Cor ✓ COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTY-FIRST CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON CARD DIVISION Nomination of Frank Pace, Jr., to be Secretary of the Army Security Resources Board Nominations as per reference numbers 167, 169, 170, 171, 179, 180, 181, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189 and 190. Appointment of alternates to Board of Visitors to the Military Academy and Naval Academy S. 3314 (Part I) (See hearings of May 11, 1950 and May 25, 1950) A bill to authorize the appointment of Joseph F. Carroll and Bernt H. R. 3783 An act authorizing the transfer of part of Camp Joseph T. Robinson to the State of Arkansas. H. R. 4433 An act to make retrocession to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts over H. R. 4732 An act to direct the Secretary of the Army to convey certain lands to water free of charge. * Closing of Balboa, C. Z., shops APRIL 6, 1950 Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services Nomination of Frank Pace, Jr., to be Secretary of the Army----- 1 Security Resources Board_ 4 Nominations per reference Nos. 167, 169, 170, 171, 179, 180, 181, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, and 190- 9 Appointment of alternates to Board of Visitors to the Military and Naval 15 Closing of Balboa, C. Z., shops. 25 Statement of George Nelson, representing International Association 29 S. 3314-A bill to authorize the appointment of Joseph F. Carroll and Statement of Hon. W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force_ 9 20 H. R. 4433-An act to make retrocession to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts over certain land in Shirley, Mass 16 H. R. 4732-An act to direct the Secretary of the Army to convey certain lands to the Two Rock Union School District, a political subdivision of the State of California, in Sonoma County, Calif., and to furnish said school district water free of charge... 18 m MISCELLANEOUS BILLS THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1950 UNITED STATES SENATE, COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, Washington, D. C. The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10:45 a. m., in room 212, Senate Office Building, Senator Harry Flood Byrd presiding. Present: Senators Byrd, Chapman, Kefauver, Hunt, Bridges, Gurney, Saltonstall, Knowland, and Cain. Also present: Senator Kenneth S. Wherry; Frank C. Pace, Jr., Director, Bureau of the Budget; Walter L. Pope, on behalf of Senator McClellan; Gordon Gray, Secretary of the Army; Col. R. L. Waldron, Army Air Force; George Nelson, International Association of Machinists; Justice M. Chambers and Verne D. Mudge of the committee staff. NOMINATION OF FRANK PACE, JR., TO BE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY Senator BYRD. The meeting will come to order. The committee this morning has the very pleasant duty of recommending the confirmation of two very able men. The first on the agenda is the nomination of Frank Pace, Jr., to be Secretary of the Army. I will say the nomination is very satisfactory to me. I have been intimately associated with him and regard him as a splendid and able public official. Senator BRIDGES. Mr. Chairman, my experience with Mr. Pace is such that I think he will make a very able Secretary of the Army, and when the time comes I will be very glad to move his confirmation. Senator CAIN. Might I suggest that Mr. Pace might be inclined to say something for the record to the committee. Would that be proper, sir? Senator BYRD. Entirely proper. Senator SALTONSTALL. Might I ask a question? I would like to ask Mr. Pace why he wants to jump from the frying pan into the fire. Mr. PACE. Mr. Chairman, I would like to say for the benefit of the committee that I have full realization of the importance of the assignment which the President has recommended to the Congress that I be permitted to undertake; that in the course of the period of time that I served as Director of the Budget, I had an intimate opportunity to witness the operation of the Department of the Army, as well as the Department of National Defense; that I do not feel that opportunity for seeing it is adequate in any way to provide me with all of the bases that are required to do the kind of job that I conceive the country needs at this particular time, but I would certainly like to assure the committee-and it is both my intention 1 |