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17 vols.; Palæontographica: Beiträge zur naturgeschichte der vorwelt, 25 vols.; Works of the Palæontographical Society, London, 25 vols.; and the chief editions, in English, French and German, of the principal works of Keil, Percy, Combes, Ponson, Gaetschman and Rittenger.

The library contains many volumes and portfolios of plates. Two of the most valuable and rare series of this description recently added (by donation) are the collection of plates to illustrate the light-house system of the United States, and "Collection des Dessins distribués aux éléves de l'Ecole Impériales des Ponts et Chaussées à Paris." Peculiarly interesting at this time is the full collection of the literature pertaining to the World's Exhibitions held at London, Paris, Vienna, etc.

The growth of the library has been very much augmented by generous donations from official sources and individuals interested in the school. Two hundred bound volumes and five hundred pamphlets have recently been added by bequest of the late H. F. Q. D'Aligney.

The Botanical Library contains twelve hundred and forty volumes. Besides embracing most of the books required for ordinary investigations, it is rich in scarce memoirs and separate papers received from their authors, such as cannot be pur

chased, and yet are often of greater value to the scientific investigator than costly volumes.


In addition to such as have already been noted in the account of the School of Mines, there are, in the Academic Department:

A chemical and geological cabinet and collection illustrating fully elementary chemistry and geology, embracing the original New York State Cabinet of Geology, a collection of minerals and a valuable cabinet of rare chemicals; also a full set of chemical apparatus :

A set of models illustrating the subject of geometry of two and three dimensions; Schröder's Models of Descriptive Geometry, Standard Metre, etc.; a full set of surveying instruments, as chains, surveyor's compass, pocket compass, transit, level, plane table, theodolite, etc.:

A mechanical collection, embracing models of pulleys, levers, screw, inclined plane, parallelogram of forces, Atwood's machine, reversible pendulum, air pump, aerostatic apparatus, hydrostatic apparatus, balance and apparatus for specific gravity, etc., Schoedler's mechanical movements illustrating the subject of mechanics in all its branches :

Maps, globes, lantern and apparatus for illus

trating the subject of astronomy; a forty-six inch transit instrument by Troughton & Simms, an equatorially-mounted refractor of five-inch aperture, to which is attached a spectroscope with the dispersive power of thirteen flint glass prisms of fifty-five degrees, by Alvan Clarke; a set of comparison apparatus with electrodes, Plücker's tubes, coil, etc., accompanies the spectroscope; altitude and azimuth instrument, declination transit, chronometer and break-circuit chronometer, heliostatic mirrors, sextant, etc., etc. :

A large and complete physical apparatus, among the pieces of which may be mentioned a Foucault's pendulum, 26 feet in length, and a complete Foucault gyroscope by Froment; a fine cathetometer by Grünow, a spherometer, a comparateur, standard U. S. yard, standard metre, and a horizontal pendulum arranged for quantitative work:

Acoustic apparatus, such as (e. g.), Helmholtz's apparatus for the reproduction of the vowel sounds; Seebeck's syren; a complete phonautograph; a set of Meldes' tuning forks, Lüssajous' tuning forks and vibrating microscope; apparatus for the refraction of sound; a set of Helmholtz's resonators and vowel-forks:

Magnetic and electrical apparatus, of which may be mentioned a Lamont's declination compass, Wiedemann's galvanometer, Grünow's spark-mi

crometer, torsion balance, and sine and tangent compass; a Siemens' unit and an original Holtz machine; a large Richie coil; also Ruhmkorff coil and a diamagnetic apparatus :

An extensive optical apparatus, of which may be noted, Rutherfurd's automatic train of six prisms, ruled plates by the same for measuring wave lengths; apparatus for conical refraction, various sections of wave surfaces, Fessel's and Whedtstone's wave machines; Jamin's interferential refractor, Duboscq's apparatus for studying the interference and refraction of light, a large Nachet inverted microscope; polarizing apparatus for projection. Some of the pieces of this latter may be also mentioned on account of their size, such as a double refracting prism (3′′) three inches in diameter, a Nicol's prism (24") two and one-half inches diam. and (7") seven inches long.; a Foucault prism (4") four inches in diameter, and (7") seven inches in length; etc., etc. :

A botanical collection containing about sixty thousand species, phænograms and cryptograms: it is peculiarly rich in what are called type specimens, that is, the identical plants named by the authors who have described or noticed them in their published works: it possesses extensive collections of plants from the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, from Commodore Perry's Japan Ex

pedition, from the various expeditions of Fremont, and from the explorations of North America, even within the Arctic Circle, besides many rare and valuable specimens from all parts of the world: it embraces the collection of the late Prof. John Torrey, which is valuable as containing the original specimens from which the "Flora of North America" was prepared; the Meissner-Crooke collection which is the authority of the polygonaceæ, proteacea, thymelæaceæ, etc., of De Candolles Prodromus; the "Chapman" collection containing the originals, from which was published the "Flora of the Southern United States," and also a small collection made by the late A. Halsey.



In the Academic Department, the following scheme of prizes, etc., obtains:

I. FOR PROFICIENCY IN GERMAN.-After the concluding examination there shall be awarded to the best student in German, in the Junior class, a prize of money, or its equivalent, at his option, of thirty dollars; and to the next best, a prize of twenty dollars.

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