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She started at the very idea of such a thing, and before I left we united in prayer on his behalf. I believe from that time her bitter feelings were overcome. She said, on another occasion, that she often prayed that God would change his heart. She was rather deaf, and becoming increasingly so, it was difficult to converse much with her during the last few weeks of her life, but her sweet smile and heavenly expression spoke volumes, and the words that occasionally fell from her lips gave evidence that her soul was at peace with God.

"About three days before her death she said to her mother, 'Perhaps you don't think I pray now, but I do; and, Oh! mother, I can see Jesus. I shall soon be with Him.' She also alluded to a little one she had lost, and the anticipated pleasure of meeting him in heaven.

"Another time she said: "When I had a voice to sing I used to sing songs, and now, when I should like to sing hymns, my voice is gone. What would I give to be able to sing a hymn!' A few minutes before she died, her husband, who was then sober, came to her bedside, and she put out both her poor wasted arms and clasped him tightly round the neck, and then, sinking back on her pillow, with her hand resting on his forehead, she sweetly fell asleep in Jesus.”




"I think on the whole we have great reason to be thankful for the spiritual state of the Mint district during the past year. There has been diligent sowing for years past, and now the seed is springing up in many hearts.

"Some out of our district have been safely garnered; one who had long suffered from tumours (but was a constant attendant at the meeting). At the beginning of this year she became worse, and died at the end of January. A short time before her death, she shouted aloud, so that all in the house heard her, 'Safe in the arms of Jesus,' repeating the hymn throughout, and so went home to be for ever with the Lord.

"The following are some of the indirect results of the Mission-work:

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"A few weeks since, as soon as I had taken my seat, one of our oldest mothers came to the table in the greatest excitement to tell me that the previous Sunday her husband went with her to church three times in the day, the first time for forty years,' and she did feel so proud. I remembered how three months ago she had almost made up her mind to leave him, and that her friends at the Farm house' had encouraged her to pray on. 'Yes,' she said, 'I'll never doubt again, I'll pray for the children, God does hear prayer,' adding, 'Won't I humour my old man now!' He often asks her to read to him, being unable to read himself. She is one of the fruits of the former Biblewoman's work. Another ground of encouragement is the regular attendance. We have no temporal help to offer them, and yet the numbers keep up even during the summer, when we do not expect so many.

"The following is a copy of the Bible-woman's Report; she is, I am glad to say, very diligent and successful in canvassing for Bible subscribers :

"Mrs. C I first visited in October, 1873. She was ill about six months. She was anxious about her soul. Had lived a good moral life, going to church regularly, but not knowing the power of Christ in her own soul; she was, after some time, enabled to take God at His Word, and trust in Jesus. When she had found peace in believing, she was very anxious about her family, her daughter and her husband, and their child, and especially one son and his wife who lived very unhappily together, so much so that the wife had stabbed her husband, and now I am thankful to say there is a great change in those sons and daughters, and God had taken the mother to Himself without her knowing that her prayers were answered; but she said she knew they would be. All those individuals are seeking salvation, and the son's wife is anxious to have a large print Bible, so that she may read for herself. The rest have each a copy of the Bible where they had previously only one Testa

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seldom we can see the effect as in this family, for

usually when they begin to think differently they leave the district for a more respectable neighbourhood.

"We have secured the marriage of twelve couples this last year, and they are all doing well.

666 A young woman was found by the Bible-woman living in a wretchedly furnished room with a young man, but not as his wife; she persuaded them to marry, lending them the money for the fees. Since then they have done well in soul and body, and are very happy together. Mrs. C's whole life shows the reality of the change. She recently lost her little one, a fine, intelligent boy, of two years of age, whom she tenderly loved; her resignation under the trial was beautiful, for she knew the true source of comfort. The husband has now obtained work at a distance, and they have removed from the district, but she comes occasionally to see us.

"Those who visit among the dark places of our city must be struck by the part the mother often has to take in providing for father and children, and how often nature rebels against it, and the hard-worked woman contracts disease which sooner or later kills her.

"Most painful instances of this have come under our notice in the Mint. I take the liberty of mentioning the last, in the hope that should the poor woman recover some help may be given her. She was taken to Guy's Hospital last Wednesday fortnight. She had long been ill, but her husband's mind was affected, and she had in consequence worked hard on very insufficient food. She lies in a very precarious state, having, it is feared, a bleeding cancer. The husband's mania led him to snatch the food from the children, but poor kind neighbours were at hand to minister lovingly to the family, making the best use of the relief which kind friends had lately given. It was necessary, however, to place the man under restraint, and the four children were removed to the parish schools at Hanwell. I have seen Mrs. L- several times since she was taken to the hospital. Her soul is in great peace, and she cannot say enough of the comfort she enjoys from the nurse's care. The last time I saw her she said, "God is very good; what should I have done without Him? If spared, I'll serve Him better than

I have ever done." And, speaking of the physician's kindness, she said, "He could not pay me more attention if I were a lady and could pay him well; how thankful I am!"'' This case is a sad example of the vicissitudes of families, as the husband is said to be a near connection of Dr. Livingstone's.

"We have had some discouragements, but, though cast down, we are not dismayed, and so work on, knowing that it is the patient continuance of effort which, sooner or later, God will bless."



MY DEAR MRS. R,One of my Mothers called upon me a few mornings ago, asking to speak to me. When I entered the room, she said, "I have come to tell you that it was you who saved my life; I was once an infidel, living without God in the world, miserable both in mind and body. I resolved to cut my throat, and the motive power that prevented me was, that my husband being a good husband, I was afraid people might think it was his act, so I bought poison, and kept it by me, waiting an opportunity to take it.

"Running out of my house one afternoon to a neighbour, I asked her to go with me for a walk (for I felt as if I should lose my reason).

"She said, 'I cannot; I am getting my own work done to go to the Mothers' Meeting, and I will gladly take you there.' "Will you?' I said, eagerly. I will go;' at the same time not knowing what a Mothers' Meeting meant."

And so the poor woman came that evening; at that time I was utterly unable-my eyes being very weak from illhealth-to read one word; therefore, putting myself entirely in the hands of the Lord for my message to the Mothers, the words given me were, Come to the Saviour." Never did I feel the subject more blessed to my own heart-it was the simple Gospel full and free.


And the invitation went straight to my new hearer's heart, unknown to me. She went home, but still feeling that she must

take away her own life. Her husband, a policeman, being away on night duty, she says, "I sat down with the poison by my side, and did not undress till daybreak, which was the time I had resolved to drink the fatal cup, but I fell asleep, and while sleeping, you, Ma'am, came to my side, and, laying your hand upon my arm, you said, 'You must not do this.' When I awoke I was possessed with the same evil desire, but you seemed never to leave me, walking by my side all that day, and I could distinctly feel the pressure of your hand on my arm, preventing my lifting that cup, and you never left me until the desire departed and light beamed into my soul.

"After that I perseveringly attended all your meetings on the week-days and Sundays. A few Sundays afterwards, in the Bible-class, I decided for Christ; and then came the struggle with my husband at home, who determined to hinder my new ways, saying if I went to the meeting he would go to the public-house.

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'Well,' I said, "I feel I MUST go;' and he, too, kept his word, and came home for the first time drunk.

"I had been to the Mothers' Meeting, and, as I returned to my home, I was praying all the way that I might have patience, and not utter one word that would exasperate him. I provided his tea with some extras that night. After the meal was over he looked at me, and said, 'You have, indeed, kept your temper with me.' And from that time he was willing to accompany me to the meeting."

And now husband, wife, and children, are all sitting beneath the sound of the Gospel together, and enjoying its blessings in their own household.

It is nine months since this all happened; the woman came to tell me about a fortnight ago, for she could keep it no longer. She is full of joy, and walking consistently.

Her husband is to join her next Sabbath for the first time at the table of the Lord. You will rejoice in my joy and hers.

J. D. M.

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