GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS. EIGHTY-SIXTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 1616 A BILL TO DIRECT THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY TO MAY 21, 1959 Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Operations Text of- Proposed amendment to S. 1616 (Committee Print No. 2). Rehabilitation Act of Arkansas, No. 34, approved February 13, 1959, Ferebee, E. E., deputy director, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, accompanied by Chester B. Lund, director, Office of Field Administration, Office of Roos, Curtis A., director, Disposal Division, General Services Admin- istration; Randolph F. Jackson, assistant general counsel, General Services Administration; and Robert Davis, congressional liaison officer, Office of the Administrator, General Services Administra- Brown, J. J., director, Vocational Rehabilitation, State of Texas, to chairman, dated January 30, 1959. Darr, Aud F., director, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; State of New Mexico, to chairman, dated February 4, 1959... Hendrix, S. W., director, Vocational Rehabilitation, State of Louisiana, to chairman, dated February 4, 1959... Hower, Haines, radio station KBHS, Hot Springs, Ark., to chairman, Humphrey, Hon. Hubert H., chairman, Subcommittee on Reorgani- zation and International Organizations, Committee on Government Operations, to chairman, dated May 20, 1959... Krusen, Dr. Frank H., senior consultant, Mayo Clinic, to chairman, Enclosure: Statement in support of S. 1616.. McCharen, Travis, director, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, State of Mississippi, to chairman, dated January 28, 1959 Oldham, Earl, director, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, State Switzer, Mary E., director, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare, to chairman, dated Talley, Joy O., director, Vocational Rehabilitation, State of Missouri, to chairman, dated February 6, 1959. Map of Hot Springs National Park and portion of city showing location of facing 46 III CONVEY ARMY AND NAVY GENERAL HOSPITAL TO STATE OF ARKANSAS THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1959 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, Washington, D.C. The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10:40 a.m., in room 3302 New Senate Office Building, Senator John L. McClellan (chairman) presiding. Present: Senators McClellan, Curtis, and Gruening. Also present: Walter L. Reynolds, chief clerk and staff director; Ann M. Grickis, assistant chief clerk; and Glenn K. Shriver, professional staff member. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will come to order. The purpose of the hearing this morning is to receive testimony with reference to S. 1616, a bill to direct the Secretary of the Army to convey the Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs National Park, Ark., to the State of Arkansas, and for other purposes. The Chair directs that there be inserted at this point in the record a copy of the bill S. 1616; staff memorandum No. 86-1-22, dated May 7, 1959; staff memorandum No. 86-1-27, dated May 20, 1959; & committee print containing some of the amendments proposed by various departments and agencies of the Federal Government; and a letter in support of the bill S. 1616, from Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, chairman, Subcommittee on Reorganization and International Organizations of the Committee on Government Operations. (The material referred to follows:) [S. 1616, 86th Cong., 1st sess.] A BILL To direct the Secretary of the Army to convey the Army and Naval General Hospital, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, to the State of Arkansas, and for other purposes Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Army is authorized and directed to convey by quitclaim deed, without consideration, to the State of Arkansas all right, title, and interest of the United States, except as retained in this Act, in and to twenty-five acres, more or less, located at Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, together with all buildings and improvements thereon and appurtenances and utilities belonging or appertaining thereto, such land being a part of the Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas. SEC. 2. All mineral rights in the lands authorized to be conveyed by this Act shall be reserved to the United States. SEC. 3. The conveyance of the property authorized by this Act shall be upon condition that such property shall be used by the State of Arkansas as a vocational rehabilitation center or for other public health or educational purposes, and if the property so conveyed shall cease to be used for such purposes, title thereto shall immediately revert to the United States, and in addition all im 1 |