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" Hann. Is. 104. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, Examples of, with Solutions, by J. Haddon. Is. 105. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, and TRIGONOMETRY, First Mnemonical Lessons in, by the Rev. TP Kirkman. "
Examples and Solutions in the Differential Calculus - Halaman 163
oleh James Haddon - 1851 - 186 halaman
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Rudimentary Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mortars, Concretes, Mastics ...

George Rowdon Burnell - 1850 - 164 halaman
...Homersham Cox, MA . . . . 1«. 103. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the, by James Hann 1*. 104. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples...Is. 105. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, AND TRIGONOMETRY, First Mnemonics! Lessons in, by the Rev. Thomas Penyngton Eirkman, MA . Is. <!<'RUDIMENTARY WORKS. NEW SERIES...
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An Elementary Treatise on Descriptive Geometry with a Theory of Shadows and ...

John Fry Heather - 1851 - 228 halaman
...103. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Examples of, by Prof. J. Hann. Is. 104. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, Examples of, by J. Haddon, MA Is. 105. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, and TRIGONOMETRY, First Mnemonical Lessons in, by the Rev. TP Kirkman, MA Is. 6d. 131. MILLER'S, FARMER'S, AND MERCHANT'S READYRECKONER, showing the Value of...
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The Rudiments of Civil Engineering

Henry Law - 1852 - 320 halaman Homersham Cox, MA If. 103. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the, by James Hann 1«. 104. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the, by J. Haddon, MA ' . 1& 106. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, AND TRIGONOMETRY, First Mnemonical Lessons in, by the Rev. Thomas Penyngton...
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Rudimentary Treatise on Arithmetic

John Radford Young - 1852 - 230 halaman
...Homersham Cox, MA Is. 103. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the, by Professor James Hann It. 104. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the, by J. Haddon, MA li. 105. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, AND TRIGONOMETRY, First Mnemonical Lessons in, by the Rev. Thomas Fenyngton...
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Rudimentary Treatise on the Power of Water: As Applied to Drive Flour Mills ...

Joseph Glynn - 1853 - 184 halaman
...Examples of, by J. Hann. Is. 104. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, Examples of, with Solutions, by J. Haddon. Is. 105. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, and TRIGONOMETRY, First Mnemonical Lessons in, by the Rev. TP Kirkman. Is. Gd. 131. READY-RECKONER FOR MILLERS, FARMERS, AND MERCHANTS, showing the Value of any...
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Introduction to the Study of Natural Philosophy: For the Use of Beginners

Charles Tomlinson - 1853 - 206 halaman
...CALCULUS, by Homersham Cox, MA 1s. 103. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the, by James Hann 1s. 104. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the, by J. Haddon, MA . U. 105. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, AND TRIGONOMETRY, First Mnemonical Lessons in, by the Rev. Thomas Penyngton...
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A new Latin delectus

Henry Young (schoolmaster.) - 1854 - 166 halaman
...DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, by WSB Woolhouse, FRAS . . Is. 102. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, by Homersham Cox, MA Ia. 103. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the,....Is. 105. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, AND TRIGONOMETRY, First Mnemonica! Lessons in, by the Rev. Thomas Penyngton Kirlmian, MA Is. 6i?. RUDIMENTARY WORKS. XTEW SERIES...
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Moslem and Frank; or, Charles Martel and the rescue of Europe

Gustave Louis M. Strauss - 1854 - 188 halaman
...CALCULUS, by WSB Woolhonse, FRAS . . Is. 102. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, by Homersham Cox, MA . . . .Is. 103. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the,...Examples of the, by J. Haddon, MA'. ...'.-. . . . Is. RUDIMENTARY WORKS. WEW SERIES OF EDUCATION AI, WORKS; on Volumes intended for Public Instruction and...
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On the Use of Field Artillery on Service: With Special Reference to that of ...

A. Taubert (captain.) - 1856 - 262 halaman
...Homersham Cox, MA , ... It, 103. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the, by James Harm I». 104. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the, by J. Haddon, MA . U 105. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, AND TRIGONOMETRY, First Mnemonical Lessons in, by the Rev. Thomas Penyngton...
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Dizionario italiano, inglese, francese: A consice dictionary of the Italian ...

Alfred Elwes - 1856 - 298 halaman
...Homersham Сох, М.А. . . . 1» 103. INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples of the, by James Hann It 104. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, Collection of Examples [of the, by J. Haddon, MA ,:....!» 105. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, AND TRIGONOMETRY, First Mnemónica! Lessons in, by the Rev. Thomas...
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