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J. H. RAYMOND, M. D., Health Officer, Port of New York. Prof. LEWIS SWIFT, Warner Observatory, Rochester, N. Y.


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and other astronomical articles.

Prof. WILLIAM H. THORNE, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia.


WILLIAM R. THAYER, Cambridge, Mass.

Hugo, Victor.

*Prof. ROBERT ELLIS THOMPSON, D. D., University of Pennsylvania.

Articles in biography, history, political economy, etc.

Rev. CHARLES F. THWING, Cambridge, Mass.


Rey H. G. WESTON, D. D., President Crozer Theological
Seminary, Pennsylvania.

F. B. SANBORN, Concord, Mass., Secretary of the American H. C. WOOD, M. D., University of Pennsylvania.
Social Science Association.

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Col. CARROLL D. WRIGHT, U. S. Labor Commissioner,





name was associated to the last, and which became the chief instrument of his power and one of the most potent factors in Canadian politics. Commencing as a weekly, it became in 1846 a semi-weekly, in 1849 a triweekly, and in 1853 a daily. By means of it the young Liberal threw himself with immense energy into the conflicts in which his party was engaged. The years immediately following its establishment were years of constitutional crisis in the Canadas, and his trenchant and powerful articles defended responsible government and representation by population, and opposed whatever savored of State-Churchism.

BROWN, FORD MADOX, an English painter, was chester town-hall illustrating the history of that city. born at Calais, France, in 1821. He is a grandson of Four are finished, representing The Romans, The Bap Dr. John Brown of Edinburgh, the founder of the tism of Eadwin The Expulsion of the Danes, and The Brunonian theory of medicine. He secured his educa- Establishment of the Flemish Weavers by Queen Phi tion on the Continent, and his art-studies were made lippa. Others are to represent Crabtree observing the in the schools of France and Belgium. In 1844 and Transit of Venus and The Edict of the Court-Leet for 1845 he contributed cartoons of The Finding of the the Testing of Weights and Measures in 1556. Ilis Body of Harold, Justice, and other subjects to the son, Oliver Madox Brown (1855-1874) was noted for competitive exhibition in Westminster Hall for the precocity as a painter and author. (W. J. C., JR.) frescoes of the houses of Parliament. Brown, thanks BROWN, GEORGE (1818-1880), a leader of the to his continental schooling, was a much better trained Reform party in Upper Canada (now Ontario), born in artist than almost any of his English professional Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. 29, 1818. He was edubrethren of that day. Haydon was one of the few to cated at the High School and Southern Academy in perceive the merits of his designs, and he was generous that city. In 1838 he emigrated with his father to enough to pronounce cordially in their favor. The de- New York, where he first became known to the public signs also excited the warm admiration of Dante Ga- as publisher of the British Chronicle, a journal estabbriel Rossetti, then a boy of about seventeen years of lished by his father in 1842. Visiting Canada in 1843 age. Rossetti, recognizing in Brown's pictures sin- in the interests of that paper, Mr. Brown made a very cerity of purpose and the faculty of penetrating to favorable impression upon the minds of leading memthe heart of a subject, applied to him for instruction. bers of the Liberal or Reform party, and, as the result Brown, who had always refused pupils, offered Rossctti of overtures made him, the publication of the British the freedom of his studio. Thus began a firm friend- Chronicle was given up, and the Banner shortly after ship and a close intimacy which lasted until the death established in Toronto. In 1844 the first number of of Rossetti. A few years later, when the Pre-Raphael- the Globe was issued, a paper with which Mr. Brown's ite Brotherhood was organized under Rossetti's lead for the avowed purpose of bringing English art back to the paths of sincerity and truth, Brown was solicited to connect himself with it, but declined to do so on the ground that he had a dislike for coteries. But the public almost from the first rated Brown as a PreRaphaelite, and was justified in doing so, not only by his peculiar selection and treatment of subjects, but by his manner of painting, though he never indulged in the extravagances which marked the performances of some of the reformers themselves. His work was at all times serious, dignified, and really learned, while occasionally it was powerful or profoundly pathetic. Mr. Brown was frequently solicited to enter ParliaSoon after the Westminster Hall competition Brown ment, and did so in 1851 as member for Kent. He went to Italy. On his return to England he painted continued to represent this or another constituency Wycliffe reading his Translation of the Scriptures, until 1867, with an interval of a year or two after 1861. which was exhibited in 1848. The year following he He seems, however, never to have been eager for parexhibited King Lear, and in 1851 Chaucer reciting his liamentary honors, believing he could better serve his Poetry at the Court of Edward III. His Christ wash- party by devoting his whole strength to the Globe, ing Peter's Feet was exhibited in 1852. In 1865 he Having, in the general election of 1867, been defeated opened in London a special exhibition of his works, in a chivalrous effort to wrest a doubtful constituency composed of about one hundred pieces, half of which from a very strong Conservative candidate, he declined were finished pictures and the rest cartoons and all the many offers made him of other safe constitusketches. This collection included some of his import- encies, and steadily refused all subsequent solicitations ant performaces, such as The Last of England, Autumn to re-enter Parliament. While in Parliament he exAfternoon, Wilhelmus Conquistator, and a composition erted a marked influence; he was at first tacitly, and entitled Work, upon which he had been engaged for then formally, recognized as the leader of the Upper several years. This exhibition found the public better Canadian reformers. This position he continued virprepared to judge with appreciation than it was at the tually to hold until his final retirement. time of the Westminster Hall competition. Among In 1873 he was offered and accepted a seat in the more important of Brown's recent works are The the Dominion Senate. In 1874 he went to WashingCoat of Many Colors, Cordelia's Portion, Elijah and ton as plenipotentiary of the Canadian Government the Widow's Son, Romeo and Juliet, The Entomb- to aid Sir Edward Thornton in negotiations for a new ment, Don Juan, Jacopo Foscari, and Cromwell dic treaty of reciprocity. Mr. Brown was cordially received tating his Despatch to the Duke of Savoy against the Cruelties to the Vaudois Protestants. For some years Brown has been engaged on the frescoes of the Man

by the Government and public men of the United States, but the draft treaty agreed to by him and his colleague, and by Mr. Fish on behalf of the United States, fell 9

through, in consequence of the refusal of the U. S. humble lot of a shepherd-boy and attained a high rep Senate to consider it. The valuable paper entitled utation for learning. His Dictionary of the Bible and Memorandum on the Commercial Relations of the Brit- other helps to the study of the Scriptures were long ish North American Provinces with the United States held in high esteem. His son, Rev. John Brown of was written by Mr. Brown. In 1875 he declined the Whitburn, and especially his grandson, Rev. John position of lieutenant-governor of Ontario. Brown, D. D., of Edinburgh, followed in the footsteps In 1880 he was shot in the thigh by a former employé of the founder of the family, and helped to maintain of the Globe office who had been discharged for neglect the scholastic and theological reputation of the Secesof duty. His death, on May 9th, after weeks of linger- sion (afterwards the United Presbyterian) Church. ing, called forth demonstrations of respect and sorrow Rev. Dr. Brown's son, John, turned aside from the from people of all classes and all parties. (J. E. W.) usual career of the family to enter the medical profesBROWN, HENRY KIRKE, an American sculptor, sion. He received his education at the High School was born at Leyden, Mass., in 1814. He for some and University of Edinburgh, where he also pursued three years studied painting with Chester Harding, the his medical studies and received his degree in 1833. portrait-painter. While with Harding he had occasion For a year he was assistant to a surgeon at Chatham, to model a bust, and this experiment inspired such a where his courage and faithfulness during an epidemliking for sculpture that he decided to apply himself ic of cholera are said to have attracted the notice of mainly to that art. He never, however, entirely relin- Charles Dickens. Settling in Edinburgh, he was abunquished work with the brushes, and is accounted a dantly occupied in the practice of his profession, yet painter of more than common excellence. Brown stud- some of his leisure he devoted to literature, sketching ied anatomy in Cincinnati, where he went in 1837, and with the hasty touch of genius humorous and pathetic while in that city he achieved his first marble bust. In scenes and characters. In this way Rab and his Friends 1840 he came East again, and, residing chiefly in Al- was written when the author was forty-eight years old, bany and Troy, N. Y., made a great number of busts. and but little known outside the circle of his personal He went to Italy in 1840, and remained there four years, friends. The sketch, taken from his own experience, during which time he modelled his ideal statues of was read first to a rustic audience, upon whom it fell Daniel, Ruth, Rebecca, David, and so on. Brown's flat. Immediately upon its publication, however, the first really important performance, however, was the power and pathos of the narrative and the homeliness equestrian statue of Washington in Union Square, New and sympathy of the style gave it general popularity, York City. This statue was modelled in Brooklyn, and From the North British Review, Good Words, and is a very superior performance. It was cast at the Chico- other periodicals Dr. Brown now gathered some of his pee foundry, Mass., and is notable for being the first contributions into a volume under the title Hora Subimportant piece of bronze statuary made in the United seciva (1858), which has been wittily translated "Brown States. If the Washington is a success, the bronze Studies." More being called for, a second series folstatue of Lincoln by Brown, also in Union Square, sins lowed in 1861, while an American edition appeared against the first law of sculpture by being out of poise. with the title translated Spare Hours. In all of Dr. But, apart from this, the artist has found the ungainly Brown's writings shrewd observation and practical philpersonality of Mr. Lincoln an artistic problem beyond osophy are mingled with warm and tender feeling. He his powers. He has aimed at a certain conventional was a passionate lover of Nature and humanity, and dignity, but he has achieved anything but a dignified delighted to portray dogs and children. His sketch result. The equestrian statue of Gen. Scott, which has of Marjorie Fleming, the child-friend of Sir Walter been erected on a prominent site at Washington, is Scott, is his most popular and pathetic piece, except treated in a very different manner from the Union Rab. He was also accomplished in art, and his critSquare Washington, and at first glance it is somewhat icisms in that department are considered valuable. In disappointing on account of a certain suggestion of 1874 the University of Edinburgh conferred on him the stiffness in both horse and rider; but it is assuredly one honorary degree of LL.D., and in 1876 he received a of the very few pieces of sculpture at the national capi- pension of £100 from the civil list. Prior to this his tal which satisfy high artistic requirements. Brown is health had failed, and, his mind having suffered from the maker of another statue of great merit at Washing- attacks of melancholy, he had ceased to write, but his ton-that of Gen. Greene in the Hall of Statuary in the wants were supplied by generous friends, who placed to Capitol. This is one of the very few fairly sufficient his account the sum of £6000. In his last year his forworks which that hall up to the present time contains. mer brightness returned, and he revised for publication In 1858, Brown was engaged by the State of South Caro- a third collection of his writings, called John Leech, and lina to make a group for the pediment of the State-House Other Papers (1882). Scarcely had the volume appearat Columbia. He was employed upon this commission at ed when his health again failed, and he died of pleurisy, the time of the breaking out of the Civil War, and when May 11, 1882. As a practising physician he was a Columbia was burned near the close of the war all of friend to his patients, both poor and rich; his kindly his properties, including several completed statues, were heart gave him an insight of sympathy into the dark, destroyed. This calamity was a severe blow to the ar- sad problems of humanity. His conversation evinced tist. He, however, returned to his home in the North, deep thought and earnest sensibility; his wit was keen, and, applying himself diligently to work, executed a but genial. Among his biographical sketches there is number of commissions, the most important of which none more interesting than that of his father in his have been referred to above. He died July 10, 1886. Letter to Rev. Dr. Cairns. His notice of Thackeray's BROWN, JOHN, LL.D. (1810-1882), a Scotch phy- Death is a truly touching obituary. The American edisician and essayist, best known as the author of Rab and tion of his writings in three volumes, under the title his Friends, was born at Biggar, in Lanarkshire, Sept. Spare Hours, does not correspond in arrangement with 22, 1810. He was the great-grandson of Rev. John the Edinburgh edition. Brown of Haddington, a minister of the Secession Church, who had risen by his own exertions from the

BROWNE, HABLOT KNIGHT (1815-1882), an English book-illustrator and caricaturist, who signed him

Trinity) College, Hartford, and its first president from 1824 to 1831. On the death of Bishop Chase of Illinois in 1852 he became presiding bishop. He died at Hartford, Conn., Jan. 13, 1865. He wrote The Famly Prayer Book, a complete commentary on the service of the Episcopal Church, and also compiled several volumes of extracts on devotional and practical piety under the title of Religion of the Heart and Life.

self "Phiz," was born in 1815. He first came prominently into public notice as the illustrator of Pickwick Papers after the death of the artist Seymour, who made the designs for the opening chapters of the work. A disagreement between Dickens and Cruikshank after the publication of Oliver Twist led to a re-engagement with Browne, and to his supplying the illustrations for most of the novels written by Dickens during his best period. Cruikshank accused Browne of being an imi- BROWNING, ROBERT, an English poet, was born tator of his style; but there is an appearance of spon- at Camberwell, a suburb at the south of London, on taneity about the best designs of Browne which seems May 7, 1812. His father was a clerk in the Bank of to forbid the idea that he was a deliberate imitator of England and a dissenter. When only eight years old anybody. In the treatment of coarse subjects he goes the boy made humorous translations in verse from beyond the coarseness of Cruikshank, and he frequently Horace, and four years later was trying in vain to carries the grotesque into the regions of burlesque. In find a publisher for some poems that were remarkable the handling of serious themes Browne is in every way only for their Byronic fervor. His enthusiasm for Byron Cruikshank's inferior. Browne's happiest perform- soon waned before the influence of Keats and Shelley, ances are his representations of the humorous scenes with whose works he first became acquainted in 1825. and the humorous characters of Dickens and Lever. During all this time he had been attending a day-school The rollicking humor of Lever and the eccentric cha- at Peckham; in his fourteenth year he began to study racterizations of Dickens secured in him a sympathetic with a tutor, and then entered the former London Uniinterpreter, and his reputation chiefly rests upon the versity (now University College), but did not remain to designs which he contributed to the works of these take a degree. Browning's father, who never learned two writers. Browne contributed designs to the Ab- to take unmixed delight in his poems, had yet been botsford edition of Scott's novels, to an illustrated edi- greatly impressed by his powers of mind, and now tion of Byron's works, and to many other publications. left to his discretion the entire direction of his future Most of Browne's best illustrations were made by life and relieved him from any necessity of choosing a the aqua-fortis process, which he managed with a skill profession. For some time young Browning was occusufficient for his purposes. Died at Hove, Sussex, pied with poetical plans, noticeably with one for a series July 8, 1882. (W. J. C., JR.) of epics illustrating the "life of typical souls," but BROWNELL, HENRY HOWARD (1820-1872), an without any immediate result. In 1832 he wrote PauAmerican lyric poet, was born at Providence, R. I., line, a strained and immature poem that, with some Feb. 6, 1820. He was the son of Dr. Pardon Brownell, autobiographical touches, described the progress of a and a nephew of Bishop Brownell. He graduated at philosophic life; it was published anonymously in 1833, Washington (now Trinity) College, Hartford, in 1841, and not included among his authorized works till 1868. and studied law, but engaged in teaching and author- In 1834, Mr. Browning travelled for the greater part of ship. In 1847 he published a volume of poems which a year on the continent of Europe, making a stay of was well received. He afterwards composed some pop- some months at St. Petersburg, and lingering long in ular histories, as Pioneer Heroes of the New World and Italy, where his explorations in the monastic libraries a History of the War of 1812. He entered the army in of Lombardy and Venice furnished him with the in1861 as a volunteer, and his varied experience brought timate knowledge of medieval thought and history his true genius to light. He wrote several spirited that appears in Sordello and "The Bishop Orders his lyrics, which were collected and published under the Tomb at St. Praxed's Church." His peculiar genius title Lyrics of the Day; or, Newspaper Poetry by a was first shown in this year in two lyrics contributed to Volunteer in the United States Service. In 1863 he Fox's Monthly Repository under the title of "Madhouse entered the navy, and served as ensign on Admiral Cells," and now reprinted in Dramatic Lyrics with the Farragut's staff, and after the war accompanied the sub-titles "Johannes Agricola in Meditation" and admiral to Europe. He resigned in 1868 and returned "Porphyria's Lover." In "Porphyria's Lover" is to Hartford. His last publication was War Lyrics, and found that intensely vivid description, in the form of Other Poems. He died at Hartford, Oct. 31, 1872. a semi-dramatic soliloquy, of intellectual or emotional BROWNELL, THOMAS CHURCH, D. D., LL.D. perversion, that Mr. Browning so often attempted, (1779-1865), bishop in the Protestant Episcopal but never' with more perfect performance. In the Church, was born at Westport, Mass., Oct. 19, 1779. winter of 1834, in London, Paracelsus was written, He was educated at Rhode Island College (now Brown and in the following year published. An accidental University) and Union College, where he graduated in acquaintance with Macready the actor led to the writ1804. He continued at Union College after graduation ing of Strafford, which was produced with consideras tutor and professor of belles-lettres and moral phil- able success in May, 1837, at Covent Garden Theatre osophy, and in 1809 was chosen professor of chemistry by Macready, supported by Vandenhoff and Helen and mineralogy. He visited Europe to procure the Faucit. During the three years following, Pippa necessary apparatus and appliances, and returned after Passes, King Victor and King Charles, The Return a year's absence. In 1813 he became an Episcopalian, of the Druses (which was at first called Mansour, the began to study for the ministry, and was ordained by Hierophant), and Sordello were composed, and in 1840 Bishop Hobart, April 11, 1816. He still continued to Sordello was published. Between 1841 and 1846 the act as professor in Union College, and performed mis series known as Bells and Pomegranates appeared in a sionary labors in the country adjoining. In 1818 he be- cheap pamphlet form in eight numbers, beginning with came assistant minister in Trinity Church, New York, Pippa Passes and ending with Luria and A Soul's where he was ordained. He was consecrated bishop Tragedy. Of Mr. Browning's plays, The Blot on of Connecticut, Oct. 27, 1819, and entered vigorously the Scutcheon was acted in 1843 at Drury Lane Theon his work. He was founder of Washington (now atre, and Colombe's Birthday, with Miss Faucit in the

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