APPENDIX A TO PART 114—CODING INSTRUCTIONS-MASTER FILE DD–RA(M)1147-Continued (Use "not reported" for PJ and PK.) 700 eph 6. Service Member's Name 7. Date of Birth ..... 8. Sex M-Male 9. Race and/or Population Group. C-White M-Asian or Pacific Islander Record field and data item 59 1 AN ET-MY X X X X 10. Ethnic Group 1-Other Hispanic descent 3-Other Asian Descent 4-Puerto Rican 5-Filipino 6-Mexican (formerly Mexican-American) 7-Eskimo 8-Aleut 9-Cuban (formerly Cuban-American) H-Guamanian G-Chinese J-Japanese K-Korean D-Indian V-Vietnamese E-Melanesian W-Micronesian L-Polynesian Q-Other Pacific Island Descent X-Other Legal status of an individual as it relates to marriage. If un- 12. Dependents, Number of 11. Marital Status 9-Currently in high school status of an individual who is currently attending high school and is not yet a high school senior. S-High school senior-status of individual who is currently attending high school and is a high school senior. X X X APPENDIX A TO PART 114-CODING INSTRUCTIONS-MASTER FILE DD-RA(M)1147-Continued Coding and remarks 1-Less than high school diploma-status of an individual who C-Occupational Program Certificate-a certificate or diploma 7-Correspondence school diploma-a secondary school di- H-Home study diploma-a secondary school diploma or certifi- B-Adult education diploma-a secondary school diploma APPENDIX A TO PART 114-CODING INSTRUCTIONS-MASTER FILE DD-RA(M) 1147-Continued Coding and remarks 15. Home Mailing Address Include the present home address for ALL Personnel. If unknown, fill first five positions in first line as follows: set I-ZZZZZ. If not applicable, set I-WWWWW. (Use "not applicable" for PJ and PK.) Enter postal ZIP Code. Use a five-digit ZIP Code with trailing zeros until nine-digits become available. If not applicable or unknown, fill first five positions in first line as follows: if not applicable, set I-WWWWW, if unknown, set I-ZZZZZ X 16. Mailing Address Status Indi- 1-Undeliverable and/or not locatable (include postmaster re 3-Restricted mailing (foreign address special handling) 5-Army Post Office (APO) and/or Fleet Post Office (FPO) 7-Other good address (other than those above) The date that establishes the relative seniority of an individual 155-160 6 N DA X X among others who possess the same grade. If unknown, set 1-999999. ENTER: YYMMDD. 18. Pay Grade, Uniformed Serv- Current grade consisting of personnel class and pay level serial 161-163 a. Street Address Line 1 Line 2 b. City c. Postal State Abbreviation Enter DoD Standard .... If unknown, set 1-9 ...... ports of death) cator. 2-Restricted mailing (no bulk) 4-Overseas address 17. Date of Rank ... ices. number 19. Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD). The constructed date that establishes the beginning of an individual's creditable Federal service for pay purposes. If unknown, set I-999999. ENTER: YYMMDD 164-169 X |