Gambar halaman


Time limited.


Rates of toll.

Troy & Lansingburgh.


ers to lay out road.

road shall be constructed and maintained on the most approved principle of McAdam road making.

$9. Whenever five miles of the said road shall be finished according to the preceding section, the said corporation may erect a toll-gate thereon, and demand and receive tolls for passing the same, at the rates herein after mentioned. And when any other five miles of the said road shall in like manner be finished, a toll-gate may be erected thereon with like powers.

$10. If the said corporation do not, within two years after the passage of this act, complete five miles of the said road, and within ten years thereafter complete the whole of said road, then and in that case, this act shall cease and be no longer in force.

$11. The said company may lay out and construct a branch or branches from their said road towards, or to the line of the state of Vermont; which branch or branches shall be subject to the same provisions and regulations in every respect, as the principal road.

$12. On each ten miles of said road, when completed according to the provisions of this act, the company may crect one full toll, or two half toll-gates, and demand and receive thereat from persons travelling such road, the following tolls for passing any full toll-gate, and half that sum for passing any half toll-gate, to wit: for every score of cattle, twenty cents; for every score of sheep or hogs, ten cents; and in the same proportion for any greater or less number of cattle, sheep or hogs; for every cart or fourwheeled carriage drawn by two horses or other beasts, twelve and a half cents, and for every additional horse or other beast, three cents; for every carriage drawn by one horse or other beast, six cents; for every sleigh or sled drawn by two horses or other beasts, eight cents, and for every additional horse or other beast, three cents; for every sleigh or sled drawn by one horse or other beast, four cents, and for every horse or mule and rider, four cents, and for every horse or mule led or driven, three cents.

S13. Nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as in any manner to impair the jurisdiction of the city of Troy, or the village of Lansingburgh, or any other village through which the said McAdam road shall pass; nor shall the said road, or any part thereof, be so constructed as to injure the passage into any street or highway, or so as to impair the usefulness of any stream or

water course.

S 14. Stephen Warren, Henry Vail, Stephen Germond, Samuel H. Mulford, Job Pierson, Amos Briggs, Peter J.

H. Myers, Henry Holmes, Alexander Mosher, Reuben M. Norton and Solomon Cowan are hereby appointed commissioners to designate and lay out said road, a majority of whom may act in the premises,

$ 15. The legislature may at any time alter, amend Right to reor repeal this act.

CHAP. 222.

AN ACT for the relief of Neal Brown.

Passed May 1, 1834. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

$ 1. The treasurer of this, state shall pay out of the canal fund, on the warrant of the comptroller, to Neal Brown, immediately after the passage of this act, ten hundred and fifty-six dollars and ninety-seven cents.

CHAP. 223.

AN ACT to incorporate the New-York marine dry dock


Passed May 1, 1834.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:


$ 1. David Brown, Jacob Bell, Nathan Cobb, Oran- Corporation dates Mauran and Edward K. Collins and their associates created. are hereby created a corporation by the name of the "New-York Marine Dry Dock Company," with power to construct and use two dry and wet docks and other artificial means or basins, to be located either in the county of New-York or in the county of Kings, or one in each county, for the purpose of receiving, sheathing and repairing vessels; and with power to take and hold such real and personal estate as may be necessary for that object.

$ 2. The capital stock of the said corporation shall be stock. two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be divided into two thousand five hundred shares, of one hundred dollars each, and David Brown, Jacob Bell, Nathan Cobb, Orandates Mauran and Edward K. Collins, are hereby appointed commissioners to receive subscriptions to the said capital stock.

Subscriptions to stock.

To bo kept open three days.

Further subscriptions.

Distribution of stock.




$ 3. The books of subscription for said stock shall be opened by the said commissioners, or a majority of them, on such day and at such place in the city of New-York as they shall appoint, giving at least fourteen days notice of such time and place in one or more of the newspapers printed in that city.

S4. The said books shall be kept open at least three days for four hours each day, and the sum of twenty-five dollars on each share subscribed for shall be paid to the commissioners at the time of making such subscription.

$5. If the whole of the capital stock shall not be taken up during the said three days, the said commissioners may receive further subscriptions on such other days, and at such place in the city of New-York as they or a majority of them may from time to time appoint, until the whole capital stock shall be taken up, giving notice thereof for one week as directed in the third section of this act.

$6. The commissioners shall proceed within sixty days after such subscription, to distribute the capital stock of the said corporation' among the subscribers thereto, in such manner as a majority of them shall deem most advantageous to the interest of the institution.

$7. The expenses incurred by the commissioners in exccuting any duties required by this act, shall be paid out of the moneys received by them from subscribers to whom stock shall be distributed.

S8. The stock of the said corporation shall be transferable and assignable on their books according to the by-laws thereof, and shall be personal estate. But no transfer of any stock in such company shall be valid, until such transfer shall have been registered in a book or books to be kept by the directors of the said company for that purpose, which book or books shall at all reasonable times during the usual hours of transacting business, be open to the examination of any stockholder in the said company.

S9. The stock, property, and concerns of the said corporation shall be managed, ordered, and conducted under the directions of seven directors, being stockholders and citizens; and the said directors shall hold their offices from the second Monday of January inclusive in every year, for one year, and shall be elected on the first Monday of January in each year, at such time and place in the city of New-York as a majority of the directors for the time being shall appoint, and that notice of the time and place of holding such election shall be published in at least

one paper in the city of New-York, not less than fourteen. days previous to the time of holding such election.

$10. Each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote on Votes. each share of stock which he shall have held in his own name, at least fourteen days previous to the time of voting, and all elections for directors shall be by ballot, and the seven persons who shall have the greatest number of votes shall be directors; and if at any election two or more persons have an equal number of votes, either for directors or inspectors, then the directors who shall have been duly elected, shall have been duly elected,* shall proceed by ballot and by plurality of votes to determine which of the said persons so having an equal number of votes shall be director or directors, inspector or inspectors, so as to complete the whole number; and the directors so chosen shall as soon as may be thereafter, proceed in like manner to elect one of their number by ballot for their president; and if any director appointed by this act or hereafter to be chosen, shall die or remove out of this state, cease to be a stockholder or shall resign, his office shall be vacant; and whenever any vacancy shall occur the same shall be filled by the remaining directors, by plurality of votes, until the next annual election, and David Brown, Jacob Bell, Nathan Cobb, Orandates Mauran, Edward K. Collins, Josiah Macy, and Allen Miner, shall be the fisrt directors, who shall hold their offices respectively until the second Monday of January inclusive, which will be in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, and until others are chosen in their places, and shall proceed to choose their president at such time and place as they or a majority of them shall determine.


$ 11. The directors may require the stockholders re- Calls on spectively to make payment of all sums of money by them subscribed, at such times and in such proportions as the directors shall see fit, under the pain of the forfeiture of the shares upon which such payments are required, and all the previous payments thereon, to the said corporation. $ 12. The directors shall give notice of every such call, Notice thereby notice to be published at least once a week for four weeks successively, in one or more of the newspapers printed in the city of New-York, and in the state paper, which notice so to be published shall be a sufficient call on each stockholder to authorize, (in case of his default to comply therewith,) the forfeiture above provided.


when to com

S 13. The said corporation shall not commence its ope- Operations rations until one-fourth of the whole of the capital stock meuce.

So in the original.

General powers.

Right to re


shall have been paid in to the said corporation, in specic or current bank bills, and an affidavit of such payment shall have been made by the president of such corporation of such payment, and filed with the clerk of the said county of New-York.

$ 14. The said corporation shall possess the several powers of a corporation, as defined in the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes, and shall be subject to its provisions, except so far as the same have been repealed before the passage of this act, or are modified by this act.

S 15. This corporation shall continue forty years, but the legislature may at any time alter, amend, modify or repeal the same.


Corporation created.;

Objects of

the society.


Real estate.

CHAP. 224.

AN ACT to incorporate the New-York Methodist mutual benefit society.

Passed May 1, 1834.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

$1. There shall be established in the city of NewYork, a benevolent society, by the name of the "NewYork Methodist Mutual Benefit Society."

$2. Gilbert Coutant, Joseph Smith, Abraham Brower and Nicholas Schureman, and such other persons as now are, or may hereafter become, members of the said society, are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name aforesaid.

$ 3. The objects of the society are benevolent, and to afford relief to its members in cases of sickness and infirmity; and the society, its funds or any part of them, shall not be used for other purposes.

$4. The corporation shall have power to prescribe rules and regulations for the admission of its members, and their government; the election of its officers and their duties, and expelling any of its members for not obeying its laws.

$5. The corporation may purchase, take and hold real and personal estate, and the same shall be liable to taxation; but the annual income of the real and personal estate which the said corporation may at any time hold, shall not exceed one thousand dollars, nor shall the said corporation be capable of taking or holding by devise or bequest.

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