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Apparatus for Local Anaesthesia and Atomization of Liquids

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It consists of the sphere-shaped brass boiler A, steam outlet tube B, with packing-box C formed to receive rubber packing through which the atomizing tube D passes, steam tight, and by means of which tubes of various sizes may be tightly held against any force of steam by screwing down its cover while the packing is warm; the safety-valve E, capable of graduation for high or low pressure by the spring or screw in its top, the non-conducting hadle F, by which the boiler may be lifted while hot,


Fig. 15. The Complete Steam Atomizer.the medicament-cup and cup-hold(new.) Pat. March 24, 1868. er G, the support H, iron base I I, the glass face-shield J, with oval mouth-piece connected with the elastic band K with the cradle L, whose slotted staff passes into a slot in the shield-stand M M, where it may be fixed at any hight or angle required by the milled screw N.

The waste-cup, medicament-cup and lamp are held in their places in uch a manner that they cannot fall out when the apparatus is carried used over a bed or otherwise.

All its joints are hard soldered.

It cannot be injured by exhaustion of water or any attainable pressure of steam.

It does not throw spirts of hot water to frighten or scald the patient. Is compact and portable; occupies space of one-sixth cubic foot only; can be carried from place to place without removing the atomizing tube or the water; can be unpacked and repacked without loss of time; will render the best of service for many years, and is cheap in the best sense of the word. Price, $6.

Neatly made, strong, black walnut box, with convenient handle, additional, $2.50.




Fig. 5.Shurtleff's Atomizing Apparatus.
(Pat. March 24, 1868.)

The most desirable Hand Apparatus.

Rubber warranted of very best quality. Valves of hard rubber, every one carefull fitted to its seat and work perfectly in all positions.

The Bulbs are adapted to all the Tubes made by us for Local Anæsthesia in Surgical Operations, Teeth Extraction, and for Inhalation.

Price, $4.50.

Each of the above Apparatus is supplied with two carefully made annealed glass Atomizing Tubes and accompanied with directions for use. Every Steam Apparatus is tested with steam, at very high pressure. Each Apparatus is carefully packed for transportation, and warranted perfect. Also,

Hand Ball Apparatus, (Fig. 5, without shield,) with two Glass Tubes.....
Silver Plated Tubes, for Local Anaesthesia and for Inhalation, each..
Rhigolene, for Local Anaesthesia, best quality, packed........


Nasal Douche, for Treating Diseases of the Nasal Cavity, six different varieties, each with two Nozzles, packed....

210 10

.$1 25, 1 50, 200, 2 50 and 3 50

N. B.-To save collection expenses, funds should be sent with the order, either in form of draft, post-office order or registered letter.

For complete illustrated price-list of Apparatus, Tubes, & c., see

Containing two articles, by distinguished foreign authority, on

"INHALATION OF ATOMIZED LIQUIDS,'' With formulæ of those successfulty employed.

Also an article by Dr. J. L. W. Thudichum, M.R.C.P,, on

"A New Mode of Treating Diseases of the Nasal Cavity,"

With his formulæ.

Also an illustrated description of the best apparatus for the above purposes, and for producing Local Anesthesia by Atomization with Ether, by the method of Dr. Richardson, of London; or with Rhigolene, as described by Dr. Henry J. Bigelow, in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, of April 19, 1866.

All our Atomizing Äpparatus is made with the utmost care with view to its complete efficiency, convenience and durability, and every one is warranted. The Steam Apparatus (Fig. 1) has been adopted into the "Supply Table" as the standard for the United States Army, A Gold Medal has lately been awarded us by the Middlesex Mechanics' Association, for Atomizing and Surgical Instruments, as will be seen from the following report, signed by a leading New England Surgeon and Physician:

"1503. Codman & Shurtleff, Boston, Mass. One Case Surgical Instruments and Atomizers.



"The Committee have no hesitation in awarding for this superb exhibition the highest premium. The various other instruments for Inhalation of Atomized Liquids, and for Local Anaesthesia, were all apparently faultless, both in design and workmanship. The exhibitors are regarded as more especially deserving of the highest token of merit for having produced nothing except of their own manufacture.-Gold Medal.


GILMAN KIMBALL, M D., Chairman" The following is an extract from a note from Dr. Bigelow: "I have thus far found nothing better for freezing with Rhigolone than the tubes made by you after the pattern I gave you, and which I still use with your other apparatus."

Dr. J. Mason Warren says: "Your apparatus for Atomization of Liquids seems to have been carefully made, and I think it an efficient one where required for treatment of diseases of the Throat and Lungs. The apparatus for Local Anæsthesia which you made for me answers the purpose perfectly.”



Canman's Stethoscopes, Articulated...$8 00 Dr. Cutter's Retroversion Pessaries... 7 00 do Disarticulating. 8 50 French Rubber Urinals, with valves, Simple Throat Mirrors...... ......... 150 male, for night or day.... $6.00 Ophthalmoscopes, Liebreich's......... 7 50 French Rubber Urinals, male, day only 4 00 Holt's Dilator.............. ........... 18 00 do do do female, do 3.00 Barnes' do., set of three, with Inflator. 7 50 Vaccinators, Automatic, in case (postBowman's Probes, per set... paid)... 4.00 William's Modification of do., per set. 5 00 Laryngoscopes, complete......18 00 to 28 00 $450 to 5 00 Dr. Oliver's Laryngoscopic Lantern.... 4 00

4 00

Hypodermic Syringes......... 3 50 to 16 00

Large Ear Mirrors.


Miller's Intra-Uterine

do. in case (post-paid)...



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7 00 ..... 8 50 .83 50 to 5 00

Lente's Intra-Uterine Caustic Instru




do with Auto-Laryngoscopic Attachment.... 5 00 Dr. Oliver's Larygoscopic Lantern, with Auto-Laryngoscopic Attachment, and three Laryngoscopic Mirrors, in case.....

.10 00

150 to 4 00 Dr. R.H.Storer'sCombined Speumlum 7 00 Trusses-Spinal and Abdominal Supporters-Shoulders Braces-Suspensory BandagesElastic Hose-Medicine Trunks and Pocket Medicine Cases-Otoscopes-Endoscopes -Dr. Sayre's Splints for Hip-Joint Disease-Fever Thermometers-Respirators. Syringes-Crutches-UniversalSyringes-Galvanic Batteries andApparatus-Uterine Sponge Tents-French Conical and Ölive-tipped Bougies and Catheters

Skeletons, Skulls, Manikins, Anatomical and Pathological Models and Charts on hand, or imported to order; prices on Application. All Instruments, Implements Materials used by Dentists, always on hand. Apparatus for Club Feet, Weak Ankles Bow Legs, Spinal Curvature, and other deformities, made to order.

Apparatus for Paracentesis Thoracis by Dr. H. J. Bowditch and approved by him." Instruments made to Order, Sharpened, Polished and Repaired. CODMAN & SHURTLEFF'S,

Makers and Importers of Surgical and Dental Instruments,

13 and 15 Tremont St., Boston.

Our Apparatus is for Sale by F. S. Siegel, Louisville, Ky.

Manufacturing Pharmaceutist,


Drugs, Chemicals, Glassware and Druggists' Sundries

N. W. corner of Fifth and Market Streets, Louisville, Ky.

ARTICULAR attention of PHYSICIANS is directed to my large

Pand full assortment of


comprising Amputating; Dissecting, Pocket, Trephining and Obstetric Instruments, Specula, Inhalers, Fever Thermometers, Pessaries, Catheters, &c., &c., from Geo. Tieman & Co., of New York, which I sell at their prices.

I also keep constantly on hand, SADDLE-BAGS, TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, of all kind, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, SHOULDER BRACES, RUBBER GOODS, FRESH VACCINE VIRUS, and all Other requisites for Druggists and Physicians use.

Special attention paid to country Physician's orders. TERMS CASH.






THIS Instrument is the most simple and practical of any ever invented. It is made of a preparation of India Rubber that has no lead in it, does not irritate at all the soft parts with which it comes in contact. The application of it is simple and easy, and never fa is of keeping the womb,in its natural position. It is strongly recommended by forty of the first-class physicians in Providence, and by eminent practitioners of medicine in almost every State in the Union.

Mr. Burrington:

OTISVILLE, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1868.

Sir-It is doubtful whether anything can be¬nvented that will ́answer the durpose intended than the Uterine Elevator. R. FARRIES, M.D.

Price to physicians $6 00; (postage 66 cents). Extra cup and stem $2 25. A pamphlet, giving a full description of the instrument and of the invention, also testimonials from distinguished physicians, in various parts of the country, may be had by addressing the proprietor, with stamp to pay postage. H. H. BURRINGTON, Chemist and Druggist, Providence, R. I.



TPERCH. The material not irritating, équal in finish and


luster to hard rubber; proves to be the most effectual Uterine Supporter as yet invented. Its lightness and slightly yielding when in contact with blood heat, causes it to ascend mechanically. PRICE $2 00. One or more mailed; returnable within one month and the money will be promptly refunded when they fail io give satsifaction. 8. S. STAUFER, sep6m 646 North Ninth street, PHILADELPHIA.

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64 Chatham St., New York, Manufacturers and Importers of

Surgical & Orthopedical Instruments,

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VERY apparatus for local anathesia and for atomization of Liquids, Laryngocopes, Ophthalmoscopes, Hypodermic Syringes, Splints for Hip-Joint Disease, Skeletons, Trusses, Elastic Stockings, Laminaria Digitata Uterine Tents-Axill Thermometers, Beigel's Inhaler and Powder, etc., etc.

The latest improvements, and new inventions, on hand and received constantly from Our Agents in Europe. ap-ly




Foreign & Domestic Drugs, Chemicals, Glassware & Druggists' Sundries,

N. W. corner of Fifth and Market Streets, Louisville, Ky.

ARTICULAR attention of Physicians is directed to my large and full assortment of

P-Surgical and Dental Instruments, comprising Amputating, Dissecting, Pocket,

Trephining and Obstetric Instruments, Speculums, Inhalers, Fever Thermome ters, Pessaries, Catheters, &c., &c., from Tiemann & Co., and Otto & Rynders of New York, which I sell at their prices.

I also keep constantly on hand-Saddle-bags, Trusses, Supporters of all kind, Elastic Stockings, Shoulder Braces, Rubber Goods, fresh Vaccine Virus, and all other requisites for Druggists and Physicians use.

Special attention paid to country Physician's orders. Terms Canb




and Pharmaceutist,

Druggist and

No. 174 corner of Seventh and Walnut Streets, Louisville, Ky.

PHYSICIAN'S prescriptions and orders, and Family recipes or orders carefully and accurately compounded. Special attention given to filling orders of Physicians in country.

A select assortment of Sr rgical Instruments. Pure wines, liquors, and brandios, kept constantly on hand. Patronage solicited.

All Medicines warranted pure, and sold at moderate prices. Terms cash.






The object of this invention is to provide for a prolapsed condition of the abdomen; a healthful and properly distributed support to all internal organs, capable of nice and ready adaptation to the changing condition of the patient. They are adapted to neatly fit and surround the person of the patient and occupy only so much surface of the hips and back as to afford an adequate counterbearing to the downward and outward stress of the abdomen. The ultimate support or counter-bearing is thus made to devolve on the parts immediately overlaying the side and posterior parts of pelvis, innominati and pelvis. They are made in two different forms. One a short supporter, loops supplying the place of ths drawers. The other is made in the form of ladies drawers. Eitherfform of these supporters may be worn by the patient, either erect or reclining, without obstructing any vital function. They are made of any woven fabric, such as muslin, India twill, linen or silk, and can be washed as any other customary garment.

Description of the Plate

PLATE No. 1 represents a front view of the Supporter, made in the form of drawers. EEE are stays; one or more in number as the case requires. G-a series of cords of greater or less number according to the wants of the patient-are so encased in the Supporters that the lowest one follows, or nearly follows, the contour of the base of the abdomen, and the others range parallel or nearly parallel thereto; these cords are severally drawn tight or relaxed at will, and are retained to a given tension by being knotted where they emerge from the Supporter.

DIRECTIONS FOR TAKING MEASURES.-1st. Pass a tape measure entirely around the person, across the side or nameless bones. 2d. Across the abdomen, slightly anterior from one hip bone to the other. 3d. Across the front bone. 4th. From the top of front bone up to the navel. 5th. Top of hip bone around the limb to same point. 6th. From the top of the ospubis or front bone, between the limbs, up the center of the back as high as top of the side bones. 7th. Top of hip bone, outside the limb, down to the knee. Four measures for the short supporters, seven for the drawers. Address Post Office drawer 127, Louisville, Ky., Or, No. 34 Upper Third street, New Albany, Ind.


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