Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, During the ... Session of the ... Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the Kingdom of Great Britain ..., Volume 10R. Bagshaw, 1812 |
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admiralty allies America answer army attack Bank battle of Friedland bill blockade Britain British Budberg Buonaparte Chancellor circumstances commerce committee communication conduct considered contended Copenhagen coun court court of Denmark Danish declared Denmark dispatch duty earl effect emperor of Russia enemy England Europe Exchequer expedition fleet force France gent ground Holstein honour hostile Howick imperial majesty interests jesty justice justified king late law of nations lord Granville lord Lake lordships majesty's government majesty's ministers means measure mediation ment motion nabob naval navy necessary necessity negociation neutral noble lord object officers opinion Orders in Council Oude papers parliament peace persons Petersburgh petition port Portugal present prince principle proceeding proposed question received respect retaliation right hon secretary shew ships sion speech Sublime Porte taken thought tion trade Treaty of Tilsit troops undersigned vessels wished