Gambar halaman

extensive. To his efforts and representations the merchant navy are largely indebted for measures that have tended materially to diminish scurvy, and they received their reward in the success that resulted from them, and in the passing of the Amended Merchant Seaman's Act, especially in regard to the use of antiscorbutics. In his anxiety to benefit others, he took too little heed of his own health, and the fogs and damps of the river to which he was much exposed in the performance of his duties contributed to develop disease in lungs originally delicate. A voyage to Natal produced some improvement, but of brief duration, for he succumbed on the 26th of November, 1879, to the great regret of all who knew him.

Since writing the above, intelligence has reached us of the death of Deputy Inspector-General E. Goodeve, M.D., Honorary Physician to the Queen, at Stoke Bishop, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. He had for some time been in failing health, from some obscure form of cerebral disease, and the end came rather suddenly on the 27th of last month. He was at one time an active member of our Society, and took a prominent part in the discussions. His last public service was as British representative at the Cholera Conference at Constantinople in 1866. His knowledge of disease was profound, and his contributions on cholera, diarrhoea, enteric fever in India, and the so-called “red. fever" of Bengal, were most valuable. His service in India commenced in 1841, and his whole career, whether in the field during the Sutlej campaign, in the large civil station of Cawnpore, where he acquired great experience, or during his long connection with the Medical College and hospital in Calcutta as Professor of Medicine and senior physician, president of the Faculty of Medicine and examiner in medicine of the Calcutta University, was most distinguished. He rapidly attained the highest honours and position as a physician and a teacher, whilst his retiring, unselfish, straightforward and noble character endeared him to all who knew him.

The medical officers of India have not been among the least of her benefactors; and none, assuredly, ever did more to deserve that epithet than Edward Goodeve. His death will be deeply lamented, and his memory fondly cherished by his service, and by natives and Europeans alike in India.






ABDOMINAL TYPHUS treated by the

douche (Dr. Marcowitz), 295
Acne vulgaris treated by scarification
and by black soap (Dr. Sesemann),

Acute anæmic dropsy (Dr. Clarenc),

Adams (W., F.R.C.S.), "Operation
for the Relief of the Contraction of
the Palmar Fascia" (Review),


Albrecht (Dr. Rudolf), Spirocheta
Obermeieri, 383

Alimentary tract in pulmonary con-
sumption (Mazotti), 464
Alkalis of pomegranate, physiological
and therapeutic properties of (M.
Dujardin-Beaumetz), 462

Allen and Hanbury's pastilles, 466
Allingham (William, F.R.C.S.), "Fis-
tula, Hæmorrhoids, Painful Ulcer,
Stricture, Prolapsus, and other Dis-
eases of the Rectum, their Diagnosis
and Treatment" (Review), 444
Amanita muscaria in night-sweating of
phthisis, 88

Amyl uitrite, its action upon the
urine, and its use in the treatment
of chronic catarrh of the bladder
(Dr. Weisser), 60
Anæmia, the blood in, 289
Anæsthesia, surgical, chloroform and
morphia combined in producing,

Analysts, public, 387

Anderson (Dr. McCall), treatment of
lupus erythematodes, 45; on the
curability of attacks of acute phthi-
sis, 447;
soothing ointments,

[blocks in formation]

and Root of the Neck (Richard
Barwell, F.R.C.S.), (Review), 200
Animal vaccination in England, the
Government supply of lymph, 73
"Annals of Chemical Medicine, in-
cluding the application of Chemistry
to Physiology, Pathology, Therapeu-
tics, Pharmacy, Toxicology, and
Hygiene." Edited by J. L. W.
Thudichum, M.D. (Review), 443
Anrep (Dr. von), recent investigations
on the action of drugs, 204
Antidote for carbolic acid, 455
Anti-malarial action of the cinchona
compounds (Dr. Maclagan), 448
Antipyretic treatment of relapsing
fever (Dr. Riess), 454


Antiseptic Surgery" (William Mac
Cormac, M.A., F.R.C.S.E.), (Re-
view), 282

Antiseptic treatment of enteric fever
(Dr. Rothe), 370

Arloing (M.), physiological effects of the
formiate of soda, 58

Arsenic in skin diseases (Malcolm
Morris, M.R.C.S.) (continued from
p. 440, vol. xxiv.), special history,
8; physiological effect, 13; thera-
peutical effect, 17; in wall papers,
179; test for, 184

Ashby (Dr. Henry), "Notes on Phy-
siology" (Review), 44

Asthma, treatment of (Dr. Berkart),
124, 202; (Dr. William Pepper),


Astrakhan, French medical commis-
sion on the outbreak of plague
in, 395; German commission on,
148, 221

Atropin and quinine, antagonistic
action of, 205

Auditory meatus, inflammation of the,

[blocks in formation]

Bibliography, 67, 138, 220, 302, 384,

Biliary calculi, treated by olive oil (Dr.
Kennedy), 371

Blachez (M.), spina bifida, 133
Black soap in acne vulgaris, 380
Blackley (Dr. C. H.), hay fever, its

causes, treatment, and effective pre-
vention (Review), 198

Blood in anæmia (Dr. J. Hunt), 289;
in febrile states (M. Hayem), 51
Boechat (Dr.), iodoform in treatment
of goitre, 136

Boon (Alfred, F.R.C.S.), purgatives in
tetanus, 438

Boracic acid in treatinent of eye-dis-
eases (Dr. Theobald), 56
Boucheron (M.), therapeutics of stra-
bismus, 209

Bouchut (Dr.), treatment of pleurisy
in children by pilocarpin, 58
Bouchut (M.), digestive action of
papaya on living tissues, 211

[ocr errors]

Bright's disease and primary cirrhosis
of the kidney (Dr. Rosenstein), 218
Brunton (Dr. T. Lauder), indigestion
as a cause of nervous depression,
258, 325

Bubo, treatment of inguinal (Dr. J.
Mullé), 62

Buck (Dr.), inflammation of the audi-
tory meatus, 64

Bulkley (Dr.), water in the treatment
of skin diseases, 55
Burns and scalds, 380
Butterine, 389


CAFFEIN, citrate of, as a diuretic (Dr.
D. J. Leech, M.R.C.P.) (continued
from p. 412, vol. xxiv ), 25
Calcutta, a new disease in, 54
Cancer, dietetic treatment of (Professor
Beneke), 127

Cancer of the stomach, diagnosis of,


Cancer, uterine, iodised phenol in,


"Cancer of the Rectum, its Pathology,
Diagnosis, and Treatment"
Harrison Cripps, F.R.C.S.) (Re-
view), 444

Cancroid, treatment of, by chlorate of
potash, 378

Cantharidin, effects of (M. Cornil),

Carbolic acid in treatment of small-pox
eruption, 369; as a dressing for the
navel, 374; antidote for (Dr. Sauftle-
ben), 454

Carbonate of ammonia in diseases of
the respiratory system and in heart-
clot (Dr. Thomas), 218
Cardiac lesions, milk diet in, 449
Carter (R. Brudenell, F. R.C.S.), "Eye-

sight, good and bad" (Review), 441
Cataract, perception of light in, 464
Catarrh of the bladder, nitrate of amyl
in, 60

Catari hal pneumonia and tubercle in
the human lung (D. J. Hamilton,
M.B., FR C.S., &c.) (continued
from p. 423, vol. xxiv ), 1, 114, 185,

Catgut for the ligation of arteries in
their continuity (Dr. Eugene Baeche),

Cerebral lesions, thermic effects of,

Cerium oxalate in the treatment of
cough (Dr. Robert Cheesman), 204
Chavernac (M.), inoculation of phthisis
and rabies, 298

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