Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eighty-third Congress, First Session on 1448, a Bill to Amend the Act of June 25, 1942, Relating to the Making of Photographs and Sketches of Properties of the Military Establishment, to Continue in Effect the Provisions Thereof Until 6 Months After the Present National Emergency; S. 1524, a Bill to Authorize the Secretary of the Navy to Furnish Certain Supplies and Services to Foreign Naval Vessels on a Reimbursable Basis, and for Other Purposes; S. 1527, a Bill to Amend Section 40b of the National Defense Act, as Amended (41 Stat. 759, 777), to Remove the Limitation Upon the Detail of Officers on the Active List for Recruiting Service and for Duty with ROTC Units; S. 1528, a Bill to Continue in Effect Certain Appointments as Officers and as Warrant Officers of the Army and of the Air Force, S. 1529, a Bill to Amend the Act of July 28, 1942 (ch. 528, 56 Stat. 722), Relating to Posthumous Appointments and Commissions and for Other Purposes; S. 1530, a Bill to Amend the Army-Navy Nurses Act of 1947 to Authorize the Appointment in the Grade of First Lieutenant of Nurses and Medical Specialists in the Regular Army and Regular Air Force, and Appointment with Rank of Lieutenant (junior Grade) of Nurses in the Regular Navy; S. 1546, a Bill to Amend the Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to Approve a Standard Design for a Service Flag and Service Lapel Button. April 16, 1953![]() U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953 - 15 halaman Considers (83) S. 1448, (83) S. 1524, (83) S. 1527, (83) S. 1528, (83) S. 1529, (83) S. 1530, (83) S. 1546. |