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generous, the open temper of the sufferer, the obligations that Joseph was under to his family, were special and powerful motives for acting towards him the part of a friend.

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3. Joseph had his bond for sixty pounds sterling. Unfor tunate man!' said he, this debt shall never come against thee. I sincerely wish thou couldst settle all thy other affairs as easily! But how am I sure that I shall keep in this mind? May not the love of gain, especially, when, by length of time, thy misfortune shall have become familiar to me, return with too strong a current, and bear down my fellow-feeling before it? But for this, I have a remedy. Never shalt thou apply for the assistance of any friend against my avarice.' He arose, ordered a large account, that the man had with him, to be drawn out ; and in a whim, that might have called up a smile on the face of charity, filled his pipe, sat down again, twisted the bond and lighted his pipe with it.

4. While the account was drawing out, he continued smoking, in a state of mind that a monarch might envy. When it was finished, he went in search of his friend, with the discharged account, and the mutilated bond in his hand. On meeting him, he presented the papers to him, with this address: Sir, I am sensibly affected with your misfortunes; the obligations I have received from your family, give me a relation to every branch of it. I know that your inability to pay what you owe, gives you more uneasiness than the loss of your own substance. That you may not be anxious, on my account in particular, accept of this discharge, and the remains of your bond. I am overpaid in the satisfaction that I feel, from having done my duty. I beg you to consider this only as a token of the happiness you will confer on me, whenever you put it in my power to do you a good office.'

The faithful American Dog.

1. An officer in the late American army, on his station, at the westward, went out in the morning, with his dog and gun, in quest of game. Venturing too far from the garrison, he was fired upon by an Indian, who was lurking in the bushes, and instantly fell to the ground.

2. The Indian, running to him, struck him on the head with his tomahawk, in order to dispatch him; but the button of his hat fortunately warding off the edge, he was only stunned by the blow. With savage brutality, he applied the scalping knife, and hastened away with this trophy of his horrid cruelty, leaving

the officer for dead, and none to relieve or console him, but his faithful dog.

3. The afflicted creature gave every expression of his attachment, fidelity and affection. He licked the wounds with inexpressible tenderness, and mourned the fate of his beloved master. Having performed every office which sympathy dietated, or sagacity could invent, without being able to remove his master from the fatal spot, or procure from him any signs of life, or his wonted expressions of affection to him, he ran off in quest of help.

4. Bending his course towards the river, where two men were fishing, he urged them by all the powers of native rhetoric, to accompany him to the wood. The men were suspicious of a decoy to an ambuscade, and dared not venture to follow the dog; who, finding all his caresses fail, returned to the care of his master; and licking his wounds a second time, renewed all his tenderness, but with no better success than before.

5. Again he returned to the men, once more to try his skill in alluring them to his assistance. In this attempt he was more successful, than in the other. The men seeing his solicitude, began to think the dog might have discovered some valuable game, and determined to hazard the consequences of following


6. Transported with his success, the affectionate creature hurried them along by every expression of ardour. They soon arrive at the spot, where, behold! an officer, wounded, scalped, weltering in his own gore, and faint with the loss of blood!

7. Suffice it to say, he was yet alive. They carried him to the fort, where the first dressings were performed. A suppuration immediately took place, and he was soon conveyed to the Hospital, at Albany, where, in a few weeks, he entirely recovered, and was able to return to his duty.

8. This worthy officer owed his life, probably, to the fidelity of his dog. His tongue, which the gentleman afterwards declared, gave him the most exquisite pleasure, clarified the wound in the most effectual manner, and his perseverance brought that assistance, without which he must soon have perished.

Disrespect to Parents.

1. LAMPROCLES, the eldest son of Socrates, fell into a violent passion with his mother. Socrates was witness to this shameful misbehaviour, and attempted the correction of it in the following gentle and rational manner. Come hither, son,' said he.have you never heard of men who are called ungrateful??


Yes, frequently,' answered the youth. And what is ingratitude?' demanded Socrates. 'It is to receive a kindness,' said Lamprocles, ' without making a proper return when there is a favourable opportunity.' Ingratitude is, therefore, a species of injustice?" said Socrates. I should think so,' answered Lamprocles. If then,' continued Socrates, ' ingratitude be injustice, does it not follow, that the degree of it must be proportionate to the magnitude of the favours which have been received?' Lamprocles admitted the inference; and Socrates thus pursued his interrogations.

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2. Can there subsist higher obligations than those which children owe to their parents; from whom life is derived and supported, and by whose good offices it is rendered honourable, useful, and happy?' I acknowledge the truth of what you say,' replied Lamprocles; but who could suffer without resentment, the ill-humours of such a mother as I have? 'What strange thing has she done to you?' said Socrates. She has a tongue,' replied Lamprocles, that no mortal can bear.' How much more,' said Socrates,' has she endured from your wrangling, fretfulness, and incessant cries, in the period of infancy! What anxieties has she suffered from the levities, capriciousness, and follies of your childhood and youth! What affliction has she felt, what toil and watching has she sustained, in your illnesses! These, and various other powerful motives to filial duty and gratitude, have been recognized by the legislators of our republic. For if any one be disrespectful to his parents, he is not permitted to enjoy any post of trust or honour. It is believed that a sacrifice, offered by an impious hand, can neither be acceptable to heaven, nor profitable to the state and that an undutiful son cannot be capable of performing any great action, or of executing justice with impartiality." 3. Therefore, my son, if you be wise, you will pray to heaven to pardon the offences committed against your mother. Let no one discover the contempt with which you have treated her; for the world will condemn and abandon you for such behaviour. And if it be even suspected, that you repay with ingratitude, the good offices of your parents, you will inevitably forego the kindnesses of others; because no man will suppose that you have a heart to require either his favours or his friendship.'


Noble Behaviour of Scipio.

1. SCIPIO, the younger, at twenty-four years of age, was appointed, by the Roman republic, to the command of the army

against the Spaniards. Soon after the conquest of Carthagena, the capital of the empire, his integrity and virtue were put to the following exemplary, and ever memorable trial, related by historians, ancient and modern, with universal applause. Being retired into his camp, some of his officers brought him a young virgin of such exquisite beauty, that she drew upon her the eyes and admiration of every body. The young conqueror started from his seat with confusion and surprise; and seemed to be robbed of that presence of mind and self-possession, so necessary in a general, and for which Scipio was very remarkable, In a few moments, having recovered himself, he inquired of the beautiful captive, in the most civil and polite manner, concerning her country, birth, and connexions; and finding that she was betrothed to a Celtiberian Prince, named Allucius, he ordered both him and the captive's parents to be sent for.


2. When the Spanish Prince appeared in his presence, Scipio took him aside; and, to remove the anxiety he might feel, on account of the young lady, addressed him in these words: • You and I are young, which admits of my speaking to you with freedom. They who brought me your future spouse, assured me, at the same time, that you loved her with extreme tenderness; and her beauty and merit left me no room to doubt it. Upon which I reflected, that if I were in your situation, I should hope to meet with favour and, therefore, think myself happy in the present conjuncture, to do you a service. Though the fortune of war has made me your master, I desire to be your friend. Here is your wife: take her, and may you be happy! You may rest assured, that she has been amongst us, as she would have been in the house of her father and mother. Far be it from Scipio to purchase any pleasure at the expense of virtue, honour, and the happiness of an honest man! No: I have kept her for you, in order to make you a present, worthy of you, and of me. The only gratitude I require of you, for this inestimable gift, is, that you will be a friend to the Roman people.'

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3. Allucius' heart was too full to make him any answer; but, throwing himself at the general's feet, he wept aloud: the captive lady fell down in the same posture, and remained so til the aged father, overwhelmed with transports of joy, burst into the following words: O excellent Scipio! heaven has given thee more than human virtue. O glorious leader! O wondrous youth! what pleasure could equal that which must now fill thy heart, on hearing the prayers of this grateful virgin, for thy health and prosperity!'

4. Such was Scipio; a soldier, a youth, a heathen! nor was his virtue unrewarded. Allucius, charmed with such magnanimity, liberality, and politeness, returned to his own country, and published, on all occasions, the praises of his generous victor: crying out, that there was come into Spain a young hero who conquered all things, less by the force of his arms, than by the charms of his virtue, and the greatness of his beneficence."

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The grateful Scholars.

1. DUTY to parents, and gratitude to preceptors, are virtues of the most amiable kind. Yet we daily see children who are indifferent to their parent's peace, and neglectful of those who have laboured to instruct them. But can the most ignorant suppose, that the small pittance which a master receives for his faithful attention to form the youthful mind, is a compensation for his care? And does not this second parent, if he has done his duty, deserve something from the soil which he has cultivated?

2. I will suppose that want of reflection, more than want of gratitude, often occasions the neglect towards tutors, of which no benevolent heart could think of being guilty without a blush. Selfish as the world is, there are principles of goodness in the human soul, that only want to be awakened to display their amiable sensibilities. The following simple narration is not the fiction of imagination. May it teach others to know what they ought to imitate and avoid!

3. During a long and active life, Saville had trained up numbers in the precepts of virtue and good learning. He had exhausted without enriching himself; and, on the verge of the grave, he scarcely knew where to find a refuge from the storm.

4. Necessity (and how bitter the necessity must be, every cultivated taste may judge) drove him to apply for relief to those who had once been under his protection, had eaten at his table, and slept under his roof, during that happy period when hope is young, and the days are unclouded with reflec tion. Some had forgotten his person others had forgotten themselves. Notwithstanding the philanthropy of Saville's heart, he began to believe the old adage, that services done to the young and the old are equally useless, as the one forget them, and the other live not long enough to repay them.'

5. His delicacy would not suffer him to make many trials of such ingratitude. He was ready to sink under his misfortunes. Chance, however, directed him to two brothers, who, in consequence of his care in their early youth and their own dili.

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