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Spin cheerfully,

Not tearfully,

Though wearily you plod.

Spin carefully,

Spin prayerfully,

But leave the thread with God.


We rejoice in the call of every morning to new opportunities and duties. May we be eager and faithful. May we find joy in the task we have to do, and in the service we can render. Help us to listen when Thou speakest to us. May we not be too occupied with material interests to hear Thy voice. May we listen to Thy cheer and counsel, to Thy warnings and promises, to Thy messages sent through sages and prophets, through history and experience, through the leadings of our own conscience. Help us to look upward toward heaven and Thee, to look beyond our present task or trial to its large results and ultimate glory. Amen.


I love to hear the rain upon the green roof of the tree, The silver of its tinkle is a fairy call to me.

I can hear it as I pass

Patter softly on the grass

As it dances o'er the edges of the leaves in ecstasy.

Such fragrant dewy colloquies 'midst April shade and


Where tears and smiles are kin to Love and hours are

[blocks in formation]

And every day is God's, and spring's, and mine.


Father, we thank Thee for the beauty and the glory of this outward universe. We are glad that the flowers appear on the earth, that the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. The rain and the sunshine both tell of Thine infinite Love. May we learn to look beyond the tears of sorrow, till we behold the joys of everlasting life, and know that here and there we are the children of the Living God! Amen. SAMUEL C. BEANE, JR.

A song welled up in the singer's heart
(Like a song in the throat of a bird),
And loud he sang and far it rang

For his heart was strangely stirred;
And he sang for the very joy of song.
With no thought of one who heard.

Within the listener's wayward soul
A heavenly patience grew.
He fared on his way with a benison
On the singer who never knew
How the careless song of an idle hour
Had shaped a life anew.


We thank Thee, dear Father, for the early thoughts of Thy unfailing love. The clouds darken the sky, and the air is heavy with mist, thus changing the day's plans, but we will not be disturbed or withhold our notes of praise. Help us to be so receptive that the inner light may shine forth to Thy glory. May our eyes be anointed and our ears open to the Spirit's leadings that no opportunity to help or comfort others be unnoted. Hear our cry for the bruised, burdened, imprisoned souls, especially for those for whom no one else will pray. Remember them in great tenderness, for Thy mercy is everlasting. The love of Jesus gives hope for all. Bless His dear name! Amen.



A little sun, a little rain,

A soft wind blowing from the West
And woods and fields are sweet again,

And warmth within the mountain's breast.

So simple is the earth we tread,
So quick with love and life her frame;
Ten thousand years have dawned and fled,
And still her magic is the same.

A little love, a little trust,
A soft impulse, a sudden dream -
And life as dry as desert dust
Is fresher than a mountain stream.

So simple is the heart of man,
So ready for new hope and joy;
Ten thousand years since it began
Have left it younger than a boy.


Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the rest of the night; we praise Thee that each day may begin in calmness, and in quietness of nerves, and clearness of mind. For soul vision and mental quickening in the morning, we praise Thee. Help us to employ our morning hours that the whole day may speed well, and that our souls may be enlarged and kept in quietness and peace for Thy name's sake. Even, O God, as Thou wast to David “as the light of the morning when the sun riseth", so be unto us. Amen.


God smiles as he has always smiled.


The night wanes into morning,
And the dawning light broadens.
And all the shadows fade and shift;
I follow, follow, sure to meet the sun,
And confident that what the future yields
Will be the right.


Our loving Father, we thank Thee for the morning light; we thank Thee that in the sunshine we see Thy smile. Thou hast brought us to Thy banqueting house and Thy banner over us is love. Through this day may we often turn our faces upward, if only for a moment, to see Thy face, and as we look up to Thee, may our faces reflect Thy glory. Help us to radiate Thy light wherever we go. All through this glad day may we follow Thee, our Guide, assured that every step is planned, confident that if we walk with Thee we will be victorious. Amen. MARY FRANCES WILLARD ANDERSON.

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