The Works of the English Poets: YoungH. Hughs, 1779 |
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Halaman 39
... virtues rising in his foul ; As crystal clear ; and finiling as they rife ! Here Nectar flows ; it fparkles in our fight ; Rich to the tafte , and genuine from the heart High - flavour'd blifs for gods ! on earth how rare ! On earth how ...
... virtues rising in his foul ; As crystal clear ; and finiling as they rife ! Here Nectar flows ; it fparkles in our fight ; Rich to the tafte , and genuine from the heart High - flavour'd blifs for gods ! on earth how rare ! On earth how ...
Halaman 56
... virtue , in a line to blifs ; Virtue , which Christian motives beft infpire ! 390 And blifs , which Chriftian schemes alone enfure ? 395 And fhall we then , for virtue's fake , commence Apoftates ; and turn infidels for joy ? A truth it ...
... virtue , in a line to blifs ; Virtue , which Christian motives beft infpire ! 390 And blifs , which Chriftian schemes alone enfure ? 395 And fhall we then , for virtue's fake , commence Apoftates ; and turn infidels for joy ? A truth it ...
Halaman 60
... virtues , hopes ; without it a chimera ! Death , of all pain the period , not of joy ; Joy's fource , and fubject , still subsist unhurt ; One , in my foul ; and one , in her great Sire ; Though the four winds were warring for my duft ...
... virtues , hopes ; without it a chimera ! Death , of all pain the period , not of joy ; Joy's fource , and fubject , still subsist unhurt ; One , in my foul ; and one , in her great Sire ; Though the four winds were warring for my duft ...
Halaman 74
... virtue's dead , Embalm the base , perfume the stench of guilt , Earn dirty bread by washing Æthiops fair , Removing filth , or sinking it from sight , A fcavenger in fcenes , where vacant posts , Like gibbets yet untenanted , expect ...
... virtue's dead , Embalm the base , perfume the stench of guilt , Earn dirty bread by washing Æthiops fair , Removing filth , or sinking it from sight , A fcavenger in fcenes , where vacant posts , Like gibbets yet untenanted , expect ...
Halaman 83
... , which gave us ardour , and has fhewn Her own for man fo ftrongly , not difdain What fimooth emollients in theology , G 2 640 Recumbent Recumbent virtue's downy doctors , preach ; That profe of THE COMPLAINT , Night IV . 83.
... , which gave us ardour , and has fhewn Her own for man fo ftrongly , not difdain What fimooth emollients in theology , G 2 640 Recumbent Recumbent virtue's downy doctors , preach ; That profe of THE COMPLAINT , Night IV . 83.
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Istilah dan frasa umum
æther againſt ambition angels art thou Becauſe beſt bleffings bleft blifs bofom breaft caufe cauſe chimæra dæmons dark darkneſs death defcend Deity deſpair divine Doft dread duft earth endleſs eternal ev'n facred fame fate fcene feen fenfe fhades fhall fhines fhould figh fight fing fkies fleeps fmile foft fome fong fool foon foul immortal ftill ftrike fuch fure glory grave guilt happineſs heart heaven himſelf hope hour human illuftrious juft juſt lefs life's loft Lorenzo man's mankind moft mortal moſt muft muſt Narciffa nature nature's ne'er night nought numbers o'er paffions pain peace pleaſure praife praiſe prefent pride proud reafon rife ſcene ſcheme ſenſe ſhall ſkies ſmile ſpeaks ſphere ſtars ſtill ſtorm ſtream ſtrong thee thefe theme themſelves theſe thine thofe thoſe thou thought thouſand throne tomb truth virtue virtue's whofe wife wiſdom worfe wretched
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Halaman 40 - to a god. 630 The chamber where the good man meets his fate, Is privileg'd beyond the common walk ^ Of virtuous life, quite in the verge of heaven. Fly, ye profane ! If not, draw near with awe, Receive the bleffing, and adore the chance, 635
Halaman 62 - The deep damp vault, the darknefs, and the worm ; Thefe are the bugbears of a winter's eve, The terrors of the living, not the dead. Imaginations fool, and error's wretch, Man makes a death, which nature never made; 15 Then on the point of his own fancy falls ; And feels a
Halaman 20 - For Efculapian, but for moral aid. Thou think'ft it folly to be wife too foon. Youth is not rich in Time, it may be poor; Part with it as with money, fparing; pay No moment, but in purchafe of its worth; 50 And what its worth,
Halaman 47 - Deny'd his wonted fuccour; nor with more Regret beheld her drooping, than the bells Of lilies ; faireft lilies, not fo fair! Queen lilies ! and ye painted populace! Who dwell in fields, and lead ambrofial lives; «$ In morn and evening dew, your beauties bathe, And drink the fun ; which gives your cheeks to glow, And
Halaman 16 - out of life. Procraftination is the thief of time; Year after year it fteals, till all are fled, And to the mercies of a moment leaves 395 The vaft concerns of an eternal
Halaman 80 - 550 To wretched man, the goddefs in her left, Holds out this world, and, in her right, the next; Religion! the fole voucher man is man ; Supporter fole of man above himfelf; Ev'n in this night of frailty, change, and death, 555 She gives the foul a foul that
Halaman 236 - rife. 685 Heaven bade the foul this mortal frame infpire ; Bade virtue's ray divine infpire the foul With unprecarious flows of vital joy ; And, without breathing, man as well might hope For life, as without piety, for peace. 690 " Is virtue, then, and piety the fame ?" No; piety is more; 'tis virtue's fource ; Mother of
Halaman 151 - night darker than the grave's ? Who fight the proofs of immortality? With horrid zeal, and execrable arts, Work all their engines, level their black fires, 645 To blot from man this attribute divine, (Than vital blood far dearer to the wife) Blafphemers, and rank atheifts to themfelves ? To contradift them, fee all nature rife! What
Halaman 8 - glow, In His full beam, and ripen for the juft, Where momentary ages are no more ! Where time, and pain, and chance, and death expire! 145 And is it in the flight of threefcore years, To pufh eternity from human thought, And fmother fouls immortal in the duft ? A foul immortal, fpending all her fires, Wafting her ftrength in ftrenuous idlenefs,
Halaman 45 - woes; They love a train, they tread each other's heel; Her death invades his mournful right, and claims 65 The grief that ftarted from my lids for Him; Seizes the faithlefs, alienated tear, Or fhares it, ere it falls. So frequent death, Sorrow he more than caufes, he confounds ; For human fighs his rival ftrokes contend,