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Priatel by WILLIAM CIOWES and SONS, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross.



ART. I.-1. Ausweise über den Auswartigen Handel Osterreich's. Wien, 1862.

2. Statistisches Handbüchlein fur die Oesterreichische Monarchie. Wien, 1861.

3. Les Ressources de l'Autriche. Par M. Alfred Legoyt. Paris, 1859.

4. A Short Trip to Hungary and Transylvania in the Spring of 1862. By Professor D. T. Ansted, M.A., F.R.S. London, 1862.

5. Researches on the Danube and the Adriatic. By A. A. Paton, F.R.G.S. London, 1862.

6. Reports of Her Majesty's Secretaries of Embassy and Legation of the Manufactures, Commerce, &c., of the Countries in which they reside.

7. Commercial Reports received at the Foreign Office from Her Majesty's Consuls. 1862.

8. Die Erzlagerstätten Ungarns und Siebenburgens Beschrieben von Bernard von Cotta und Edmund von Fellenberg. Freiberg, 1862. 9. Notes on Hungarian Wines. By Barthelemy de Szemere. Paris, 1861.


10. Austria at the International Exhibition. Vienna, 1862.

HE Austrian Empire has scarcely attained that importance

in the system of Europe to which its size, population, and great resources entitle it. It has hitherto possessed no bond of connexion beyond a common sovereign and a common faith; but by one of the most remarkable political metamorphoses that have distinguished the present century, an ancient absolutism has been suddenly transformed into a great constitutional state. Its provinces, separated by languages, differences of origin, traditions, manners, usages, and institutions, and subdivided, even physically, by the imperfection of their means of communication, never presented that strong and compact national unity which gives power to France, and which no other European nation possesses in the same degree. The task of conciliating and bringing into harmonious relations the component parts of the great but heterogeneous empire of Austria is now taxing all Vol. 114.-No. 227.



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