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144 Poetry.-Resolutions of the U. P. Society.-Mr. Ward's death.


At a special meeting of the Union Philosophical Society, convened in consequence of the death of Mr. Charles A. Snowden, of Prince George County, Md., an active member of the Institution, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That as a tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased, and an acknowledgment of his merit and abilities whilst liv. ing, the members of the Union Philosophical Society wear crape on their hats for thirty days.

Resolved also, That the proceedings of the society on this melancholy occasion be published.

Calcutta, of the death of Rev. William Ward, of Sarampore, of cholera morbus, after an illness of only one day. B. Gaz.

NOTICE. A meeting of the managers of the Cumberland County Bible society, will be held at the house of Mr. R. M'Cord, on the 24th instant, at three o'clock, P. M.


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Keligious Miscellany.

No. 10.

"Say ye to the daughter of Zion, behold, thy salvation cometh.”

Vol. II.

EXTRACTS FROM THE JOURNAL OF MR. which unconverted Jews commoni


[The journals of Mr. Wolff, a ways interest-
ing, are rendered much more so at present,
by the connexion into which he has
ed with Messrs. Fisk and King.]

never do. Messrs. Fisk and Kin conversed longer than two hours with the very same Jewess and Jew, about enter-Christ, and they paid to them the greatest attention. Messrs. Fisk, King and myself consulted there together about our missionary affairs.

On the Nile, Jan. 21, 1823.

Jan. 3, 1823, Malta.-Messrs Fisk
and King and myself went on board
of the brig Triune, Capt. Smale. Rev.
Mr. Temple, Mr. Jewet, and Dr.
Naudi, accompanied us to the shore.
I need not tell you that we preached
daily to the men on board.

Mr. Gliddon accompanied me to an Italian printer, who has a press and Italian types, and who has hitherto been employed by the Franks of Alexandria. I think that it might be highly useful to have such a man with me at Jerusalem: and as I have with me your printing press, a great deal of Jan. 10. We arrived at the har-good might be done at Jerusalem, by bor of Alexandria. printing tracts in several dialects of Jan. 11.-Rev. Mr. Fisk and my-the country. I could employ_that self called on Dr. Marpurgo, who man at two dollars a day. But I did was not at home, but we met with his not consider myself to be authorised father-in-law, who received last year" to take with me a printer without a New Testament from me, and oth- your kind permission. er books, and the same who wrote a Jan. 12.-Brother King preached letter to the Rev. Lewis Way. Rev. in the morning in the hall of Mr. Lee. Mr. King ånd myself conversed with Tears were shed by the hearers, and two Jews from Leghorn, Messrs.hey desired him to preach the next Sonnimo and Marpurgo, the mer Sunday on board the ship to the sailchants, about Jesus Christ the Savors. I myself preached in the morniour of the world. Mr. Sonnimo ising in the hall of Mr. Dumreicher, the the same whom I mentioned in my Danish Consul at Alexandria. Mr. last letters, as one who received from Dumreicher himself, and Dr. Hempme the New Testament, and express rich the Prussian traveller, wer ed himself to be delighted with the among those who attended the sersermons he heard preached by the mon. There were in all seven perEnglish chaplain at Leghorn. He sons. I preached on the atonement listened to all which Mr. King said of Jesus Christ. Mr. Fisk preached to him concerning the salvation ofhis the gospel in the afternoon to twentyown soul, and about Christ with the eight Italians. Abbate Lazari, a Rogreatest attention. I called in the man Catholic clergyman, was among evening on Mr. Gliddon and his fam- his hearers. This Abbate told me afily, where I read the word of God, ter the sermon was over, that he like and conversed with them about Christ. very much such kind of sermons. I I conversed with a Jewess and a Jew, expounded in the afternoon the Gosin whose house we lodge, about Christ. pel to a poor German Catholic, and The Jewess pronounced the name of prayed with him. Mr. King and my hrist with the greatest readiness,elf called in the evening on Dr. Mar


Journal of Mr. Wolff.

Elias Isaiah. Jesus Christ was a Jew, and the son of Mary. I have read the New Testament. Joseph was his father.

I. His supposed father, for Mary was that virgin of whom Isaiah spake Professor King. I feel a great interest in you, as Jesus Christ sprang out of the seed of Judah, I long to see

ry of all the nations of the whole earth, and particularly of your nation. He is the glory of all heaven.

Elias Isaiah. What shall I gain by it?

purgo, after a short conversation, that and your lady will finally turn to Je I wished him to enter into a philo-sus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. sophic religious conversation with Professor King. Dr. Marpurgo replied, that he will be very happy to have a discussion about religion with Mr. King at any day he chooses at half past ten. Dr. Marpurgo was also engaged with playing cards. His father-in-law, Elias Isaiah, who is at present at Alexandria, on a visit from Cairo, was at Dr. Murpurgo's. I in-you believing in him, for he is the glotroduced brother King to him. He is an old venerable man, and he is the same Jew to whom I gave in 1821, Hebrew New Testaments and Psalters, and who called often on me observing, that he came to hear from Professor King. Heaven and all me words of peace. And Elias Isai- its happiness. You must have the ah is the same who told the other Jews, same faith that Abraham had, yet be"You must argue with Mr. Wolff, ing uncircumcised, who was saved by and if he is right you must submit." looking to the Messiah to come; as He told Mr. King the same that he you must be saved by Messiah alrea had thus spoken to the Jews in 1821. dy come. Search in the book of the He received Mr. King with true cor-law-search in the prophets-search diality, and he introduced his wife, diligently, and I cannot but think you Malkah by name, to Mr. King. She will believe in Christ Jesus, who is took hold of Mr. King's hand, press-all my hope, and all my joy. ed it very strongly and then kissed Elias Isaiah. (Looking to Mr. King her own hand. Elias Isaiah observed very pleasantly.) You must often that he intends to return to Cairo with call on me; we must converse togethhis wife after twenty days, and wish-er, not only six or seven days, but es to have our company on this tour thirty or forty days. I had some conupon the Nile. He took immediate-versation last year with Mr. Wolff, ly such a great affection to Mr. King, but not very often. that he said to him that he loves him.

Elias Isaiah then said to me, whilst as his own son. Professor King told Mr. King was speaking with Dr. Marhim and his wife, that he feels great || purgo, "I am exceedingly pleased with delight to meet descendants of Abra-that gentleman-what is his name? ham, Isaac and Jacob, even in the land for I was very much rejoiced to conwhere the Israelites have been in cap-verse with him. tivity 400 years.

Elias Isaiah, (to Mr. King.) You must know that the father of my wife

I told him that "King" is his name. Elias Isaiah asked then my opinion about heaven, which I told him.

Elias Isaiah. I will call on both of you as often as I have time, and conyou and that gentleman. Whilst Mr. King was conversing

verse with

has been one of the greatest wise men (Hakanim) who ever lived; yea he was a greater man than Joseph Askenasi at Jerusalem, for whom I gave a let-with Elias Isaiah, I preached the gosAnd whilst I was conversing with pel to a Gentile who was present.

ter to Mr. Wolff.

Professor King. I hope that you

Journal of Mr. Wolff..

Elias Isaiah, Mr. King preached
Christ to the Gentile infidel.


I. I will prove by this very book (opening my Bible) that you do not believe.

Dr. Marpurgo observed, "I would laugh if my father-in-law should be The learned Jew and the intelligent baptized." He said then to Profess-Jewess, ordered then the other Jews present to be quiet and listen: and then addressed themselves to me saying, "Prove it."

or King, "I would not have the least objection if my wife should desire to be baptized."

Conversation with several Jews and Jewesses in our lodging at a Jews house.

I opened my Hebrew Bible and began with Moses, and desired immediately brother Fisk to look out in the concordance for the passage, "I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee, and will

shall speak unto them that I shall command him; and it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him."

We sat on a divan. Mr. King sat by my side, and Mr. Fisk on a sofa at a little distance from us with the Italian Bible, and Cruden's Concord-put my words in his mouth, and he ance lying before him. As we sat smoking our Turkish pipes, according to the eastern custom, several Jews and Jewesses came and sat down at our feet, and we began to speak to them of Jesus the son of David, and-"Jesus Christ is that prophet like read to them out of the Hebrew Bible, showing that Jesus of Nazareth was he of whom Moses and the prophets did write. Among them were a ve-ed be He, and blessed be His name!) ry intelligent Jew, and an intelligent Jewish woman, who both understood the Hebrew. They began to ask me, What do you believe?

unto Moses, and you do not hearken unto him. Moses saw God face to face, and so did Jesus Christ (bless

he was the very image of the invisible God.-A covenant was further given by Moses on Mount Sinai, and a covenant which is mentioned Jeremiah I. I believe in Moses and the xxxi. 31-34, was given by Jesus prophets, who tell us that Jesus Christ; as you do not accept this, I Christ is the Messiah of the world, see, therefore, that you do neither bethe Redeemer of our souls, the Son lieve in Moses nor Jeremiah: and be of God, the Holy One, blessed be He, so kind to read Genesis xlix, 10, and and blessed be his name!-But now Itell me whether you can say consciwill ask you, What is your belief? entiously that you believe this prediction of Jacob?

All Jews at once. We believe that the Holy One, blessed be He, He who is blessed in Himself, is truth; and Mo-ah. sus is truth, and the prophets aretruth.

I. You do neither believe in the Holy One, blessed be He, and blessed be His name, and who is blessed in Himself; you do not believe that he is truth, and you do not believe that Moses is truth, and you do not believe that the prophets are truth.

Jews. (In a stormy manner.) God forbid that we should not believe in Moses and the prophets! They are truth! truth!

Jew. I must recur to the Gemar-

I. The Gemarrah is a lie.
Jew. A lie!

All the Jews exclaimed-The Gemarah a lie!

I. A lie! a lie! a lie!

Jew. How do you prove it?

I. I will prove it to you afterwards; but let us go on first with the prophets. Zechariah orders you to look on him whom they (our ancestors) have pierced-and mourn! Your ancestors have pierced Jesus Christ-they have pierc


Journal of Mr. Wolf

ed his hands and his feet: and you pierce him every day by blaspheming him-and you do not look on him, and you do not mourn; which you would do if you did believe Zechariah the prophet.

He took my Hebrew Bible, considered the passage for some minutes, and said, "The Jews have pierced Zechariah."

they shall look upon me (i. e. upon him who pours upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of Grace and supplications)

I. It is true, that they have pierced Zechariah, and killed many other As some had not been quite seri-prophets: but your answea proves to ous during our conversation, brothers me that you do not believe in Moses Fisk and King proposed to me, to re-and the prophets. The prophet here quest them that they would be silent, before us, saith thus: "And I will and that I should lift up my voice to pour upon the house of David, and pray for them: which I accordingly upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the did, in the Hebrew language. I re-spirit of grace and supplications: and quested them to be silent, and prayed Our Father, our King, send down into our hearts thy Holy Spirit, that we may know the iniquity of our hearts and be persuaded that we need a Sav-whom they have pierced, and mourn. iour. Holy One! blessed be thou, and The Lord only is able to pour out the blessed be thy name-and Thou art spirit of prayer and supplication, and blessed in thyself-have mercy upon he the same who promises, to pour these, the descendants of Abraham, out the spirit of prayer and supplicaIsaac & Jacob, who are now sitting at tion, the same continues to say, "They our feet, to hear words of thy only be- shall look upon me whom they have gotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth; and pierced, and mourn." Our ancestors give to them thy Holy Spirit that they have pierced, they have crucified the may hear and understand, and look | Lord of Glory! I beseech you mourn upon him whom our ancestors have over Him! You see, that without pierced-look on Jesus of Nazareth, mourning upon Him, you cannot say as their Lord, their righteousness!" that you really believe in Moses and Amen. the prophets: and if you do not believe you shall not be established.

All began to be very attentive, and I continued my conversation with them. One of the Jews asked me, why we shut our eyes when we pray. I told him, that God is a Spirit, and when we pray, we do not like to be distracted by other objects; our eyes therefore shut themselves without our knowledge.


Jews. We do believe in Zechari

I read to them, and expounded after this, Isaiah iii. The Jew tried to recur to the Talmud, which I did not admit.

Jewess. Why do you not permit to refer to the Talmud?

I. Moses saith, "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it." The Talmud hath done both, added and diminished. According to the Old Testament, the Lord reHolyquires a broken and a contrite spiritbut the Talmud commands to wear

I. Do you believe that the Holy Spirit spake by Zechariah?

All the Jews at once. The Spirit spake by Zechariah.

I. Why do you not look upon Him | large phylacteries: to kill animals with whom they have pierced?-and why a knife perfectly sharp, and in a pardo you not mourn over him?

Jew. Permit me to read over this passage.

ticular manner; the Old Testament makes no difference between women and men, and tells us that women

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