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64 VICTORIA, A. 1901

Doucet to Craig. Reports the coming of Charles A. Maysenhoelder to Montreal, his death, his intention to leave his property to his brother John and his family, but he died without making a will. His (Doucet's) appointment at Philadelphia to be administrator.

Page 194 Account of the estate of the late C. A. Meysenhoelder. 197 Legal and other documents respecting the estate of the late C. A. Meysenhoelder.

Aylmer to Stanley (No. 84). annexed.


October 5,

Dispatches received according to schedule



October 8,

Has given Judge Kerr, whom he intro


October 14,

The same to the same (No. 85).
of Assembly on the post office department of Lower Canada.

Transmits report from committee of House


Enclosed. Schedule.
Aylmer to Stanley (private).
duces, leave of absence.

Enclosed. Report of the special committee of the House of Assembly on the post office department of Lower Canada.

[blocks in formation]

September 24,

September 27,


October 14,

Q. 209-2.

Ellice to Aylmer.

Bishop (Anglican) of Quebec to Aylmer. Both enclosed in Aylmer to Stanley, 26th November, 1833.

Major General Campbell to Craig. Enclosed in Aylmer to Stanley, 14th
October, 1833.

Aylmer to Stanley. Covering letter in Q. 209—1.
Report of Special Committee continued.

Commission to Stayner.

Appointment of Stayner.

Page 300



Other documents connected with the post office inquiry. (These give the names of post offices where established, the rate of postage &c).

Aylmer to Stanley (No. 86). Has referred the question respecting Captain Campbell to New Brunswick no trace being obtainable of him in Lower Canada. Sends letter and enclosure. 327 Enclosed. Major General Campbell to Craig. Sends the result of his inquiries respecting Capt. Robert Campbell.

October 23,

October 29,

October 29.

October 29.


Report of the arrival of Robert Campbell in New Brunswick in 1793 and his death at Maugerville in the same province.


Aylmer to Stanley (No. 87). Dispatches received, according to schedule annexed.





Aylmer to Lord Bishop of Quebec. Enclosed in Aylmer to Stanley, 26th November, 1833.

The same to Stanley (No. 88). Had received instructions as to the provisions to be inserted in future grants on the banks of the Rideau Canal, or on those of any other lakes or rivers discharging into the Rideau waters and has sent the dispatch to Colborne. 333 The same to the same (No. 89). Sends statement of receipts for the casual and Territorial revenues for Crown lands and licences to cut timber. 334 Enclosed. Statements.

335, 336


1833. November 4. Quebec.

November 4,


November 4,

November 4,

November 8,


Aylmer to Stanley (No. 90). Sends petition from Robert Christie.

Page 338 Petition from Christie represents that he has been expelled from the House of Assembly and praying that measures may be taken to have him reinstated.


Aylmer to Stanley (No. 91). Transmits answer by Capt. Reid to the charge that passengers arriving at the quarantine of Grosse Isle were exposed to certain hardships. Is pleased to be able to bear testimony to the indefatigable zeal, intelligence and ability of Capt. Reid in the ardous office The complaint that the detention is caused by interested motives is wholly destitute of foundation. 350

Enclose. Reid to Craig. States the unfounded nature of the accusations brought by Green against the quarantine officers. If a boat was swamped and the baggage injured, that was the fault of the officers and crew of the vessels.


Aylmer to Stanley (No. 92). Had answered inquiry whether additional claims would be made for damages to proprietors for land taken for the Carillon Canal, now sends memorial stating the inconvenience caused by the delay in settling. 355

Enclosed. Memorial from land owners stating the inconvenience of the delay in settling and praying him (Aylmer) to remind government of the claim. 356 Enclosed in Aylmer to Stanley, 26th

Aylmer to Secretary at War.
November, 1833.

The same to Stanley (No. 93).

Sends memorial from Burrage, master of

the Royal Grammar school at Quebec complaining of the nonpayment of his salary.





November 9,

Aylmer to Stanley (No. 94). Calls attention to the reduction of his official income and to the additional expenses incurred by him for outfit and fees, the latter not being charged to his predecessor.


November 22,

November 24,

November 26,

(The enclosures were already copied in volume Q. 202.) Bishop (Anglican) of Quebec to Stanley. Enclosed in Aylmer to Stanley, 26th November, 1833.

Aylmer to Stanley (No. 95). schedule annexed.

Enclosed. Schedule.

Has received dispatches according to



Aylmer to Stanley (No. 96). Sends letter from the Bishop of Quebec with reference to the evening lectureship at Montreal under instructions from the Secretary at War. As the lectureship is a civil appointment and has, he presumes, been sanctioned by him (Stanley) he has declined to adopt the suggestion of the Bishop to suspend carrying into full effect the instructions. Sends copies of the correspondence, &c.


Enclosed. Bishop (Anglican) of Quebec to Stanley. Represents the hardship to evening lecturer and the inconvenience to the church of the abolition of the office.


Ellice to Aylmer. Stevens, chaplain to the forces, to resume his duties at Isle aux Noix, and also assume the evening lectureship at Montreal. The arrangements consequent on a vacancy in the chaplaincy either in Quebec or Montreal.


Bishop (Anglican) of Quebec to the same. Respecting the evening lectureship at Montreal and suggesting that he suspend carrying out the instructions.


Aylmer to Bishop (Anglican) of Quebec. Fully understands his embarrassment at having one of his clergy unexpectedly thrown on his hande, but cannot adopt his suggestion to apply to His Majesty's government for the restoration of the appointment of evening lecturer at Montreal.



December 3,

December 7.

December 11,

Aylmer to Secretary at War

64 VICTORIA, A. 1901 Sends copies of letters of the Lord Bishop of Quebec and of answer regarding the recent reappointment of Stevens to the military chaplaincy at Montreal.

Page 392 The same to Stanley (No. 97). The documents stated to have been sent with the address from the Assembly respecting Judge Kerr were sent by the next mail not having been received until after the dispatch was forwarded. 395

The same to the same (No. 98). The legislature is called together and will meet on the 7th of next month. The supply bill for the year ending in October will be submitted, but he cannot say with what result and his anticipations are anything but sanguine of the Assembly voting the sum necessary to relieve the present difficulties. No appearance of settling the financial questions. The party opposed to the measures of His Majesty's government has lost ground in the public estimation. Refers to previous dispatches on the subject.


The same to the same (No. 99). Transmits report from the commissioner of Crown Lands on the subject of Widow Campbell's demand for 150 acres of cleared land. The statement concurred in by Mrs. Campbell's agent is so clear as to render further explanation unnecessary.


Memorandum on Mrs. Campbell's claim for compensation for a deficiency in the quantity of cleared land assigned to her late hnsband. 407

December 16,

Aylmer to Stanley (separate).

December 18,

411 424 to 453

Transmits memorial from Rev. Mr. 410 Enclosed. Stevens to Stanley. States his position as chaplain in Montreal and criticises at some length the Bishop's statements. Other documents, congratulatory addresses, &c. Aylmer to Stanley (No 100). Transmits memorial from Bouchette for a grant of 22,000 acres of land. Can give no opinion as to the value of Bouchette's services during the war, they having been long before his assumption of government. As to his services in preparing the map, &c., he had leave of absence in 1815 and from 1829 to 1832, on the latter occasion having his second clerk with him, who was his own son, reducing the staff by one half. The map is published for his own benefit. Enclosed. Memorial of Bouchette, surveyor general. Documents in support of his memorial. Appendix A. to

[blocks in formation]

December 29,

December 30,




Appendix T. 468 to 518

Has received dispatches according to



Aylmer to Stanley (No. 102). Transmits memorial from Rev. Mr. Bethune for compensation, he not having received the increase conditionally granted by Bathurst. His case is hard, but the authority was always contingent on the adequacy of the funds from the Jesuit estates. Enclosed. Memorial.



Aylmer to Stanley (No. 103). Transmits memorial from Skakel, master of the grammar school at Montreal, for relief in consequence of the reduction of his salary by the House of Assembly.

Enclosed. Memorial.






April 14,


May 15,

August 7,


July 31,


October 9,


November 24,



January 11,

January 23,

Q. 210-1-2.

Part I from page 1 to page 205; Part II, from page 206 to page 374.
Bathurst to Sherbrooke.

Robinson to Getling.

Certified extract of Grant to Getling. This and the two preceding enclosed in Stewart to Hay, 10th June, 1833.

Petition by de Lorimier.

Aylmer to Stewart.


Both enclosed in Stewart to Howick, 26th March,

The same to the same. Enclosed in Stewart to Howick 15th March, 1833.

Stewart to Howick, Returns estimate of the Indian Department of
Canada for 1833, and transmits copy of letter from Aylmer communicating
casualties upon the pension list of that department.
Pelly to Goderich

Page 154

In accordance with conditions of charter sends list

of the persons employed by the Hudson's Bay Company.

[blocks in formation]

January 30,

January 30,

Lack to Howick. The duty on molasses in Canada is nine pence a gallon and only two pence in the other colonies. It was these irregularities that


it was intended to lay before Lord Goderich.
Enclosed. Statement of molasses imported into Lower Canada in 1829
and 1830 and amount of duty payable.


Gould to Goderich. Sends extract from letter signed J. W. Sargent but without date or address, received on the 4th September, on the Government of Canada.


Enclosed. Extract. The writer proposes that Canada shall be governed
by a viceroy to be called King of Canada, and who shall be one of the Royal
Dukes. Elaborate proposal for the government of the Country.
Extract from a letter from Quebec dated 18th December, 1832.




64 VICTORIA, A. 1901

February 2,
Foreign office. estate in Maryland to which he states he is heir.

Backhouse to Hay. Transmits letter from Crossthwaite, relative to an

February 6,

February 6,

February 8,

February 18,

March 1,

March 2, Downing Street.

March 6,
St. James's.

March 11,

March 13,

March 14,

March 15,

March 15,

Page 79

House of Commons. Address for returns of the names of the members of the Legislative and Executive Councils and House of Assembly of Upper and Lower Canada on 1st July 1832, and of titles of bills passed in the Assembly and rejected in the Legislative Council.


The same. Address for return of the establishment of the general post office in Upper and Lower Canada and in each of the other North American Colonies with details of emoluments &c., also return of the gross amount of postage in the same colonies for 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830 and 1831. Also report of the select committee on the affairs of the post offices; also return showing the gross newspaper postage paid by the printer or proprietor for the same year. 6

Gould to Goderich. Sends extract from letter from Quebec. A report of Viger's conferences with His Lordship is among the prominent articles in the newspapers; he will not send any general news but only the extract

from the letter.


The extract precedes the letter and states that if Great Britain and France went to war with Holland The Dutch consuls were ready to issue letters of marque which would be used by hordes of vessels sent out of Baltimore. 273

Stewart to Howick. Transmits Treasury minute relative to the payment of customs duties in any coin current by law in the province converted into British Sterling at the market value of such coins.

Enclosed. Treasury Minute.

155. 156

Stephen to Goderich. In reference to charges by Stuart that he (Stephen) had made statements which it would have been culpable in him to have made, directs attention to copy of a letter written to Stuart. 98

Enclosed. Stephen to Stuart. Gives extracts from Stuart's printed letter addressed to Goderich that he Stephen advised Stuart not to answer Viger's charges and emphatically denies the truth of the statements which he could not think were given as a wilful violation of truth. He made no statement that could bear the interpretation put upon his word by Stuart, nor did he give any intimation of the opinion of Goderich on the case. What he stated was exactly the reverse of the language attributed to him in the printed letter. The care with which he avoided any conversation that might be considered official.

Stephen to Goderich. ject of his statements.


Transmits letter received from Stuart on the sub

104 Enclosed. Stuart to Stephen. Defends his course and repeats that his recollection of the conversation was clear.


Order in Council appointing Hugues Heney to be a member of the Council of Lower Canada. 71

Archdeacon Hamilton to Howick. Has transmitted the note to Campbell who has succeeded Hamilton as secretary to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. 233 Memorial of Charles Getling. Enclosed in Stewart to Hay 10th June, 1833.

Comptroller of Army accounts to Treasury. Enclosed in Stewart to Howick, 26th March, 1833.

Stewart to Hay. Mr. Sargent has received the dividends on the clergy reserves in Upper and Lower Canada.


The same to Howick. Transmits copy of letter from Aylmer relative to works authorized by him to provide for augmentation of the force to the garrison of Montreal. Before authorizing the expenditure, the Lords of the Treasury desire to have the opinion of Goderich.


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