APPENDIX A TO PART 114-CODING INSTRUCTIONS-MASTER FILE DD-RA(M)1147-Continued Record field and data item JA-Judge Advocate MC-Medical Corps VC-Veterinarian 37. Year and Month of Officer 38. Command Status of 39. Professional Military Edu- Army War College Canadian Seminar in Foreign Policy, Department of State 2-Intermediate Service School-includes: Air Command and Staff College Army Command and General Staff College Naval War College, Command and Staff Naval War College, Command and Staff Interim Course Marine Corps Command and Staff College Spanish Naval War College French Naval War College Royal Naval Command and Staff College Royal Air Force Staff College Japanese Command and Staff College German General Staff College Indian National Defense Service Staff College 3-Skill Progression School includes: Army Advanced Branch School Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare Course Combined Arms and Services Staff School (CAS3) Marine Corps Basic School Navy Warfare Specialty Training Report AFQT percentile score, or equivalent. If the score on a Report only if individual was ordered to AD under 10 U.S.C., 245-246 2 AN Stand- 247 1 A MEESAB. 40. Armed Forces Qualification 41. Involuntary Call to Active (DoS) Air War College Army Basic Course 42. Means of Initial Entry into Military Service for Enlisted Members. Designates the "initial" entry into the United States Armed A-Induction (any Service) X APPENDIX A TO PART 114-CODING INSTRUCTIONS-MASTER FILE DD-RA(M)1147—Continued DoD Applicable to Coding and remarks Record Length Std. class data Sel Res Elem. irr/Ing Stnby Res Ret Res 43. Prior Service (PS) Status In-Prior AD service of 180 days or more in any Armed Force. dicator (Active). 248 1 A Stand X X X Does not include ADT. If unknown, set I-Z. If not applicable, Record field and data item Y-Yes N-No 44. Prior Service Status Indica- Y-Yes N-No 45. Length of Current Selected Reserve Agreement and/or Service Commitment. ABCDEFGH, 251-258 8 AN Service 46. Military Unit Designator (Unit 47. States of the United States and Countries (Unit Location). Enter UIC of Reserve unit to which Service member is as- Use only the State, territory, or country of the Service mem- 259-260 2 AN ST X Reserved for future use. Report as "not applicable", set 270-275 276-278 50. Defense Language Aptitude Enter a test score value of 012 to 164. If not applicable, set ......... A language in which an individual possesses proficiency. Enter 279-280 language code according to DoD Standard Data Element LA-JM, DOD 5000.12-M, reference (i). (Report the language, other than English, in which an individual has the highest proficiency level, based on the Defense Language Pro 49. Filler Battery Test Score. 51. Language Identifier 52. Speaking Proficiency Level, 48. National Zoning Improve ment Plan (Unit ZIP Code). First Language. 54. Reading Proficiency Level, First Language. ficiency Test of First Lan guage. 53. Listening Proficiency Level, First Language. 55. Filler ...... 56. Language Proficiency Source, First Language. The demonstrated degree of listening skill of an individual as 283-284 determined by a language examination. (See record field 51). If only a one character code is available (according to DoD Standard Data Element reference LA-JX, (reference (i)), left 1-99. (Use "not applicable" for PJ and PK.). justify the data. If not applicable, set 1-66. If unknown, set 57. Year and Month of Last Pro- The YYMM part of the evaluation date of an individual's last 290-293 APPENDIX A TO PART 114-CODING INSTRUCTIONS-MASTER FILE DD-RA(M) 1147-Continued Record field and data item 58. Second Language Identifier 59. Speaking Proficiecy Level, Coding and remarks 60. Listening Proficiency Level, 61. Reading Proficiency Level, 62. Filler 63. Language Proficiency 64. Year and Month of Last Pro- 65. Third Language tifier. |