Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Naval Affairs, United States Senate, Seventy-ninth Congress, First Session on S. 210, to Authorize Conveyance of Old Lighthouse Keeper's Residence to the Otto Oas Post No. 659, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Manitowoc, Wis.; S. 211, for the Relief of Ensign Frederick Matthews McCord, United States Naval Reserve; S. 212, Reimbursement of Navy and Marine Corps Personnel for Personal Property Lost in Hurrricane and Flood at Parris Island, S.C., on August 11-12, 1940; S. 213, to Grant to the City of Canton, Ohio, for Highway Purposes, Strip of Land Within United States Naval Ordnance Plant, Canton, Ohio; S. 214, Reimbursement for Personal Property Lost in Explosion at Naval Mine Depot, Yorktown, Va., on November 16, 1943; S. 215, Reimbursement for Personal Property Lost in Fire at Naval Auxiliary Air Facility, Astoria, Oreg., S. 216, to Convey to Oahu Railway & Land Co., Easement for Railway Purposes in Lands, Territory of Hawaii; S. 217, Exchange of Lands Between City of Eastport, Maine, and United States, and Conveyance of Roadway Easement; S. 218, Authorizing Lease of Certain Lands in San Diego County, Calif.; S. 221, to Authorize Lewis Hobart Kenney Et Al., to Accept Decorations and Orders from the Government of the United States of Brazil. January 23, 1945![]() U.S. Government Printing Office, 1945 - 9 halaman Considers legislation on Navy land easements, Navy personnel property losses reimbursements, and Navy personnel acceptance of Brazilian medals. |