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vened annually at such time and place as the trustees, or a major part of them shall appoint; and the said trustees shall have power, or a major part of them, to choose their Chairman to superintend the affairs of the corporation and to carry into effect the by-laws and regulations of the proprietors.

3. That the first meeting of said proprietors shall be called by any three of the proprietors, by giving a verbal or written notification to all the other proprietors of the time and place of such meeting, and to constitute a quorum thirty two shares shall be represented at such meeting. And at all meetings of the proprietors, the votes shall be taken and counted according to the number of shares each proprietor holds, each of said shares being entitled to one vote only. And the proprietors shall have power in their meetings to ordain and constitute any officers which they may deem necessary for the wellordering the concerns of said Academy, and to require of such officers such security or annex such pecuniary penalties to breaches of trust as they shall judge reasonable. And said proprietors are also empowered to make such rules and regulations concerning the mode of transferring shares by assignment or otherwise, and to enlarge the number of shares as they shall deem expedient, which rules and regulations shall be to all intents and purposes valid; and they are further empowered to tax the several shares of the proprietors for the purpose of making all necessary repairs to the building and its appendages, and for furnishing books and for all other necessary and useful purposes, and the sums so assessed may be collected by warrant or distress in the manner taxes of this State may by law be collected. Provided, nevertheless, the assembly shall have power to alter, amend or take away the grant at pleasure.


Sec. 1. Resolved by this Assembly, That Benjamin E. Palmer, Vine Robinson, Philip Scarborough, William Hutchins, Daniel P. Tyler and all others, who now are or shall hereafter become associated with them, and their successors and assigns be, and they are hereby made, constituted and established a body politic and corporate, by the name of "The Proprietors of the Brooklyn Academy;" and by that name, they and their successors and assigns shall be, and hereby are authorized and empowered to purchase, take, hold, occupy and enjoy, notes, bonds, mortgages and any estate, real or personal whatsoever, to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars; and the same to sell, transfer and convey at their pleasure; and shall also be capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, defending and being defended in any court of record or elsewhere; to have perpetual succession forever, and to have a common seal, and the same to alter at their pleasure.

Sec. 2. The stock of said corporation, consisting of the building or buildings, for the use of the Academy, such as may from time to time be erected, together with the lands which now are, or may hereafter be owned by said corporation; and all moneys, funds, notes, bonds, mortgages and personal

property of any description, which now belong or hereafter may belong to said corporation, excepting donations, legacies, devices and bequests, shall be divided into shares of twenty dollars each; and each share shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote, at all meetings of said corporation. And said. shares shall be deemed and held to be personal estate and shall be transferable in such manner as shall hereafter be prescribed by the by-laws, rules and regulations of said corporation.

Sec. 3. For the management of the affairs of said corporation, the members thereof, shall at their first meeting, elect seven trustees, who shall hold their offices for the term of one year at least, from the time of their election, or until others may and shall be chosen by said corporation to supply their places; said trustees shall have power to fill any vacancies which may occur in their body, during the time of holding their office. They shall have the immediate management and control of the funds, property and general concerns of said corporation; receive and disburse all moneys belonging to the institution; regulate the course of instruction, and the price of tuition, and if they see proper, prescribe the terms of admission of scholars. They shall have the power of enacting such rules and regulations concerning the conduct of students, while members of the Academy, as they may deem proper, and a majority of them may at any time expel, or dismiss, or suspend, as the case may require, such students as for any reasonable cause, they may consider it improper to retain in the school; always provided, that the by-laws, rules, and regulations shall not be repugnant to the laws of this State, or of the United States.

Sec. 4. That in all meetings of the trustees, a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to form a quorum for transacting business of any kind; and the vote of a majority of those present, shall be necessary to render any act done by them, binding on said corporation.

Sec. 5. All meetings of the trustees, shall be called at such times, in such manner, and on such notice, as the trustees by their by-laws shall prescribe. Sec. 6. A meeting of the corporation may at any time be called by vote of the trustees, or by a written request presented to the secretary or clerk of the trustees, and signed by members of the corporation, who are owners of one third of the stock of said corporation; and each meeting of the corporation shall be warned in such manner as the trustees shall direct.

Sec. 7. In all meetings of the corporation, all the stockholders may vote in person or by proxy, and one vote shall be allowed for each share.

Sec. 8. The use of such buildings as may belong to the corporation, shall be under the direction of the trustees, and shall be appropriated to no other purpose than that of a school, unless by the consent of a majority of the trustees, expressed in writing under their hands, and prescribing the terms on which, and the purposes for which, it is to be improved.

Sec. 9. The instructors of the school, during their continuance in office, shall be exempt from military duty.

Sec. 10. The members of the corporation shall have the power of appointing a committee to consist of three at least, to procure such instructors as may be necessary, and agree with them in relation to the terms; and in case they shall neglect to do so, it shall be the duty of the trustees to procure such instructors as may be required.

Sec. 11. The first meeting of the corporation shall be called by William Hutchins of the town of Brooklyn, at such time and place, and with such notice as he shall direct.

Provided, always, that this act may be altered, amended or repealed, at the pleasure of the General Assembly.


Resolved by this Assembly, That the proprietors of Brooklyn Academy be authorized, and they are hereby authorized to elect any number of trustees not exceeding thirteen, in the same manner as they were authorized by said charter, to elect seven; and that the trustees which shall, from time to time, be by said corporation elected under this resolve, shall have the same powers, and be under the same regulations, as were prescribed for the seven directors allowed by said charter, any thing in said charter, to the contrary notwithstanding.

That so much of said charter as restricted the number of trustees to seven, is hereby repealed.


Whereas Literary societies have been found to promote, diffuse and preserve the knowledge of those Arts and Sciences, which are the support of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce, and to advance the dignity, virtue and happiness of a people, therefore

Be it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, That Timothy Dwight, James Dana, Zephaniah Swift, John Allen, David Daggett, Jesse Root, John C. Smith, Isaac Beers, Nathaniel Smith, Elijah Monson, Josiah Meigs, Enoch Perkins, Jeremiah Atwater 4th, John Barker, Elias Shipman, Noah Webster Jr., Simeon Baldwin, Elizur Goodrich, Obadiah Hotchkiss Jr., Timothy Pitkin Jr., Theodore Dwight, Abraham Bishop, Asher Miller, Stephen Titus Hosmer, James Hillhouse, Jeremiah Wadsworth, Pierpont Edwards, Isaac Mills, Eli Whitney, John Davenport, John Bowden, Bela Hubbard, Jonathan O. Moseley, Jonathan Sturges, Elizur Wright, Jeremiah Townsend Jr., Jared Mansfield, John Marsh, Nathan Perkins, Levi Hart, John Treadwell, Oliver Ellsworth, Jonathan Trumbull, and Eneas Monson, and their associates, be, and they are hereby formed into, constituted, and made a body politic and corporate by the name of "The Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences;" and by that name they and their successors shall, and may have perpetual succession, shall be capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all suits of what nature soever, may have a common seal, and may alter the same at pleasure, and may also purchase, receive, hold, and convey any estate real or personal, provided that the annual income of such estate shall not exceed one thousand dollars.

The said Academy may, from time to time, elect a President and a keeper of records, which keeper of records shall be sworn to a faithful discharge of his trust, and such other offices as they may find necessary or convenient,

may elect additional members, provided the whole number of members resident in this State shall never exceed two hundred, nor ever be less than forty, and the said Academy may make by-laws respecting the number, qualifications, and duties of their officers; the mode of election, and admission of members; the time, place and manner of holding their meetings, and the number necessary to make a quorum, and all other by-laws, which they may deem necessary for the due regulation of said society not repugnant to the laws of this State, or of the United States; and may annex reasonable pecuniary fines, and penalties for the breach of such by-laws, not exceeding ten dollars for each offence.

The first meeting of said Academy shall be held at the State house in New Haven, on the fourth Tuesday of instant October.

This act, or any part thereof, if found inadequate, or inconvenient, may be altered, amended or repealed.


Upon petition of David Foot, and others.

Resolved by this Assembly, That the memorialists, with such other persons as have or shall associate with them, be and they hereby are incorporated and made a body politic and corporate, by the name of " The Danbury Academy Company," with power to purchase, take, and hold such lands as shall be necessary for the corporation, not exceeding ten acres, with power also to sue and be sued, answer and be answered unto, in all courts and elsewhere.


Whereas a memorial of Abraham Jarvis and others, Trustees of the Episcopal Academy of Connecticut, has been prefered to this Assembly shewing that an Academy has been constituted at Cheshire for the purpose of education, by a convention of Presbyters, Deacons and Lay delegates of the of the Protestant Episcopal church in Connecticut, and a constitution framed, praying for an act of incorporation, as per memorial will at large appear, which memorial has been granted.

Be it enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, That Abraham Jarvis, John Bowden, Richard Mansfield, Bela Hubbard, Ashbel Baldwin, Reuben Ives, Chauncey Prindle, Tillotson Bronson, Calvin White, Samuel William Johnson, William Herron, John Morgan, Abijah Hull, Eli Curtis, Andrew Hull, Andrew Hull Jr., William Law, Samuel A. Law, Thomas Atwater, Burrage Beach, and Moses

Moss, inhabitants of said State shall be an incorporate society or body corporate and politic, and shall hereafter be called and known by the name of "The Trustees of the Episcopal Academy of Connecticut," and that by the same name, they and their successors elected pursuant to the constitution aforesaid shall and may have perpetual succession, and shall and may be persons capable in the law to plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, and also to have, take, possess, acquire, purchase, or otherwise receive lands, tenements, and hereditaments, goods, chattels or other estate, to an amount not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, and the same to grant, demise, lease, use, manage or improve for the good and benefit of said Academy according to the tenor of the donation and their discretion.

That the trustees of said Episcopal academy shall and may hereafter have a common seal to serve and use for all causes, matters and affairs of them and their successors, and the same to seal, to alter, break, and make new, as they shall think fit.

That the trustees of said Episcopal academy for the time being, shall have power from time to time as occasion shall require, to make, ordain, and establish all such wholesome and reasonable by-laws, rules and ordinances, not repugnant to the laws of this State, as they shall think fit and proper for the instruction and education of the students, and for ordering, governing, ruling and managing the said Academy, and all matters and things thereunto belonging, and the same to repeal and alter, as they shall think fit.

That all the lands and rateable belonging, or that shall belong to said Academy, lying within this State, and the persons and families of the principal and professors and their estates lying in said Cheshire, and the persons of the tutors and students, and such and so many of the servants of said Academy as give their constant attendance on the business of it, shall be freed and exempted from all rates, taxes, military service, and working at highways provided always, that any part of this act, or any of the by-laws which may be made by virtue thereof, may be revised, altered or repealed at any time by the General Assembly.

Proprietors of Fairfield Academy incorporated May 1804, and re-incorporated May 1821.


Upon petition of Gersham Burr and others, agents of the proprietors of Fairfield Academy, shewing that by accident their charter has expired, and praying that said proprietors may again be incorporated.

Resolved by this Assembly, That Gen. Gershom Burr, David Judson, Samuel Rowland, Ebenezer Dimon, Esqr's., and others, the proprietors of Fairfield Academy, situated in the first society in the town of Fairfield, in Fairfield county, be, and they are hereby constituted and confirmed a body politic and corporate, by the name "The Proprietors of Fairfield Academy;"

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