Gambar halaman


to David Hartley, esq. Feb. 22, 1779

to ditto, March 21, 1779


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D. Hartley, esq. to Dr. Franklin, Jan. 2, 1782

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Dr. Franklin to D. Hartley, esq. Feb. 16, 1782


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to the Hon. H. Laurens, esq. April 12, 1782
COMMISSION to Messrs. Adams, Franklin, Jay,
Laurens, and Jefferson, 15th June, 1781
Monsieur de Rayneval to Dr. Franklin, April 12, 1782
Dr. Franklin to D. Hartley, Esq. April 13, 1782

to J. Adams, esq. April 13, 1782

D. Hartley esq. to Dr. Franklin, May 1, 1782

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Dr. Franklin to H. Laurens, esq. May 25, 1782
D. Hartley, esq. to Dr. Franklin, May 13, 1782
to Dr. Franklin, May 25, 1782

Lord Shelburne to Dr. Franklin, May 21, 1782

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Lord Shelburne to Dr. Franklin, May 26, 1782
Dr. Franklin to Mr. Grenville, May 31, 1782

to J. Adams, esq. June 2, 1782

Lord Shelburne to R. Oswald, esq. May 21, 1782

MEMORANDUMS written by Lord Shelburne

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to R. Oswald, esq. June 11, 1782

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Dr. Franklin to Robert R. Livingston, esq. June 28, 1782

to Dr. Cooper, June 28, 1782

to Henry Laurens, esq. July 2, 1782

Governor Pownall to Dr. Franklin, July 5, 1782

to the Hon. Mr. Hobart, July 2, 1782

Memorandum, by David Hartley, esq. July 8, 1782 238

The Marquis de la Fayette to Dr. Franklin, July 9, 1782
Dr. Franklin to the Marquis de la Fayette, July 9, 1782
to David Hartley, esq. July 10, 1782
to Benjamin Vaughan, esq. July 10, 1782
to ditto, July 11, 1782

to R. Oswald, esq. July 12, 1782
to Lord Shelburne, July 12, 1782

to the Marquis de la Fayette, July 24, 1782

D. Hartley, esq. to Dr. Franklin, July 26, 1782

Lord Grantham to Dr. Franklin, July 26, 1782

Lord Shelburne to Dr. Franklin, July 27, 1782

Dr. Franklin to R. Oswald, esq. July 28, 1782



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Dr. Franklin to the Hon. Robert R. Livingston, esq. ib.


Dr. Franklin to the Right Hon. T. Townshend, Nov. 4,
Henry Strachey, esq. to the ministers plenipotentiary of
the United States. Paris, Nov. 5, 1782

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rica, Nov. 30, 1782


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PROCLAMATION OF THE KING, 6th June, 1783 ib.


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