Council ProceedingsThe Council, 1959 |
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5:3 OF CHAPTER Ann Arbor Township annexation Assessor's Plat Avenue best bid bid received bonds center line Chair declared CHAPTER 55 City Assessor City Attorney City Council City Hall City of Ann communication was received cor of lot corner of lot Council Chamber Councilman Aquinto Councilman Brinkerhoff Councilman Burns Councilman Crane Councilman Dingle declared the motion Dennard described as follows E'ly feet ft to POB Keebler Larcom line of lot line of Sec line of Section lots 61 lowest and best Mayor Creal McKercher Michigan motion carried Moved by Councilman N'ly Nays Nielsen o'clock p.m. ordered placed ordinance pass paid by special Park Pittsfield Township pl of beg place of beginning placed on file Planning Commission public hearing quarter line recommendation resolution be adopted Road roll call Sanitary Sewer Section 30 special assessment district Special Assessment Roll Storm Sewer Street Subdivision thence south voice vote Washtenaw County WHEREAS Yeas