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We arrived at the refuge. R—was the first they saw.

Well, R —, here are your old friends. followed you; they come to be virtuous."

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The keeper, Miss, now appeared.

They have

Here, madam, are more prodigals; they are returning; receive them kindly.

By this time a third female appeared, surrounded by her unfortunate sex. She was silent. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She was once what those who surrounded her She had lately been. But grace had changed her state. is a woman of superior mind.

In the afternoon we visited the Five Points; made several calls. Having given two females "Jane Thring," they came to the side-walk and stood before me. They were addressed,

"Young women, you are in the road to hell. Why will you ruin so many young men? When disease comes upon you, you will be houseless, penniless, friendless, abused and insulted, degraded, and suffering. You may for weeks plead in vain for a shelter from the cold, for garments to cover and food to nourish you. You are destroying the souls of young men."

Young men have ruined us."

There was too much truth in their retort, to be rebutted by a denial. It is true, more baseness marks the conduct of many a young man who is respected by society, than can be found in any woman at the Five Points. He is a seducer. He is a traitor after seduction. He boasts of the multitude of his trophies; prides himself among the impure and vile school of adulterers, among whom he has the unenviable rank of chief robber of domestic concord and purity.

What a disgusting object is he! Let his name rot. Let him be had in everlasting contempt.

"Young women, you are ruining your souls; yeshear from the Bible," taking it from my pocket.

But at this instant they danced away, as I repeated, "Her steps take hold on hell."

Two young men, genteelly clad, were present.


My young friends, I am a young man. Once I was in equal danger with yourselves of being led astray. Take this Tract on the seventh commandment and read it. It may be the means of saving your souls. This is the tollgate of hell. I am sorry to see you in it.”

What an array of young men might be mustered in this city, from those who are on the town, out of common brothels, and the more reputable houses of ill fame.

It is becoming difficult to procure admission to some of these houses, and an opportunity to converse with them.


Papacy and Paganism-Search the Scriptures-Visit to the Refuge Story of a poor girl-A word to parents-Evening at the Tract House Leaving the school—A short summary of his doings-Conversation with a wicked woman-Close preaching-Visit with Mr. Wheelwright among the abandoned-Talk to a young man.

Papacy and Paganism are sisters. Paganism has the right of priority of birth. Papacy is the younger sister. She has all the insignia of her older sister. Indeed, she adopted them to disrobe the Gospel of some of its unattractive forms, and to take away its asperity to the carnal heart. This, the rites, ceremonies, feasts, festivals, and all the regalia of the Rotunda at Rome, that Pantheon abomination of abominations, that congregated mass of heathen idols, with their various modes of worship, became the hot

bed of Romish abominations and impurities. Since the alliance of these two pretended religions approximate in nature nearly to an identity, we should readily infer a similarity of effect on the observance of these two systems. That inference is justified in the fact that both worship idols. Principles influence conduct. The same principles produce the same effects invariably. The effects of both are the same on moral conduct. Neither requires, and neither produces the peaceable fruits of righteousness.

It is useless to fill my note-book with facts which daily occur, to prove my assertions.

When professing christians have the written word of God, and substitute for it the doctrines and commandments of men, infidels and hypocrites will abound and wax worse and worse; scoffers will multiply and dogs grow insolent; and impurity fill our streets and enter our chambers.

In the main, men think they do not need the aid of the Holy Spirit to create a new heart in them, supposing that their hearts are already good, and that they have all the ability requisite to any moral changes. How needless to preach to men, and urge with vigor that they are able to create new hearts. It is but flattering the evil; and moreover, it is an unscriptural and false doctrine. The great difficulty, I daily find, is to persuade men of their impotence.

Lord, when shall the watchmen of Israel be holy and devout men? When shall the day come, when thy church shall be fed by shepherds that love the truth, as recorded in thy word? O hasten the day that shall shine on ministers whose hearts thou hast sanctified; the day when holy ministers and holy professors, walking by faith, shall form one holy army, clad in the armor of heavenly truth, to go forth under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to fight the battle of King Jesus? O! let that day come speedily.

Visited the Refuge, conversed with one of those unfor

tunate women who left the Five Points last May. She told me one female had gone from that place to Heaven. She appeared to be on the track of the one who preceded her. I say appeared to be on the track, for though her dialect is that of Canaan, it is quite possible she may either be a deceiver or a deceived one, since the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. The others were called. I read the 51st Psalm, and commented on it. They listened, and some shed tears.

One fatal step more and you are gone for ever. Leave this, and go to the Five Points again, and I will leave you there; I will pass you and plead for the salvation of others. Here you are; all that is necessary is provided for you; we bring you here that you may repent of your sins, and prepare for heaven. With Jesus there is redemption for all those who put their trust in him; Jesus invites you, entreats you, commands you to return. An outward reformation will not cure your disease; the disease lies deep in your heart. Your hearts are corrupt, that corruption must be taken away before you can become holy women. The heart is the principal thing; the new heart which you want is that one which God creates. David could not make a new heart for himself, and therefore he prayed to God to make it for him. The new heart which you will make would be but a new polish for a sepulchre of all manner of dead men's bones and rottenness. Let your sins trouble you till your hearts break; this is the way-a bitter one it is-but is the only way. "A broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." "The bruised reed and the smoking flax he will not quench, until he send forth judgment unto victory." This is a weariness to the flesh for the present, but joy and gladness come in the morning. If you feel no sorrow and heart-rending here, no heartstrings bursting with agony and sorrow, you will feel keener heart-rending where hope enters not. Come, then, to the Lamb of God; look to the Son and ye shall live. One

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of them said she had been unfortunate; that her relations often reminded her of it; that she consequently left home and came to reside with an aunt in the city; that her aunt treated her with neglect: that she was wounded in spirit; that her society was cut off, and she became intimate with a young woman who proved to be lewd, and led her into the society of young men; that a gentleman in the city carried her to the Five Points, where she boarded one year; that her manner of life was awfully distressing; that Mrs. Pierson invited her to leave the place; that she promised, but did not immediately leave; that her mind was in great agony so long as she remained at this place after the promise was made; that she had found mercy, in the Refuge, at the cross of Christ, and that it hurt her to talk or think of her former life.

O that every parent whose daughter has been unfortunate could hear the story of this poor repenting girl, and learn to spare their feelings. To tantalize with feelings is cruel and unchristian; it is never done to reclaim, but always to vex and degrade the subject of misfortune. This story might profit the relatives of those unfortunate females in teaching them to be merciful. It might profit young ladies of unsullied character, by suggesting caution in the selection of associates. It might be useful to gentlemen in apprising them it is impossible to conceal from the world such deeds of darkness as led this unfortunate woman finally to the Refuge, or to shelter themselves from the odium of a virtuous people, or to keep their hands unspotted with blood in appearing before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ.

The dram-seller was angry to-day; the truths of the Bible were declared in his shop: he came in storming. "Preach no false Gospel here;" he took my brother by the arm, led him to the door, and pushed him out.

Two females in the street said necessity compelled them to leave that place; they consented to go to the place

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