Leigh's new picture of London; or, A view of the ... British metropolis [ed. by S.C.].

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Halaman 69 - From this method of interpreting laws by the reason of them, arises what we call equity, which is thus defined by Grotius : "the correction of that wherein the law (by reason of its universality) is deficient.
Halaman 386 - Now to the sister hills that skirt her plain, To lofty Harrow now, and now to where Majestic Windsor lifts his princely brow. In lovely contrast to this glorious view, Calmly magnificent, then will we turn To where the silver Thames first rural grows.
Halaman 386 - Heavens! what a goodly prospect spreads around. Of hills, and dales, and woods, and lawns, and spires, And glittering towns, and gilded streams, till all The stretching landscape into smoke decays!
Halaman 388 - The Castle of Indolence,' &c. who died at Richmond, on the 22nd of August, and was buried there on the 29th, OS 1748. The Earl of Buchan, unwilling that so good a man and sweet a poet should be without a memorial, has denoted the place of his interment for the satisfaction of his admirers, in the year of our Lord 1792.
Halaman 34 - Norman-French (84); a badge, it must be owned, (now the only one remaining), of conquest; and which one could wish to see fall into total oblivion, unless it be reserved as a solemn memento to remind us that our liberties are mortal, having once been destroyed by a foreign force.
Halaman 386 - Enchanting vale ! beyond whate'er the Muse Has of Achaia or Hesperia sung! O vale of bliss ! O softly-swelling hills ! On which the Power of Cultivation lies, And joys to see the wonders of his toil.
Halaman 31 - After it has gone through the committee, the chairman reports it to the house with such amendments as the committee have made; and then the house re-considers the whole bill again, and the question is repeatedly put upon every clause and amendment. When the house...
Halaman 75 - ... jurisdictions within the bounds of their authority, and may either remove their proceedings to be determined here, or prohibit their progress below. It superintends all civil corporations in the kingdom. It commands magistrates and others to do what their duty requires, in every case where there is no other specific remedy. It protects the liberty of the subject, by speedy and summary interposition.
Halaman 30 - In the house of lords, if the bill begins there, it is (when of a private nature) referred to two of the judges, who examine and report the state of the facts alleged, to see that all necessary parties consent, and to settle all points of technical propriety. This is read a first time, and at a convenient distance a second time; and after each reading the speaker opens to the house the substance of the bill, and puts the question, whether it shall proceed any further.
Halaman 316 - Street will be a boundary and complete separation between the streets and squares occupied by the nobility and gentry, and the narrow streets and meaner houses occupied by mechanics and the trading part of the community.

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