Rudimentary Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mortars, Concretes, Mastics, Plastering, EtcJ. Weale, 1850 - 124 halaman |
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Halaman 21
... with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results , for facilitating Mechanical and Commercial Transactions . BY W. TEMPLETON , AUTHOR OF SEVERAL SCIENTIFIC WORKS . Third edition , with the addition of Mechanical Tables for ...
... with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results , for facilitating Mechanical and Commercial Transactions . BY W. TEMPLETON , AUTHOR OF SEVERAL SCIENTIFIC WORKS . Third edition , with the addition of Mechanical Tables for ...
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absorb acid gas action alumina appear architects atmosphere blue lias Boilers bricks bridge building bulk burnt calcareous calcination carbonate of lime carbonic acid carbonic acid gas chalk CHAPTER chemical clay coal coat colour combustible concrete consistence constructed contain cylinder degree of hardness Eddystone Lighthouse edition employed energetic executed experiments exposed formation gravel gypsum H. M. steam heat hydrate hydraulic limes ingredients JOHN WEALE'S kilns limestone litharge Longitudinal section magnesia manner masonry mastic materials matters measures mixed mixture mode mortar natural cements necessary nitrification numbers obtained oxide oxide of iron particles plaster plates powder practical precautions produce proportions puozzolanos pure lime quick lime Railway render require resistance rich limes rocks Roman cement saltpetre sand section of ditto setting under water silex silica slacking Smeaton STEAM ENGINE stone stucco substances surface Table thickness tion Transverse section trass Treatise Treussart Vicat Vitruvius vols walls weight
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Halaman 19 - VALUING ARTIFICERS' WORKS; containing Directions for taking Dimensions, Abstracting the same, and bringing the Quantities into Bill, with Tables of Constants, and copious Memoranda for the Valuation of Labour and Materials in the respective Trades of Bricklayer and Slater, Carpenter and Joiner, Painter and Glazier, Paperhanger, &c. With 43 Plates and Woodcuts.
Halaman 21 - WORKSHOP COMPANION. Comprising a great variety of the most useful Rules and Formulae in Mechanical Science, with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results for Facilitating Mechanical Operations. By WILLIAM TEMPLETON, Author of " The Engineer's Practical Assistant, "&c., &c. Eighteenth Edition, Revised, Modernised, and considerably Enlarged by WALTER S. HUTTON, CE, Author of "The Works' Manager's Handbook," " The Practical Engineer's Handbook,
Halaman 21 - Workshop Companion. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC'S WORKSHOP COMPANION, and THE SCIENTIFIC GENTLEMAN'S PRACTICAL ASSISTANT ; comprising a great variety of the most useful Rules in Mechanical Science ; with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results. By W. TEMPLETON, Author of "The Engineer's, Millwright's, and Machinist's Practical Assistant.
Halaman 3 - EMBANKING LANDS FROM THE SEA, the Practice of. Treated as a Means of Profitable Employment for Capital.
Halaman 22 - Practical Mathematics. MATHEMATICS for PRACTICAL MEN ; being a Commonplace Book of Pure and Mixed Mathematics. Designed chiefly for the Use of Civil Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors. Part I. PURE MATHEMATICS — comprising Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Conic Sections, Properties of Curves. Part II. MIXED MATHEMATICS — comprising Mechanics in general, Statics, Dynamics, Hydrostatics...
Halaman 4 - DICTIONARIES has long been felt by the younger students in schools, and by the classical scholar who requires a book that may be carried in the pocket ; and it is believed that the present is the first attempt which has been made to offer a complete Lexicon of the Greek Language in so small a compass. In the volumes on ENGLAND, GREECE and ROME, it is intended to treat of History as a Science, and to present in a connected view an analysis of the large and expensive works of the most highly valued...
Halaman 9 - This work contains a vast number of different hydraulic formulae, and the most extensive and accurate tables yet published for finding the mean velocity of discharge from triangular, quadrilateral, and circular orifices, pipes, and rivers ; with experimental results and co-efficients ; effects of friction ; of the velocity of approach ; and of curves, bends, contractions, and expansions ; the best form of channel ; the drainage effects of long and short weirs, and weir-basins ; extent of back-water...
Halaman 4 - They will also be found of essential service for the desk in the merchant's office and the counting-house, and more particularly to a numerous class who are anxious to acquire a knowledge of languages so generally used in mercantile and commercial transactions.
Halaman 24 - ... 3. Motions about a fixed centre, or axis ; centres of oscillation and percussion ; simple and compound pendulums ; centre of gyration, and the principles of rotation ; central forces ; inquiries connected with rotation and central forces — 4.
Halaman 8 - Harbours, as indispensably necessary to the extension of commerce and navigation, and to the successful establishment of colonies in distant parts of the globe. To this important subject, and more especially with reference to the vast extension of our commerce with foreign nations, the attention of the British Government has of late years been worthily directed; and as this may be reasonably expected to enhance the value of any information which may add to our existing stock of knowledge in a department...