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. . THE ..




Indiana Medical Journal Publishing Company.





GEORGE J. Cook, M. D., Business Manager.


FROM JULY 1902, TO JUNE, 1903 INCLUsive.

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List of Contributors for the Year.

BELFIELD, W. S., Chicago, Ill.
BRAYTON, A. W., Indianapolis.
BRAYTON, N. D., Indianapolis.
BRILL, JAS. H., Indianapolis.
BROSE, L. D., Evansville.

BRYAN, WM. L., Bloomington.
BURCKHARDT, LOUIS, Indianapolis.
CHARLTON, F. R., Indianapolis.
CLARK, E. D., Indianapolis.

CLEVENGER, WM. F., Indianapolis.

CLINE, L. C., Indianapolis.
COOK, GEO. J., Indianapolis.
COOK, R. C. N., Boswell.

COX, IRA E., Indianapolis.
DAVIS, EUGENE, Indianapolis.
DUNNING, L. H., Indianapolis.
DYER, ISADORE, New Orleans, La.
EASTMAN, J. R., Indianapolis.
FERGUSON, C. E., Indianapolis.
GILTNER, H. A., Chelsea.

GRAHAM, ALOIS B., Indianapolis.

HESSLER, ROBERT, Logansport.
HUGHES, W. F., Indianapolis.

KEMPER, G. W. H., Muncie.

KEMPF, E. J., Jasper.

KESSINGER, W. E., Sandborn.
KISER, EDGAR F., Indianapolis.
KYLE, JOHN J., Indianapolis.
LICEAGA, E. O., Mexico.

MCSHANE, JOHN S., Indianapolis.

M. QUOWN, O. W., Marion.

MAXWELL, ALLISON, Indianapolis.

MORRISON, F. A.. Indianapolis.

PANTZER, H. O., Indianapolis.

PFAFF, O. G., Indianapolis.

POTTER, THEODORE, Indianapolis. PRICE, EZRA O., Ladoga. ROTHROCK, J. M., St. Paul. SEXTON, JOHN C., Rushville. SHARP, WALTER N., Indianapolis. SLOAN, GEO. W., Indianapolis. SLUSS, JOHN W., Indianapolis. STERNE, ALBERT E., Indianapolis. THOMPSON, D. A., Indianapolis. WALKER, EDWIN, Evansville.

WAXHAM, F. E., Denver, Colo.

WELCH, W. H., Baltimore, Md. WHEATON, C. E., Denver, Colo. WYNN, FRANK B., Indianapolis.


Belfield, Wm. T., Chicago. The treat-
ment of acute gonorrhea.
Brayton, A. W., and W. F. Hughes, Indi-
anapolis. Herpes gangrenosus; sym-
metrical gangrene....
Brayton, A. W., and C. E. Ferguson, In-
dianapolis. Vaccination records of one
hundred and thirty-eight students of
the Medical College of Indiana.......
Brayton, Nelson D., Indianapolis. The
intravenous injection of formaldehyde
as a cure for septicaemia, and its use
in smallpox....

Brill, James H., Indianapolis.


Brose, L. D., Evansville, Ind. The eye
and ear complications of measles....
Bryan, William Lowe, Bloomington, Ind.
Addresses at the thirty-third annual
commencement of the Medical College
of Indiana....

Burckhardt, Louis, Indianapolis. Treat-
ment of tuberculosis....
Charlton, F. R., Indianapolis. Neph-
rectomy for kidney containing calcul-
ous mass weighing five ounces..
Charlton, F. R., Indianapolis. Herma-
phroditism; resume, with illustrative



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Dyer, Isadore, New Orleans, La. A note
on the treatment of chancre...
Eastman, J. R., Indianapolis.




impressions of the Austrian surgeon.. 515
Ferguson, C. E., and A. W. Brayton, In-
dianapolis. Vaccination Records of
one hundred and thirty-eight students
of the Medical College of Indiana..... 457
Giltner, H. A., Chelsea, Ind. A case of
tubercular meningitis...
Graham, Alois B., Indianapolis. Treat-
ment of internal hemorrhoids....
Graham, A. B., Indianapolis. Iodoform
dermatitis; report of case.









Hessler, Robert, Logansport, Ind. Con-
cerning medical papers and societies.. 411
Hughes, W. F., and A. W. Brayton, Indi-
anapolis. Herpes gangrenous; sym-
metrical gangrene..




Jackson, Clarence M., Columbus, Mo.
Anatomy for the practitioner....
Jordan, David Starr, Palo Alto, Cal.
Education for business and profes-
sional men.....



Kemper, G. W. H., Muncie. Frac-
tures of the zygomatic arch.
Kempf, E. J., Jasper, Ind. Preventive
medicine in regard to heredity..
Kessinger, W. E., Sandborn, Ind. Fever;
its cause and effects.....




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Charlton, F. R., Indianapolis. Epithe-
lium and albuminuria; a synopsis.... 284
Clark, Edmund D., Indianapolis. Report
of two cases of shot-gun wounds..... 108
Clark, Edmund D., Indianapolis. Ab-
stract of America's contribution to
surgery; Dr. John Stough Bobbs, Indi-
anapolis, the father of cholecystotomy,
by M. B. Tinker, Johns Hopkins Hos-
Clark, E. D., Indianapolis. Surgery and
anatomy, New Orleans meeting.....
Clevenger, Wm. F., Indianapolis. Oper-
ative treatment of adonoid hypertro-
phy in the vault of the pharynx...... 238
Cline, L. C., Indianapolis. Tinnitus

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Kiser, Edgar F., Indianapolis.

rant cutaneous exanthem;
Duke's "fourth disease".
Kyle, John J., Indianapolis.

Liceaga, Eduardo, Mexico.

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A Century
of arm to arm vaccination in Mexico.. 290
McShane, John T., Indianapolis. Case
of dislocation of the malar bone with-
out fracture..


McQuown, O. W., Marion Ind. Volun-
tary production of cutis anserina and
erection of hairs...


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Cook, George J., Indianapolis. Ameri-
can Proctologic Association New Or-
leans meeting..

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Pfaff, O. G., Indianapolis.

Cook, R. C. N., Boswell, Ind. Intuba-
tion of trachea with ordinary gum
Cox, Ira E., Indianapolis. A case of
hydrocyanic acid poisoning..
Davis, Eugene, Indianapolis. The uses
of mydriatics.....

Ectopic ges-
tation with usual features; operation
and recovery


Potter, Theodore,


Indianapolis. The
early treatment of tuberculosis; drug
treatment ...



Dunning, L. H. Indianapolis. Report

of a case of obstruction of the bowels. 275

Potter, Theodore, Indianapolis. Recent
evolution in medical education and
the intellectual status of medicine.... 323
Potter, Theodore, Indianapolis. Practice
of medicine New Orleans meeting.... 592

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Extirpation of carbuncles; smallpox in
Indiana for April and May, 1902;
hundred year old Jeffersonville; hos-
pital in Indianapolis for incurable dis-
eases; adrenalin chloride in hay fever;
foreign born in cities; methodist hos-
pital in Indianapolis. . . .
June mortality and morbidity in Indi-
ana; James Whitcomb Riley, M. A.,
Yale, '02.....
Prophylaxis of venereal disease; Indiana
deaths in July-smallpox and gastro-
enteritis; heredity, as exhibited in the
New York hospital reports; the bac-
teriology of syphi'is; the lasting ef-
fects of syphilis; for the sick-sleep;
apomorphia in hysteria; how to gain
fifteen pounds in ninety days; blue
spots on the buttocks-a hereditary
characteristic; Paris Institute for
physiological investigation........112-118
The President's injury; mortality in
August in Indiana; anthrax in St.
Louis, loss of physician's finger;
George Rogers Clark; the facts of vac-
cination; an early autumn lullaby. 157-159
Health in Indiana; the Lorenz treat-
ment for congenital dislocation; syph-
ilis at the Brussels Congress; baccelli
method in tetanus; alum enemata in


flatulence; better anatomy laws for
Indiana; X-ray findings miscon-
School ventilation; unvaccinated emi-
grants a menace; Eastern Indiana In-
sane Hospital; bill for State labora-
tory of hygiene; Professor Lorenz in
Chicago; migration of chorionic villi
deciduoma malignum-Colle's law;
paraffin for saddle nose; trachoma epi-
demic in New York...
California State Medical Journal; Wash-
ington post-graduate school; operation
for chronic nephritis; the cause of
alopecia; Fournier methods with mer-
cury; the Christian scientists surren-
der; plague in San Francisco; Ameri-
can Medical Association-New Orleans
in May; health of Chicago-absence of
smallpox-Class's scarlatina organ-
ism; Dr. Keen's letter to Senator Gal-



vaccinations; ex-Speaker
Reed's final hours; instruction to pa-
tients with syphilis and gonorrhea;
contagious fatal pneumonia in Chi-
cago; epileptics in Indiana jails; Gold-
win Smith on the ethics of novel writ-
ing; the first signs of locomotor ataxy;
grape juice to kill typhoid germs;
work for Indiana railway sur-
Prof. Lorenz admires American nurses;
typhoid fever and drinking water; in-
troduction of inoculation into Eng-
land; introduction of vaccination in
the United States; Roentgen rays in
treatment of malignant tumors; perm-
anent catheterization; fallacy of in- ́
susceptibility to vaccination; work-
ings of the new English drink license
law; Dr. Shrady, the baby and the
dog; Roentgen rays on living tissues;
the board's good work; New York
State farm for abandoned women..369-376
Scarlet fever serum cure; formalin
treatment a failure; Wilder's collec-
tion of brains; rubella scarlatinosa;
rabies and smallpox in Chicago; the
plague at San Francisco.... ....414-21
Mortality and morbidity in Indiana for
March; the Cincinnati sanitarium; Dr.
Gould's biographical clinics; compul-
sory vaccination law supported in
Massachusetts; signs of rabies in
dogs; inoculation for bubonic plague
in India; Coley on the present status
of the X-ray treatment of malignant
Observations upon leprosy in Japan, Ice-
land and Norway; doctors at sea;
Senn, Kelly and others...


Complimentary dinner to Surgeon-Gen-
eral Sternberg; the American Acad-
emy of Medicine; the Philadelphia
Medical Journal; preparation for med-



icine; views of the editors; the pros-
tate; Drs. Murphy and Wishard; the
Veterinary College of Indiana; notes
of the Saratoga meeting by Drs. A. E.
Bulson, F. B. Wynn, L. C. Cline and
others; the Indiana Medical College;
a new cancer cure....
The June-July Knightstown (Ind.) epi-
demic of smallpox-15 per cent. of
deaths; Medical College of Indiana-
thirty-third annual catalogue; Central
College of Physicians and Surgeons-
catalogue 1902-3; Bismarck's bar-
barian doctor; notes of Dr. H. O. Pant-

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Committees State Medical Society; Sara-
toga meeting A. M. A.-sections on in-
terior medicine; doctors on their vaca-
tions; acute ileo-colitis in Jefferson
Health and recreation; central hospital
for sick insane; classes in practical
physiology in the Medical College of
Indiana; laryngology, rhinology and
otology in the Medical College of In-
diana; typhoid fever in Indianapolis;
dental and homeric plagarism; the two
hundred and seventy-eight lepers of
the United States; expert fee of
$10,000; American dermatology-Drs.
White and Duhring; Dr. Barker, of
Rush Medical College-educational
idealism; length of days the last pen-
sioner of 1812; radio therapy and its


A law needed to supply medical colleges
with dissecting material; American
medical journals and medical colleges;
a leper devotee; chemistry as taught
in the Medical College of Indiana;
strychnia poisoning at the Chicago
Presbyterian Hospital; dedication of
Central Hospital for sick insane; note
on the work of Edebohls, by Dr. Pfaff;
poisoning by oil of mirbane; Western
Association of eye, ear and throat spe-
cialists; Dr. Dunning, of Indianapolis,
President American Association of Ob-
stetricians and Gynecologists; Presi-
dent Roosevelt's injury-consultation
with Indianapolis physicians-opera-
tion at St. Vincent's Hospital.....161-172
Our honored dead; restriction to medi-
cal education in Indianapolis; proper
medical laws; legal barriers against
quack doctors; Dr. Wiley on the Car-
negie Fund; President Eliot on Amer-
ican education; Supreme Court of In-
diana denounces magnetic healing;
Indiana Dental College; Marion Coun-
ty Medical Society; papers of Drs.
Wheeler and Sigler....
Dissecting material in Indiana; trans-
actions State Medical Society for
Evansville meeting; expansion of In-
diana Medical College; a new maga-
zine "The Medical Student;" the In-
diana anatomy and dissecting laws;
herpes zoster zosteroid; a girl of Pom-
peii; Loeb on the natural instincts;


ventilation and hot water heating;
pneumonia in Chicago more fatal than
consumption; the vasomotor ataxia of
Solis Cohen; Pfluger on length of
Greeting and retrospect; the smallpox
situation in Indianapolis; away with
profanity; the Hurty- Francis pharma-
ceutical exhibit; Protestant Deaconess
Hospital nursing school graduation;
American Public Health Association;
State Medical Society officers; the In-
diana anatomy laws interpreted by
Attorney Wm. A. Ketcham; Bright's
disease treated by mercury-English
views; bill for new anatomy law for
Indiana before the present legisla-
ture; Osler on Chauvinism in medi-
cine; Indiana in the Saratoga patho-
logical exhibit; Jacobson's Operations
in Surgery; Rev. Bartlett on football


The smallpox situation in Indianapolis;
Judge Stubbs on saloons and crime;
Indianapolis professional notes........343
Smallpox in Indiana; letter to Chicago
Health Board on Indianapolis small-
pox; the Chicago vaccination creed;
wind blown smallpox; smallpox and
business; the Indiana vaccination
law; the secular press and the physi-
cian by Editor Ball, of Terre Haute;
the anatomy bill passed; New Orleans
in May; the Pennsylvania route; the
infant food problem; letter from Dr.
Stevenson, of Richmond; nose, throat
and ear society, Indianapolis, April

Defeat of the Osteopaths; light-weight
books; keratolysis exfoliativa congen-
ita (perennial keratolysis); the au-
tonomy of the heart; State laboratory
bill vetoed; the State Society meeting
at Richmond; defeat of the Loutitt
proviso; school children may be vac-
cinated; bullous dermatitis following
vaccination; varicella in a man of
forty-two; "singular sort of a man";
vaccination of city police and firemen;
smallpox at Winchester; varioloid at
ninety-six years; February State
Health Board report; on to New Or-
leans; State legislation affecting the
medical profession in 1903; Senator
Hoar on the Celtic element in Ameri-
can citizenship; historical sketches of
Old Vincennes...

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