OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, LL.D. F.R.S. &c. MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA E302 18183 ་ Private Correspondence. [THIS PART, consisting entirely of Letters and Documents relative to the same subject, namely-Overtures and Negocia- tions for Peace and Commerce between Great Britain and the United States of America; it has been deemed unnecessary to precede each Letter (as in the former Parts) by a Note of its Dr. Franklin to David Hartley, esq. M.P. Passy, near Paris, to David Hartley, esq. M.P. Feb. 12, 1778 to William Pulteney, esq. M.P. March 30, 1778 William Alexander, esq. to Dr. Franklin, April 4, 1778 Dr. Franklin to Dr. Bancroft, April 16, 1778 |