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Current Wage
Developments - a
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Employment and Earnings
- a monthly statistical
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earnings, labor turnover.

Current data for the
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for individual States, and
for more than 200 local
areas on employment,
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$35.15 foreign; single
copy, $2.35.

Occupational Outlook
Quarterly - a today
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up-to-the-minute details
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Current information on
employment trends and
outlook to supplement
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information in the
Occupational Outlook
Handbook. $4.30 for four
issues during the school
year; $5.40 foreign;
single copy, $1.15.

SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM ENTER MY SUBSCRIPTION TO THE PERIODICALS CHECKED BELOW Add $..... for foreign mailing. No additional postage is required for mailing within the United States, its possessions, Canada, Mexico, and all Central and South American Countries except Argentina, Brazil, British Honduras, French Guiana, Guyana, and Surinam. For shipment to all other foreign countries include additional postage as quoted for each periodical or subscription service.

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John Fitzgerald Kennedy Federal Bldg.
Government Center - Room 1603
Boston, Mass. 02203

300 South Wacker Drive Chicago, 111, 60606

BLS Region


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In cooperation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics the data in this publication are collected by the Bureau of the Census (Department of Commerce) Manpower Administration, State Employment Security Agencies, and State Departments of Labor. A brief description of the cooperative statistical programs of the BLS with these agencies is presented in the Explanatory Notes. The State agencies are listed on the inside back cover.

This report may be ordered through the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, or any of the BLS Regional Offices. Subscription price: $28.10 a year ($35.15 for foreign mailing). Single issues are $2.35.

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