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des paffages que je blame ne manqueront pas de defenfeurs. L'art de'ecrire est un champ de difputes, parce qu'au lieu d'en chercher les principes dans le caractere des penfees, nous les prenons dans notre gout; c'eft-a-dire, dans nos habitudes de fentir, de voir, et de juger; habitudes qui varient fuivant le temperament des perfonnes, leur condition, et leur age."*

Towards living merit I am unconscious of having been guilty of the flightest inftance of difrefpect. If I have occafionally taken the liberty of pointing out a few trivial errors, this circumftance can afford no reafonable catife of offence. In exhibiting examples of the faults, as well as of the beauties, of compofition, I have invariably had recourse to fuch works as feemed in fome refpects, entitled to praife. If I have not treated living authors with all the delicacy and tenderness which has been recommended by St. Real,t I have at leaft refrained from every wanton attack.

In the following pages the reader needs not expect to discover any originality of obfervation. I defire to be regarded in no other view than that of a mere compiler. Concerning every critical fubject that has fallen under my review, I have endeavoured to collect the most rational opinions of writers diftinguished for their learning and judgment. For any valuable instructions which this compilation may chance to exhibit, the reader is principally indebted to Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric, Kames's Elements of Criticism, Melmoth's Letters of Fitsosborne, and Lowth's Introduction to English Grammar. To other occafional fources of information I have been careful to make the proper references: but when I availed myfelf of the treasures amaned by these excellent writers, I forbore to quote their names:""not that I might appropriate their labours or ufurp their honours, but that I might spare a perpetual repetition by one general acknowledgment."

* Condillac, Traite de 'Art d'Ecrire, liv. ii. chap. i.
+ St. Real de la Critique.

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