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shall render an account thereof to the incorporation hereby created.

Money, how ap- § 46. No money shall be paid out of the treasury of said incorporation save upon resolution of the board of trustees, specifying to whom and on what account the same is paid, and an order made by the clerk, signed by the president and countersigned by the clerk, drawn in pursuance of such resolution. All taxes of said town shall be collected in gold and silver, and the orders on the treasurer aforesaid, and all moneys belonging to the town shall be deposited and remain with the treasurer, until drawn out in the manner above provided.

cal affairs.

Statement of fis- § 47. The board of trustees annually, at least two weeks prior to any general election for officers under this act, shall make out and enter upon their records a full and complete statement of the fiscal affairs of the incorporation, showing item by item all moneys received, from whom and on what account; also all moneys expended and paid out, and to whom and on what account, and the then indebtedness of the incorporation and on what account, the amount of orders on the treasury then outstanding, to whom payable and on what account; a copy of which shall be published in a newspaper in said town at least one week prior to such election, and if none published then posted up in some public place one week prior to such election; and for wilful neglect or refusal on the part of said board of trustees, or any member thereof, to cause such statement to be made as herein provided, he or they shall be liable to indictment in the circuit court, and on conviction fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars.

Members of fire department.

§ 48. All persons, members of any fire company organized under the ordinances of said incorporation, shall, during the time that he shall be such member, be excused from serving in the militia, unless in cases of actual invasion or insurrection, and from sitting on juries, and after serving seven years as such fireman, consecutively, and receiving a certificate to that effect, under the seal of the corporation, shall thereafter continue to be so exempt. Witnesses and ju- § 49. No person shall be disqualified as a witness or juror in any suit or proceeding wherein the incorporation may be a party, or interested in consequence of being an inhabitant of said town, or member or officer of the incorporation.



First election of § 50. The first election of trustees shall be held at the court house in Belvidere, and shall be opened at nine o'clock in the morning and continue open until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. The electors present at the opening of the polls shall elect two of their number to officiate as judges and one to act as clerk, who shall be sworn and in all things shall conduct such election as is re

quired by the general election laws of this state, shall canvass the votes and make certificates under their hands and seals of the persons elected, and deliver the same to them, and make returns of the poll-book and certificate attached to the clerk of the board of trustees, when he shall be appointed and enter upon the duties of his office.


§ 51. This act is hereby declared to be a public act and Public act. may be read in evidence in all courts of law and equity as such, and all acts and parts of acts contrary to or incon- Repugnant acts sistent with this act are hereby repealed, so far as the same conflict herewith. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[§ 52.] The board of trustees shall not have power to Limit of taxes. cause a tax for general purposes to be assessed higher than one half of one per cent. upon the assessed value of property, without first submitting the same to the legal voters in the incorporation, and a majority of them voting in favor thereof, and they shall provide by ordinance for submitting such question to the voters, stating therein the amount per cent. proposed to be assessed.


to be taken.


[§ 53.] In case all the trustees of said town should Vacancies, resign their office, or if for any other cause they shall be unable to act, then the clerk shall forthwith give one week's notice of the time and place of an election of a board of trustees to fill the vacancy. The removal of any town officer from the limits of the incorporation shall cause his office to be deemed vacant, but he may act until his successor is elected or appointed and qualified. [§ 54. And be it further enacted, that one week prior Vote on this act to the day herein appointed for the election of the first board of trustees, an election shall be held at the place and in the manner prescribed herein for the election of such trustees, by the legal voters of said district of country who would be entitled to vote at election of trustees, to vote for and against this act of incorporation, and if a majority shall vote in favor of it then the corporate rights, franchises and powers granted by this act shall go into effect, if against it then the same shall go into effect whenever, at any subsequent election, called by five legal voters of said town on one week's notice, posted up in four public places in said town, a majority shall vote in its favor. Voting at such election shall be by ballot, to be written or printed, "For incorporation," or "Against incorporation." "Returns of all such elections shall be made to the county clerk of Boone county, to be filed in his office, and whenever the town shall become incorporated by any such election, then to be by him deposited in the office of the clerk of the board of trustees, when he shall be qualified.

[§ 55.] The return of the judges of the election of the reult of the election in favor of incorporation shall be entered

upon the records of the incorporation, and a copy, certified under the seal of the incorporation and hand of the clerk, from the original or from the recorded copy, shall be evidence prima facie of the acceptance of this act of incorporation, in all courts and places whatever. In case this act shall be adopted after the fifteenth day of July next, an election of trustees may be had as provided in the third section of this act.

APPROVED June 23, 1852.

In force June 23, AN ACT declaring a state road therein described, leading from the town of Payson, in Adams county, to the city of Quincy.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That a state State road estab-road be and is hereby declared, marked and located, lead



ing from Payson via the North Fork of Mill Creek, to Quincy, Adams county, as follows, to wit: beginning at the centre of Fulton street, a point from which the wind mill bs, 720 E, 8.83 ch, (the bearing taken from the ornamental ball at the top of the mill, the compass being adjusted at 8o ba E;) thence (1st station) W. 1.21 ch; thence (2d station) N. 49° 53' W., 42.50 ch to the lane lying between Fells' and Brown's land, (of this distance 8.12 ch run through P. Thompson's, and the balance 34.38 ch. through H. Brown's premises;) thence 3d, N. 61° 20' W., 26.57 ch, to the west side of Fells' land; thence 4th, N. 49o W, 223.00 ch to a point 2 links E. of a hickory tree, 22 in. di., near Waddel's barn, (of this distance through F. Donley's land, 38.32 ch, Scott's, 8.89 ch, Bennington's, 61 ch, lost land, 2.75 ch, Westfall, 27.31 ch, S. Thompson, 46.50 ch, M. Cox's, 7.69 ch, Hanks', 15.70 ch, Wm. Gooding's, 5.98 ch, Griggs', 14.16 ch, Dolty's, 26,63 ch, Waddel's, 5.62 ch;) thence 5th, N. 214o 26.50 ch; at this point a pin oak, 12 in. di., bs. S. 53° W., 53 links; thence 6th, N. 2819 W., 21.22 ch, a hickory, 12 in. di.; thence 7th, N. 21° W., 13.50 ch; thence 8th, N. 680 W., 6.50 ch; 9th, N. 820 W., 11.30 ch; thence 10th, N. 51° W., 11.53 ch; 11th, N. 55 W., 6.50 ch, a red oak, 20 in. di., to N. 74° E., 83 links; thence 12th, N. 2o W., 2.75 ch; thence 13th, N. 1210 W., 19.88 ch; thence 14th, N. 70° W., 18 ch; at this point a W. oak, 18 in. di., bs N. 444° E., 142 links, thence 15th, N. 57° 55' W., 4.60 ch; thence 16th, N. 883° W., 11.65 ch, an elm tree, 6 in. di., bs S. 484° E., 73 links; thence S. 65° 12' W., 40.85 ch, to the North Fork of Mill Creek, a birch, 15 in. di., bs 60° 20' E., 76 L., and a locust 18 in. di., bs S. 33 W., 97 L. dis.; this point lies north 2.04 ch of a point from which the N. W. corner of the S. E. qr of the S. E. qr of section twenty-one (21,)

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township 2 south, range No. eight (8) west, of the 4th pr. meridian, bears N. 5.72 ch, the same being represented in the surveyor's plat and survey.

§ 2. This act to take effect from and after its passage. APPROVED June 23, 1852.

AN ACT to change the name and legalize the acts of the First Congrega- In force June 23, tional Society of Joliet.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the name of the First Congregational Society of Joliet, in Will Name changed. county, be and the same is hereby changed to "The First Congregational Society of Joliet."




§ 2. Said society shall not be deemed to have waived Organization leor forfeited any of its rights, privileges, powers or franchi- rights confirmses, by reason of a failure to file for record in the recorder's office any certificate or certificates of the election of trustees heretofore made, but such society shall have and retain all such rights, privileges, powers and franchises in the same manner as though such certificate had been regularly filed for record, and the persons now acting as the trustees of said society, under elections heretofore had, shall be considered as the legal trustees thereof until their successors shall be elected.

§ 3. This act to be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED June 23, 1852.

AN ACT to incorporate the Campton Cemetery Association.

In force June 23, 1852.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That Numan Corporators. L. Barber, Eli Barber, James Huls and Timothy P. Garfield, and their associates and successors, in the town of Campton, in the county of Kane, be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name and style. style of "The Campton Cemetery Association," and by that name have perpetual succession, and shall have, pos- General powerssess and be invested with all powers, rights, privileges, liabilities and immunities incident to a corporate body.

real estate.

§ 2. Said association shall have power to own and pos- Power to own sess real estate, not exceeding five acres, which shall be exempted from taxation.

Object of corporation.

and sell lots.

§ 3. The object of said association shall be exclusively and solely to lay out, enclose and ornament a piece of ground, not exceeding five acres as aforesaid, to be used as a place of burial for the dead.

Power to lay out § 4. Said association shall have power to lay out such burial place into lots suitable for family burial departments, and sell the same, the purchasers of which shall use the said lot or lots as herein contemplated and for no other use whatever.

proceeds of sale.

Appropriation of § 5. The proceeds of such sale, after deducting_the expenses of purchasing the land and laying out the lots, shall be appropriated and used in improving and ornamenting the burial ground, or in other objects connected with this incorporation.

Officers of corporation.

Qualifications for voters.

Rights of property, how vested.


By-laws, &c.

Individual liability.

§ 6. The officers of this association shall be a president, a treasurer, who shall also act as secretary, and a superintendent, who shall be chosen annually by ballot, and shall hold office until their successors are chosen, and any neglect to choose officers on the day fixed on in the notice for an election shall not operate as a forfeiture of this act of incorporation. The president, secretary and superintendent shall constitute a board for the transaction of the financial concerns of the association and the execution of its by-laws.

§ 7. Every person holding one or more lots shall be a member, and shall be entitled to one vote only. Absent members may vote by proxy.

§ 8. The rights of property to any lot or lots which may be purchased, shall be vested by a certificate of stock, describing the lot or lots by number, signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary, and every certificate of sale or transfer shall be recorded by the secretary in a book to be kept for that purpose.

§ 9. It shall be the duty of the secretary, on the request of the president or superintendent, or of any four members of the association joining in the request, to call a meeting of the association, for the choice of officers or for the transaction of any business which this act authorizes, by giving ten days' public notice.

§ 10. The said corporation shall have power to establish and change by-laws and regulations for their government, the direction of their officers and the management of its property and affairs, not inconsistent with the laws of this state or the United States.

§ 11. The private property of the members shall be liable for all debts created by said corporation.

This act to be in force from and after its passage.
APPROVED June 23, 1852.

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