Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eighty-first Congress, Second Session on Nominiation of Frank Pace, Jr., to be Secretary of the Army, Nomination of W. Stuart Symington to be Chairman of the National Security Resources Board, Nominations as Per Reference Numbers 167, 169, 170, 171, 179, 180, 181, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, and 190. Appointment of Alternates to Board of Visitors to the Military Academy and Naval Academy, S. 3314 (Part I) ... ; H.R. 3783 ... ; H.R. 4433 ... ; H.R. 4732 ... April 6, 1950

Sampul Depan
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1950 - 34 halaman
Considers legislation to authorize Fort Devens highway strip property jurisdiction retrocession to Massachusetts, miscellaneous military base land tract conveyances, and sundry nominations.

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Halaman 8 - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, the...
Halaman 10 - He was awarded the Legion of Merit "for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service...
Halaman 19 - April 6, 1917, for storage purposes for the use of the Army, which in the judgment of the President or the head of such department is no longer needed for use by the United States of America...
Halaman 19 - Wyoming, to be used for cemetery purposes, particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of...
Halaman 5 - ... that we are. That is the best information I have. I do not know more about it than that. MEETINGS HELD BY BOARD Senator THOMAS. Let me begin by submitting to you five questions which were left with me by Senator Cain, of Washington. The first question is : How often does the Board meet? Mr. KENDALL. The Board has been meeting, sir, during the months since last fall almost every Friday, as I understand it. I have not attended the meetings. They have been following the Cabinet meetings on Friday....
Halaman 15 - ... southerly side line of the location of said highway to a point on course 67-68 as shown on said plan numbered 6101-208, thence running north twenty-two degrees eleven minutes no seconds west, fifty-four and sixty-six onehundredths feet more or less to station numbered 68 and the point of beginning, covered by a certain grant from the Secretary of War to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, dated August 12, 1941, authorized by the Act of Congress approved July 5, 1884 (23 Stat. 104).
Halaman 19 - Avenue; thence in a south southwesterly direction to a point nine hundred feet west of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 2 (the intersection of New York Avenue and...
Halaman 15 - Construction Division, War Department, Washington, DC, Camp Devens, Massachusetts Boundary Map", dated May 27, 1920, and running south sixty-nine degrees thirty-one minutes thirty seconds west, three hundred and sixty-one and twenty-one one-hundredths feet to station numbered 69, thence running south twenty degrees ten minutes no seconds east, sixteen and eighty-five onehundredths feet to station numbered 70, thence running south seventy-eight degrees fifty-eight minutes no seconds east, one hundred...
Halaman 8 - April 2, 1948, who is credited with the same or next greater amount of service. The service credited to each of the above-named persons at the time of his appointment and his active commissioned service in the Regular Air Force subsequent to his appointment shall be included within the meaning of the term "years' service" as defined in subsection (b) of section 514 of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947 (61 Stat.

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