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SECTION 1.-Definition.-This act shall apply on children under the age of sixteen (16) years, not no hereafter inmates of a state institution, or any trai school for boys or industrial school for girls, or institution incorporated under the laws of this except as provided in sections twelve (12) and eigh (18.) For the purpose of this act the words "deper child" and "neglected child" shall mean any child wh any reason is destitute or homeless; or abandoned dependent upon the public for support; or has not p parental care or guardianship; or who habitually or receives alms; or who is found living in house of ill-fame or with any vicious or reputable persons, or whose home, by reason neglect, cruelty or depravity on the part of its par guardian or other person in whose charge it may b an unfit place for such child; and any child under the of ten (10) years who is found begging, peddling or ing any article, or singing or playing any musical in ment upon the street, or giving any public entertainn or who accompanies or is used in the aid of any pe so doing. The words "delinquent child" shall in any child under the age of sixteen (16) years who vio any law of this state or any city or village ordinanc who is incorrigible; or who knowingly associates thieves, vicious or immoral persons; or who is growin in idleness or crime; or who knowingly frequents a h of ill-fame; or who knowingly patronizes any policy or place where any gaming device is or shall be oper

The word "child" or "children" may mean one or more children, and the word "parent" or "parents" may be held to mean one or both parents, when consistent with the intent of this act. The word "association" shall include any corporation which includes in its purposes the care or disposition of children coming within the meaning of this act.

SEC. 2.-Jurisdiction.-The circuit and county courts of the several counties in this state shall have original jurisdiction in all cases coming under the terms of this act. In all trials under this act any person interested therein may demand a jury of six or the judge of his own motion may order a jury of the same number to try the


SEC. 3.-Juvenile Court.-In counties having over 500,000 population, the judges of the circuit court shall, at such times as they shall determine, designate one or more of their number, whose duty it shall be to hear all cases coming under this act. A special court room, to be designated as the juvenile court room, shall be provided for the hearing of such cases, and the finding of the court shall be entered in a book or books to be kept for that purpose, and known as the "Juvenile Record," and the court may for convenience be called the "Juvenile Court."

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SEC. 6.-Probation Officers.-The court shall have authority to appoint or designate one or more discreet persons of good character to serve as probation officers during the pleasure of the court; said probation officers to receive no compensation from the public treasury. In case a probation officer shall be appointed by any court, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the court, if practicable, to notify the said probation officer in advance when any child is to be brought before the said court; it shall be the duty of the said probation officer to make such investigation as may be required by the court; to be present in court in order to represent the interests of the child when

the case is heard; to furnish to the court such informa and assistance as the judge may require, and to take charge of any child before and after trial as maj directed by the court.

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SEC. 9.-Disposition of Delinquent Children.—Ir case of a delinquent child the court may continue hearing from time to time, and may commit the chi the care or custody of a probation officer, and may a said child to remain in its own home, subject to the vi tion of the probation officer; such child to report to probation officer as often as may be required, and su to be returned to the court for further or other pro ings whenever such action may appear to be necess or the court may cause the child to be placed in a sui family home, subject to the friendly supervision of a bation officer and the further order of the court; or it authorize the child to be boarded out in some sui family home, in case provision is made by voluntary tribution or otherwise for the payment of the boar such child, until a suitable provision may be made for child in a home without such payment; or the court commit such child, if a boy, to a training school for or, if a girl, to an industrial school for girls, or the may commit the child to any institution within the co incorporated under the laws of this state, that may for delinquent children, or be provided by a city or co suitable for the care of such children, or to any state i tution which may be established for the care of delinq boys, or, if a girl over ten (10) years to the State H for Juvenile Female Offenders. In no case shall a be committed beyond his or her minority. A child mitted to such institution shall be subject to the contr the board of managers thereof, and the said board have power to parole such child on such conditions may prescribe; and the court shall, on the recomme tion of the board, have power to discharge such child

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custody whenever, in the judgment of the court, his or her reformation is complete; or the court may commit the child to the care and custody of some association that will receive it, embracing in its objects the care of neglected and dependent children, and that has been duly accredited as hereinafter provided.

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SEC. II. Children Under Twelve Years Not to be Committed to Jail.-No court or magistrate shall commit a child under twelve (12) years of age to a jail or police station, but if such a child is unable to give bail it may be committed to the care of the sheriff, police officer or probation officer, who shall keep such child in some suitable place provided by the city or county outside of the enclosure of any jail or police station. When any child shall be sentenced to confinement in any institution to which adult convicts are sentenced, it shall be unlawful to confine such child in the same yard or enclosure with such adult convicts, or to bring such child into any yard or building in which adult convicts may be present.

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SEC. 13.-Supervision of State Commissioners of Public Charities.-All associations receiving children under this act shall be subject to the same visitation, inspection and supervision by the board of state commissioners of public charities as are the public charitable institutions of this state, and it shall be the duty of the said board of commissioners to pass annually upon the fitness of every such association as may receive, or desire to receive, children under the supervision of this act, and every such association shall annually, at such time as said board shall direct, make report thereto, showing its condition, management and competency to adequately care for such children as are, or may be committed to it, and such other facts as said board may require, and upon said board being satisfied that such association is competent and has adequate facilities to care for such children, it

shall issue to the same a certificate to that effect, certificate shall continue in force for one (1) year! sooner revoked by said board, and no child shall b mitted to any such association which shall no received such a certificate within fifteen (15) next preceding the commitment. The court n any time, require from any association, receiving of ing to receive, children under the provisions of t such reports, information and statements as the shall deem proper or necessary for his action, a court shall in no case be required to commit a child association whose standing, conduct or care of ch or ability to care for the same, is not satisfactory court.

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SEC. 17.-Religious Preference.-The court i mitting children shall place them as far as practic the care and custody of some individual holding th religious belief of the parents of said child, or wit association which is controlled by persons of like re faith of the parents of the said child.

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SEC. 19.-Powers of the Juvenile Court.-Th ers and duties herein provided to be exercised county court or the judges thereof may, in countie ing over 500,000 population, be exercised by the courts and their judges as hereinbefore provided f

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SEC. 21.-Construction of the Act.-This act be liberally construed to the end that its purpose n carried out, to-wit: That the care, custody and dis of a child shall approximate as nearly as may b which should be given by its parents, and in all where it can properly be done, the child to be placed approved family home and become a member of the by legal adoption or otherwise.

Law in force as amended July 1, 1901.

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