous, rash, precipitate, foolhardy.

Adversary, opponent, antagonist, enemy, foe.

Adverse, opposed to, contrary, opposite, counteractive, hostile, repugnant.

Adversity, misfortune, affliction, calamity, disaster.
Advertise, publish, announce, proclaim, promulgate.

Advice, warning,. counsel, instruction, information, deliberation, consultation, reflection, consideration.

Advise, acquaint, inform, communicate, notify, tell.

Advocate, counsel, defender, upholder.

Affability, courteousness, courtesy, urbanity, politeness.

Affect, influence, act upon, interfere with, feign, pretend, assume.
Affecting, touching, pathetic, melting, moving.

Affection, fondness, attachment, kindness, love, tenderness, endear


Affectionate, loving, attached to, fond, kind, tender, filial.
Affinity, relationship, alliance, union, kin, kindred, relation.
Affirm, swear, assert, asseverate, declare, aver, protest.
Affirmation, asseveration, protestation, declaration.
Affix, attach, annex, subjoin, connect, adjoin.

Afflict, grieve, give pain, distress, trouble, torment, agonize.
Afflicting, grievous, unhappy, painful, disastrous, calamitous.
Affluence, opulence, wealth, riches, abundance, luxuriance.

Afford, give, impart, communicate, produce, bestow, grant, confer, spare.

Affright, frighten, terrify, appall, overawe, dismay, scare, daunt, cow.
Affront, injury, wrong, insult, offence, outrage.
Afraid, timid, fearful, timorous, faint-hearted.

Age, period, time, date, generation, era, epoch, decade, century.
Agency, instrumentality, influence, operation, management.
Aggrandize, exalt, promote, prefer, advance, elevate.

Aggravate, tantalize, irritate, inflame, provoke, chafe, nettle, embitter,
exasperate, increase, enhance, heighten, make worse.
Aggregate, n., total, entire, complete, the whole.
Aggregate, v., heap up, amass, accumulate, get together.

Agitate, convulse, disturb, stir, move, shake, oscillate, toss, upheave.
Agitation, perturbation, emotion, trepidation, throb, thrill, tremor.
Agonize, distress, rack, torture, writhe, excruciate, pain.
Agony, anguish, pang, throe, pain, distress, suffering, woe.
Agree, consent, assent, accede, acquiesce, comply, coincide, tally.

Aid, n., assistance, support, sustenance, succor, relief, help, coöperation.

Ailing, unwell, sickly, diseased, ill.

Aim, v., direct, point, level, endeavor to attain.

Aim, n., end, purpose, object, drift, scope, design, intent, intention, tendency.

Alarm, terror, fright, affright, dismay, consternation, disquietude. Alienate, estrange, take off, withdraw from, transfer, assign, convey. AHay, appease, assuage, mitigate, soothe, alleviate, solace, compose, calm, pacify, tranquilize, repress.

Allege, affirm, declare, maintain, adduce, advance, assign.

Alleviate, assuage, mitigate, soothe, solace, relieve, abate, allay, diminish, extenuate, soften.

Alliance, affinity, union, connection, relation, confederacy, combination, coalition, league, confederation.

Allot, assign, apportion, appropriate, appoint, distribute.

Allow, admit, concede, yield, grant, give, permit, tolerate, suffer, sanction, authorize.

Allude, hint, refer, insinuate, imply, glance at, intimate, suggest.
Allure, entice, attract, decoy, tempt, seduce, abduce.

Alteration, change, variation, shifting, transition, changeableness, mu tability.

Altercation, contention, dispute, dissension, variance, affray, braw feud, quarrel.

Altitude, height, elevation, ascendant.

Always, continually, ever, perpetually, constantly, incessantly, un ceasingly, forever, eternally.

Amass, accumulate, collect, gather, heap up, pile up, hoard, store up.
Amazing, astonishing, wondrous, surprising, marvelous, stupendous.
Ameliorate, improve, amend, better.

Amend, mend, better, improve, correct, rectify, ameliorate.
Amends, compensation, recompense, restoration, reparation, atonement
Amicable, friendly, social, sociable.

Ample, complete, full, wide, spacious, capacious, extensive, liberal, pansive, diffusive.

Amplification. enlargement, exegesis, expansion, development.
Amusement, recreation, pastime, entertainment, diversion, sport.
Ancient, old-fashioned, old, antique, antiquated, obsolete.

Anger, v., vex, exasperate, enrage, inflame, irritate, kindle, provok✨ imbitter, incense.

Anger, n., wrath, passion, rage, fury, indignation, ire, choler, bile, ex asperation, irritation, resentment, incensement, pique, displeasure Angry, passionate, irascible, choleric, touchy, hasty, hot, sullen, moody. incensed, irritated, enraged, provoked, galled, chafed, nettled piqued, exasperated, wrathful.

Anguish, woe, agony, pain, distress, suffering.

Animosity, enmity, feeling against, malignity, hostility, antagonism.
Annex, add, attach, affix, append, subjoin, adjoin.
Annihilate, destroy, annul, extinguish, nullify.

Announce, make known, publish, advertise, proclaim, report, notify, give out.

Annoy, vex, tease, chafe, molest, incommode, discommode, inconven

ence, disaccommodate.

Annoyance, trouble, uneasiness, discomfort.

Annul, revoke, abolish, abrogate, repeai, cancel, destroy, extinguish, quash, nullify.

Answerable, responsible, accountable, amenable, suitable. Anterior, preceding, antecedent, previous, prior, foregoing, former. Anticipate, forestall, foretaste, prejudge.

Antipathy, dislike, aversion, repugnance, contrariety, oppositio

hatred, antagonism, hostility, feeling against. Antithesis, contrast, opposition.

Anxiety, care, solicitude, attention, intentness, eagerness.
Apathetic, insensible, impassive, insensitive, indifferent.
Apocryphal, uncertain, unauthentic, legendary.

Appall, affright, dismay, terrify, frighten, scare, daunt, cow.
Apparent, easily seen, visible, palpable, clear, plain, transparent, un
mistakable, unambiguous, evident, manifest, distinct, self-evident.
Appease, pacify, quiet, calm, compose, sooth, tranquilize, assuage.
Appellation, name, denomination, cognomen.

Applaud, praise, extol, commend, approve.

Appoint, assign, allot, ordain, depute, order, prescribe, constitute, settle, determine.

Apportion, distribute, allot, appropriate.

Apprehend, take, arrest, seize, think, feel, conceive, imagine, fancy, anticipate, fear, dread, understand.

Apprise, make known, acquaint, notify, inform, make aware, make cognizant, disclose, communicate.

Appropriate, v., take to, adopt, assume, arrogate, usurp, allot, assign. Approval, assent, approbation, concurrence, consent.

Apt, fit, meet, suitable, pertinent, prompt, ready, quick, dexterous, ap propriate.

Arbitrary, despotic, imperious, domineering, tyrannous, tyrannical. Arbitrator, arbiter, judge, umpire, referee.

Ardent, eager, fervid, hot, fiery, glowing, passionate.

Arrange, put in order, place, assort, classify, regulate, dispose, adjust.
Arrest, stop, apprehend, withhold, keep back, restrain.
Arrogance, assumption, haughtiness, pride, loftiness.

Art, skill, tact, aptitude, adroitness, expertness, cunning, subtilty. Artifice, trick, stratagem, machination, deception, cheat, imposture delusion.

Artless, fair, honest, ingenuous, frank, candid, unsophisticated, open.
Ascendency, superiority, influence, authority, sway, mastery.
Ask, request, entreat, solicit, beg, claim, demand, invite, question.
Aspect, light, view, appearance, complexion, feature, lineament, air,
look, mien, countenance.

Asperity, acrimony, acerbity, harshness, smartness, pungency, poignancy, tartness, roughness.

Asperse, accuse falsely, malign, slander, traduce, defame, scandalize, disparage, depreciate.

Assault, v., assail, attack, invade, encounter, storm.

Assemble, congregate, collect, gather, muster, bring together. Assembly, assemblage, collection, group, company, muster, congregation, convention, congress, diet, council, convocation, conclave, synod, meeting, auditory, audience.

Assert, affirm, declare, aver, protest, maintain, vindicate, defend. Assign adduce, allege, advance, bring forward, appoint, allot, appropriate, apportion.

Associate, colleague, ally, partner, coadjutor, comrade, companion. Association, company, society, confederacy, union, partnership, fellowship, companionship.

Assuage, compose, calm, pacify, allay, soothe, conciliate, appease, tranquilize, mitigate, alleviate, palliate, mollify. Assume, pretend to, arrogate, usurp, appropriate, affect.

Assurance, confidence, certainty, consciousness, conviction, effrontery, impudence.

Athletic, stalwart, powerful, brawny, muscular, robust, able-bodied. Atrocious, heinous, enormous, flagrant, villainous, notorious, monstrous, inhuman.

Attach, affix, append, subjoin, annex, adjoin, connect, stick, distrain. Attachment, affection, devotedness, devotion, fondness, love, endearment.

Attain, gain, get, procure, reach, arrive at, acquire, win, obtain.
Attempt, effort, exertion, endeavor, essay, trial, experiment.
Attend, go with, accompany, escort, wait on, listen, nearken, heed.
Attest, testify, witness, prove.

Attire, ., dress, apparel, garments, clothes, habiliments.
Attitude, posture, gesture, gesticulation, action.

Attract, draw to, allure, entice, charm, wheedle.

Attribute, quality, property, grace, accomplishment, attainment.

Audacious, assuming, forward, presumptuous.

Augment, increase, enlarge, extend, stretch out, spread out.

Auspicious, fortunate, favorable, propitious, prosperous, lucky, happy.

Austere, rigid, severe, rigorous, stern, harsh.

Authoritative, commanding, swaying, imperative, imperious.
Auxiliary, assistant, helping, conducive, furthering, instrumental.
Avail, advantage, profit, use, benefit, service, utility.
Available, profitable, advantageous, useful, beneficial.
Avarice, covetousness, cupidity, greediness.

Averse, adverse, hostile, reluctant, unwilling, backward.
Aversion, dislike, antipathy, hatred, repugnance, distaste.

Avocation, employment, calling, business, occupation, office, engagement, function, profession, trade.

Award, adjudge, adjudicate, judge, determine.

Awkward, rough, clumsy, unpolished, untoward, backward.
Awry, crooked, wry, bent, curved, inflected, oblique.

BAD, wicked, evil, unsound, unwholesome, baneful, deleterious, pernicious, noisome, noxious.

Baffle, defeat, discomfit, bewilder.

Balance, poise, weigh, neutralize, counteract, equalize.
Balmy, fragrant, sweet-scented, odoriferous, odorous, perfumed.
Baneful, hurtful, destructive, pernicious, noxious, deleterious.
Barbarous, savage, brutal, cruel, inhuman, ruthless, merciless, re-
morseless, unrelenting, uncivilized.

Bargain, agreement, convention, compact, stipulation, covenant, con


Base, bad, low, mean, sordid, grovelling, ignoble, ignominious, dishonorable, vile, counterfeit.

Battle, combat, engagement, action, conflict, contesɩ, fight.

Bear, hold up, sustain, support, endure, carry, maintain, convey, transport, waft, suffer, tolerate, undergo, put up with.

Bearing, manner, deportment, demeanor, behavior, conduct.
Beat, strike, knock, hit, belabor, thump, dash, vanquish, overpower,
conquer, defeat.

Beau, sweetheart, wooer, lover, suitor, fop, dandy, coxcomb.
Beautiful, elegant, beauteous, handsome, fair, pretty.
Beautify, adorn, decorate, embellish, deck, ornament.
Becoming, befitting, comely, decent, fit, proper, suitable.
Beg, ask, entreat, crave, solicit, beseech, implore, supplicate.
Beguile, amuse, entertain, deceive, mislead, impose upon.
Belief, faith, credence, credit, trust, confidence, reliance, conviction

Below, underneath, beneath, under, lower, inferior, subordinate.
Bend, lean, incline, distort, stoop, descend, condescend.
Beneficent, benevolent, bountiful, bounteous, munificent, liberal, gen.


Benefit, advantage, good, profit, service, ability, avail, use.
Benevolence, beneficence, benignity, kindness, generosity.
Benign, benignant, benevolent, kind, gracious, bland, tender, good.
Bent, ., inclination, disposition, tendency, bias, prepossession, pro
pensity, predilection, proneness.

Bereave, deprive, strip, dispossess, disarm, divest.
Better, improve, amend, ameliorate, reform, rectify.
Bewail, wail, bemoan, lament, mourn over.

Bewilder, confound, perplex, embarrass, entangle, puzzle.
Bewitch, entrance, enchain, fascinate, charm, enchant, enrapture, cap
tivate, enamor.

Bias, bent, inclination, predilection, tendency, partiality, prejudice.
Bid, offer, proffer, tender, propose, call, invite, summon.
Bind, tie, restrain, restrict, connect, link, engage, oblige.
Binding, astringent, costive, valid, obligatory, stringent, constrain

Bitter, harsh, pungent, poignant, stinging.

Black, dark, murky, pitchy, inky, Cimmerian.

Blacken, defame, calumniate, slander, scandalize, asperse.
Blamable, culpable, censurable, reprehensible, reprovable.

Blame, reprove, reprehend, censure, condemn, reprobate, reproach. Blameless, inculpable, guiltless, sinless, innocent, immaculate, un sullied, unblemished, spotless.

Bland, soft, gentle, mild, kind, gracious, benign, benignant.
Blast, v., blight, wither, shrivel, destroy.

Blatant, noisy, clamorous, braying, bellowing, vociferous.
Blemish, v., stain, blur, sully, spot, obscure, dim, ruin, spoil, mar.
Blemish, n., flaw, speck, spot, blur, defect, imperfection, fault.
Bliss, ecstacy, felicity, blessedness, blissfulness.
Bloodshed, carnage, slaughter, butchery, massacre.
Bloody, gory, sanguinary, ensanguined, murderous.
Bloom, blossom, bud, sprout, germinate, shoot forth.
Blot, stain, blur, speck, flaw, blemish, defect.

Blot out, wipe out, erase, expunge, delete, obliterate, cancel, efface. annihilate.

Bluff, blustering, burly, swaggering, hectoring, bullying.
Blunt, pointless, obtuse, edgeless, unpolite, rough, rude.
Boast, glory, triumph, vaunt, brag.

Boisterous, violent, furious, impassioned, impetuous, vehement, stormy, turbulent.

Bold, fearless, undaunted, dauntless, brave, daring, adventurous, intrepid, audacious, impudent, contumacious.

Bondage, slavery, thraldom, vassalage, servitude, serfdom, captivity. imprisonment, confinement.

Bound, limit, circumscribe, confine, restrict, restrain, terminate.
Boundless, unlimited, unbounded, infinite, interminable.

Bounty, munificence, liberality, generosity, benevolence, beneficence, charity, benignity, humanity.

Brand, stigmatize, denounce, mark. Brave, courageous, gallant, chivalrous, daring, adventurous, valorous, heroic, valiant, bold, dauntless, intrepid, magnanimous, fearless. Brawny, muscular, athletic, sinewy, powerful, robust, stalwart, able bodied, strong.

Break, burst, rend, rack, violate, infringe, transgress, demolish, do stroy.

Breed, hatch, brood, incubate, beget, engender, generate, produce.
Brevity, shortness, conciseness, succinctness.

Brief, short, concise, compendious, succinct, summary.

Bright clear, lucid, transparent, limpid, lustrous, translucent, shining, brilliant, luminous, radiant, gleaming.

Brisk, active, agile, nimble, lively, quick, sprightly, prompt, alert, assiduous, vigorous, vigilant.

Broad, wide, large, ample, expanded, extensive.
Brotherly, fraternal, affectionate, kind.

Bruise, break, crush, squeeze, pulverize, levigate, triturate.

Brutality, savageness, ferocity, barbarity.

Brutish, cruel, inhuman, merciless, ferocious, remorseless, ruthless, barbarous, savage, irrational, sensual.

Bud, sprout, germinate, blossom, bloom, shoot forth.
Build, erect, construct, raise, found.

Bulk, size, dimension, magnitude, greatness, bulkiness, bigness, largeness, massiveness.

Buoyancy, lightness, elasticity, animation, spirit, vivacity.
Burst, break, crack, split, rend.

Bury, inter, inhume, entomb, immure.

Bystander, onlooker, spectator, beholder, observer.

CAJOLE, coax, wheedle, flatter, fawn.

Calamitous, disastrous, fatal, unfortunate, unlucky, hapless, luckless, ill-fated, ill-starred.

Calculate, reckon, guess, suppose, compute, estimate.

Call together, convene, convoke, assemble, muster, collect, gather. Called, named, termed, designated, denominated, ycleped. Calling, n., employment, business, avocation, vocation, pursuit, engagement, occupation, trade, profession, office, duty, function.

Callous, hard, obdurate, impenitent, unfeeling, insensible, insensitive, unsusceptible.

Calm, v., tranquillize, allay, appease, quiet, hush, pacify, assuage, soothe, compose.

Calm, a., quiet, undisturbed, serene, placid, composed, collected, imperturbable, tranquil, pacific, unruffled, stili. Calumniate, vilify, revile, accuse falsely, asperse, traduce, malign, slander, defame, scandalize, disparage.

Calumny, slander, false accusation, aspersion, defamation.

Cancel, blot out, obliterate, expunge, efface, wipe out, rub out, erase, quash, abolish, annul, repeal, abrogate, revoke, destroy, invalidate, nullify.

Candid, fair, sincere, honest, open, artless, ingenuous, frank, plain. Canvass, discuss, dispute, contest, controvert, sift, examine, solicit, apply for.

Capable, able, qualified, competent, efficient, fitted, susceptible, clever, skillful.

Capacious, roomy, ample, spacious.

Capacity, capability, skill, ability, faculty, power, talent, efficiency. Caprice, freak, whim, humor, crotchet, fancy.

Captious, touchy, testy, cross, petulant, peevish, fretful.

Captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate, enrapture, bewitch, entrance enchain, enamor, confine, imprison.

Captivity, imprisonment, confinement, bondage, slavery, thraldom servitude, serfdom.

Care, anxiety, solicitude, concern, attention, regard, circumspection,

[blocks in formation]

Cause, v., occasion, make, induce, originate, give rise to, evoke, pro voke, incite.

Caution, care, vigilance, circumspection, admonition, warning, notice Cautious, careful, watchful, prudent, wary, vigilant, circumspect. Celebrate, commend, applaud, laud, extol, magnify, glorify. Celebrated, famous, renowned, far-famed, illustrious, glorious. Celerity, quickness, speed, rapidity, velocity, swiftness, fleetness. Celestial, heavenly, divine, godlike, seraphic, angelic.

Censure, v., blame, reprove, reprehend, reprobate, condemn, upbraid. Ceremony, form, observance, rite, solemnity.

Certain, sure, indubitable, unquestionable, unfailing, secure, real, actual, positive.

Certify, testify, vouch, declare.

Cessation, intermission, rest, pause, discontinuance.

Champion, leader, chieftain, head.

Chance, accident, fortune, casualty, hazard, luck. Change, v., alter, vary, transform, exchange, barter. Change, n., variety, alteration, alternation, vicissitude. Changeable, variable, unsteady, undecided, wavering, hesitating, vacillating, fluctuating, inconstant, unsteadfast, unstable, fickle, versatile, restless, fitful, capricious.

Character, cast, turn, tone, description, nature, disposition, reputation.

Charge, v., accuse, impeach, arraign, inculpate.

Charge, m., care, custody, ward, trust, management, cost, price, expense, account, fee, bill, assault, shock, onset, attack, accusation, impeachment, imputation.

Charity, kindness, benignity, beneficence, benevolence, tenderness. Charm, enchant, fascinate, bewitch, enrapture, captivate, enamor. Chat, chatter, prattle, prate, babble, gossip.

Cheat, v., defraud, gull, dupe, trick, beguile, deceive, delude, hoodwink.

Cheat, n., deception, imposture, fraud, delusion, artifice, deceit, trick, imposition.

Check, curb, restrain, repress, control, counteract, chide, reprimand, reprove, rebuke.

Cheer, exhilarate, animate, inspirit, inspire, enliven, gladden, comfort, solace.

Cheerfulness, gayety, sprightliness, merriment, mirth, liveliness, vi vacity, joviality.

Cheerless, broken-hearted, comfortless, disconsolate, inconsolable, desolate, forlorn.

Cherish, nourish, nurture, nurse, foster, sustain.
Choose, prefer, select, elect, call, pick.

Circuitous, roundabout, tortuous, flexuous, tiresome.
Circulate, spread, diffuse, disseminate, propagate.

Circumspection, caution, watchfulness, vigilance, deliberation, thoughtfulness, wariness.

Circumstance, situation, condition, position, fact, incident.
Cite, quote, adduce, summon, call.

Civil, polite, complaisant, affable, courteous, obliging, urbane, wellbred.

Claim, v., ask, demand, challenge, call for, plead.
Clamor, outcry, fuss, noise, hubbub, uproar.
Clandestine, hidden, secret, private.

Class, ., order, rank, degree, grade, category, caste, tribe.
Clause, stipulation, proviso, term, article.

Clean, v., cleanse, clarify, purify.

Clear, v., absolve, acquit, liberate, deliver, release, set free. unbind.
Clear, a., apparent, palpable, visible, obvious, plain, eviaent, manifest,
unmistakable, distinct, intelligible, lucid, transparent, limpid.
Clemency, leniency, mercy, mildness, mitigation.
Clever, skillful, expert, dexterous, adroit.

Cling, hold, stick, adhere, attach.

Close, v., conclude, shut, end, terminate, finish.
Close, a., compact, solid, firm, dense.

Clothes, garments, vestments, dress, habiliments, apparel, attire, array. raiment, vesture, drapery.

Cloudy, dim, obscure, dark, dusky, murky, indistinct, shadowy, mys terious.

Clumsy, awkward, unpolished, uncourtly, ponderous.
Clutch, grasp, lay hold on, catch, seize, grip.

Coalition, union, alliance, confederacy, league, combination.

Coarse, rough, rude, rugged, gruff, harsh.

Coeval, contemporaneous, cotemporary, contemporary.

Cogent, forcible, strong, valid, irresistible, resistless.

Colleague, fellow, compeer, companion.

Collect, 9., gather, assemble, muster, congregate, accumulate, hoard. Colossal, large, gigantic, huge, enormous, immense, vast.

Color, hue, tint, tinge, complexion.

Combat, "., engagement, conflict, contest, fight, action, battle
Combat, v., oppose, resist, withstand, thwart.

Combination, alliance, union, league, confederacy, coalition, conspiracy.

Comfort, solace, console, encourage, revive.

Comfortless, cheerless, forlorn, disconsolate, inconsolable, desolate, wretched.

Comic, funny, laughable, droll, ludicrous.

Command, ., order, decree, injunction, mandate, precept, behest.
Commence, begin, enter upon.

Commend, v., praise, applaud, extol, eulogize, recommend.
Comment, observation, remark, annotation, elucidation.

Commerce, dealing, trade, traffic, intercourse, interchange, reciprocity.

Commit, perpetrate, do, intrust, confide, consign.
Commodious, convenient, useful, suitable.

Common, vulgar, low, mean, frequent, ordinary, usual, general.
Communicate, make known, divulge, disclose, reveal, impart.
Communication, intercourse, correspondence, commerce,

Community, society, commonwealth, social state.
Commute, change, alter, exchange, barter.


Companion, comrade, coadjutor, partner, ally, associate, confederate, fellow, colleague.

Company, association, society, assemble, assemblage, audience, audi

tory, corporation, body, troop, horde, crew.

Comparison, simile, similitude, illustration.

Compassion, pity, commiseration, sympathy, condolence.

Compatible, consistent, consonant, accordant.

Compel, force, constrain, coerce, enforce, oblige, necessitate.
Compendious, brief, short, succinct, concise.

Compensate, recompense, make amends, remunerate, requite. Competent, able, capable, efficient, qualified, fitted, clever, skillful, sufficient, adequate.

Complete, v., accomplish, fulfil, realize, execute, effect, achieve, con-
clude, consummate, finish, end, fill up, terminate.
Complexion, aspect, appearance, feature, lineament, look.
Complicated, complex, compound, involved, intricate.
Compliment, praise, flatter, adulate, applaud.

Comply, yield, accede, assent, consent, acquiesce.

Compose, form compound, put together, constitute, soothe, calm, quiet, lull, hush, frame, indite.

Composed, serene, placid, calm, collected.

Comprehend, comprise, take in, embrace, contain, embody, include, conceive, imagine, apprehend, understand.

Comprehension, capacity, capability, knowledge, intelligence, understanding.

Compress, condense, press, squeeze.

Comprise, contain, include, comprehend, embody.

Compromise, concede, implicate, involve, entangle, embarrass.
Compulsion, constraint, force, coercion.

Compute, calculate, count, sum, number, account, reckon, estimate,

rate, measure.

Comrade, associate, companion, ally.

Conceal, hide, secrete, disguise, dissemble.

Concede, give up, deliver, yield, compromise, allow, grant, admit.

Conceited, proud, vain, egotistical.

Conceive, think of, imagine, suppose, comprehend, understand.
Concern, affair, business, matter, care, regard, interest.

Concerted, joint, coöperative, designed, wrought out, studied, elabo


Concise, brief, short, succinct.

Conclude, end, close, finish, terminate.

Conclusion, end, upshot, event, inference, deduction.

Concord, concert, chorus, harmony, unity. Concourse, crowd, confluence, conflux. Concur, acquiesce, agree, coincide.

Condemn, blame, reprobate, reprove, reproach, upbraid, censure, rep rehend, doom, sentence.

Condense, compress, press, squeeze, concentrate, epitomize.

Condition, state, plight, case, predicament, category, stipulation, cove

nant, article, term.

Condolence, sympathy, commiseration, compassion.

Conduce, contribute, subserve, lead, tend, incline.

Conduct, n., behavior, demeanor, carriage, walk, deportment.
Conduct, v.. guide, lead, direct, manage.

Confer, bestow, give, discourse, converse.

Conference, meeting, conversation, talk, colloquy, dialogue, parley.
Confess, acknowledge, avow, own, recognize.
Confide, trust, repose, depend, rely.

Confidence, assurance, trust, faith, reliance, hope.

Confident, dogmatical, positive, absolute, bold, presumptuous, sanguine.

Confine, limit, bound, circumscribe, restrict, restrain, shut up.
Confirm, ratify, establish, substantiate, corroborate, settle.
Conflicting, jarring, discordant, irreconcilable.

Confused, muddled, mixed, promiscuous, indistinct, deranged, disor< dered, disorganized, bewildered.

Confusion, disorder, derangement, disorganization, chaos, anarchy, misrule.

Confute, refute, disprove, belie.

Conjure, v., adjure, beseech, entreat, implore.

Connect, join, link, bind.

Connection, union, alliance, coalition, junction, intercourse, com

merce, affinity, relationship.

Conquer, vanquish, subdue, overcome, subjugate, surmount.

Consecrate, sanctify, hallow, devote, dedicate.

Consent, n., assent, acquiescence, concurrence, approval.
Consequence, effect, result, event, issue, sequence.

Consider, reflect, regard, weigh, ponder, deliberate.

Consistent, consonant, compatible accordant.

Console, solace, comfort, soothe.

Conspicuous, distinguished, noted, marked, prominent, eminent, pre eminent, illustrious, famed.

Constancy, firmness, stability, steadiness.

Constantly, ever, always, continually, perpetually, incessantly, everlastingly.

Constitute, make, form, compose, mould.

Constitutional, legal, regulated, organized, radical, rooted, fundamental.

Consult, advise with, take counsel, deliberate, debate.

Consume, burn, absorb, spend, swallow, imbibe, engulf, devour.
Consumption, decay, decline, waste.

Contagious, infectious, pestilential, miasmatic.

Contain, comprise, comprehend, include, embrace, hold, incorporate, embody.

Contemplate, meditate, muse, think.

Contemporary, contemporaneous, coeval, simultaneous.
Contemptible, mean, vile, despicable, pitiful, paltry.

Contend, contest, debate, argue, dispute, cope, strive, vie.

Contingency, casualty, accident, incident, occurrence, adventure,

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