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On the credit of that document, he was enabled for some time to raise supplies of provision, clothing, etc. for the sustenance and comfort of his troops, for which he drew on the Commonwealth, in favor of the persons who had furnished the supplies; his drafts being accompanied with such vouchers as are usually furnished on similar occasions. To his astonishment, and the surprise of all who knew the facts, those drafts were dishonored, for such reasons as could not but wound the feelings of the gallant chief who had drawn them. But yet, even this did not shake his purpose, or induce him, for a moment, to hesitate in carrying out his determination to preserve the conquests he had made; most probably without thinking of the inestimable benefits which the nation would derive from them in the future adjustment of her northern boundary.

One might have supposed that the rude imputation conveyed in the deliberate act of dishonoring his drafts, in favor of persons who had advanced for the support of his regiment, almost every thing they were worth, would have disgusted and driven him from the service of his country; but such was not the fact. As his difficulties multiplied, his resolution gained strength, and when his credit failed, and he was cut off from every other resource, he resolved to sustain his troops, and preserve his conquests, by the strong arm of power.

After weighing the consequences both to himself and his country, he resorted to forced loans, and by that hazardous expedient, accomplished the object nearest his heart, which was the preservation of his conquests till the close of the war. But before he proceeded to that extremity, he made an appeal to the judgment and feelings of the citizens of Vincennes, and the settlements on the Mississippi, stating his determination, and the considerations which had induced him to adopt it. He took it for granted, that as they had given in their adhesion, and had declared allegiance to the United States, he had a right to expect from them the as

sistance he needed. That appeal having failed to produce the desired effect, he issued an order, as commandant of the regiment, directed to some two or three of his officers, commanding them to enter on the premises of the persons designated in the order, sequester the property there found, and remove it to the public store, for the exclusive use of the troops. They were also ordered to cause exact inventories to be made of every article so taken, with its fair value annexed, by impartial citizens of the place, certified copies of which were furnished to the owners of the goods, accompanied by the certificate of the commandant that all the property specified in the inventory, had been taken and appropriated to the sole and exclusive use of the troops under his command, and was to be paid for by the Commonwealth of Virginia.

By that expedient, and that alone, he was enabled to maintain the posts he had conquered on the Mississippi and the Wabash, till the termination of the war; by which he saved to the nation the vast territory lying between the Ohio river and the lakes.

Colonel Vigo was one of the persons who voluntarily surrendered his property for the support of the regiment, and received a draft on Virginia for the amount, which was dishonored. That noble hearted man lived many years afterwards in comparative poverty, and died almost a pauper, holding the same protested draft in his possession; on which there must have been due, at his death, at least twenty thousand dollars. Since his death the government of Virginia has acknowledged the justice of the claim, by a solemn act of the Legislature, and has furnished evidence to prove that it is one of the liabilities, assumed by the General Government, in consideration of the act of cession-but there it rests, no part of the debt having been paid.

The persons whose property was taken by force, commenced suits, and obtained judgments against the General,

in the courts of the Territory, on which portions of his property were attached and sold.

After the close of the war, the Legislature of Virginia made an appropriation of one hundred and fifty thousand acres of land, lying on the Ohio river, opposite to Louisville, for the use of the officers and soldiers of that regiment-which, at that day was of but little value, and was disposed of at nominal prices. The tract was known by the name of "Clark's Grant," and was the only remuneration received by that gallant corps, for their services and sufferings in conquering and securing the entire North-western Territory.

Thus it appears that one of the most distinguished officers of the Revolution, who had performed services of incalculable importance, was not only treated with cold neglect, but was subjected to the payment of debts and claims, incurred for the support of his troops, to a very large amount.

The cruel ingratitude to which this distinguished soldier was doomed-for which no justifiable cause can be assigned—and the comparative poverty, which made him almost a pensioner on the bounty of his relatives, was more than he could bear. It drove him to intemperance. He sought the inebriating bowl, as if it contained the water of Lethe, and could obliterate from his memory the wrongs he had endured.

When called on by the gentlemen mentioned above, who were induced to make their visit by the veneration they entertained for his military talents and services, his health was much impaired; but his majestic person, strong features, and dignified deportment, gave evidence of an intelligent, resolute mind. He had the appearance of a man born to command, and fitted by nature for his destiny. There was a gravity and solemnity in his demeanor, resembling that which so eminently distinguished "the venerated father of his country."

A person familiar with the lives and character of the military veterans of Rome, in the days of her greatest power, might readily have selected this remarkable man, as a specimen of the model he had formed of them, in his own mind; but he was rapidly falling a victim to his extreme sensibility, and to the ingratitude of his native state, under whose banner he had fought bravely and with great suc


The time will certainly come when the enlightened and magnanimous citizens of Louisville, will remember the debt of gratitude they owe the memory of that distinguished man. He was the leader of the pioneers who made the first lodgment on the site now covered by their rich and splendid city. He was its protector during the years of its infancy, and in the period of its greatest danger. Yet the traveler who has read of his achievementsadmired his character-and visited the theatre of his brilliant deeds, discovers nothing indicating the place where his remains are deposited, and where he can go and pay a tribute of respect to the memory of the departed and gallant hero.


Indian depredations and murders.-Alarm in the Frontier Settlements.Letter of Judge Innes to the President.-Other letters of a similar character. -Strong hold of the Indians on the Ohio, near the Scioto river.-Inattention of the Government complained of.-Expedition of Gen. Scott.—Indian depredations continued.-Communication from Gov. St. Clair to the commandant at Detroit.—Unsuccessful embassy of M. Gameline, to the Indians. Increase of the military force.-Arrival of troops at Fort Washington.-Inefficient character of the Militia.-Harmar's campaign.—Its success. And subsequent disasters, denominated a defeat.-Acquitted by Report of Board of Inquiry.-Murder of Hardin and Trueman.-Observations on the Campaign.-List of officers killed.

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IN March, 1790, General Harmar informed the Secretary of War, that the Indians continued to murder and plunder the inhabitants, and to intercept almost every boat that attempted to pass up or down the Ohio river. About the beginning of that month, they broke up Kenton's station, a few miles from Limestone, where they killed ten or twelve individuals. During the same month, three boats descending the river in company, saw a boat lying at the Indian shore, a short distance above the Scioto river, containing a large party of Indians. The descending boats were, fortunately, near the Virginia shore when the enemy were discovered. On coming opposite to them, a white man, standing at the edge of the water, called, and begged them to surrender, affirming, as the fact was, that the Indians were fifty or sixty in number, and that if resistance should be made, the whole party would be murdered.

The proposition was rejected, of course, on which the Indians commenced a heavy fire, which was continued for some time, without effect, but which gave the de

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