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ease. Physical weakness is, however, not so on the surface as the mental and moral.

A number of authorities have shown tha and girls who make up the industrial school are below the normal children of the general in height, weight, and other physical character a very careful study of delinquent children at School for Boys at Westboro, Mass., and at chusetts State Industrial School at Lancaster, George E. Dawson reached some definite c "The salient points........may finally be s as follows:

I. There was a tendency to shorter statur weight, diminished strength in muscl hands, and greater sensitiveness to pain There was a tendency towards smaller head heads, and broader faces, the type being, that of lower races or of the infantile per


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These conclusions do not necessarily imply that the children were "born criminals," or that they are the results of causes beyond our control. The deformities may have been brought about by the unhealthy environment in which the child was raised, and in no real sense be the badge of a criminal. Surely there is as much room for prevention here as in any other department of penology.

-Mental Conditions.

Closely related to the physical causes of juvenile delinquency are those known as "mental causes". In many cases it is extremely difficult to distinguish where one ends and the other begins. But for the sake of clearness we will here consider only those causes resulting from a lack of proper education, and undue mental excitement.

A limited knowledge of our juvenile offenders will convince anyone that a large amount of delinquency begins with truancy or vagrancy. Now, truancy itself results from many contributory causes. But as sug

gested before, it is primarily the migratory instinct working out in the child.16 All children more or less mani- | fest a tendency to break the restraints of home and school. It, however, should not prove permanent or dangerous if the child is properly guided through this stage in its development. Upon the home and our educational system devolves the duty to bridge successfully this trying period.

Naturally enough truancy results in an insufficient mental equipment. The boy must enter the ranks of unskilled labor which he already finds overcrowded. becomes more and more difficult to make a living. He is


16See the Savagery of Boyhood, by J. H. Johnson, Pop. Sci. Mo., vol. xxxi., p. 796. 1887. Truancy as Related to the Migratory Instinct, by L. W. Kline, Ped. Sem. vol. v.

tempted severely to "make his money easy.' multitude of opportunities for "swiping" little boy is liable to take his first step in a criminal

Some typical cases will serve to illustrate t relation between truancy, vagrancy and d The principal of the school which Rudolph, Eddie L. should attend writes that they hav ported an indefinite number of times. Pro flagrant truancy. All the time absent-ha school only a little while during last three yea boys have been chronic truants for months. already been mixed up in stealing scrapes. promised he would send them, but they did The mother seems to shield them." Willie M of age, in grade B4 at school, was absent with seven days in February, twelve days in twenty days in April. The principal writes, is more than 14 years; but was refused work tory inspector because he could not read." case which illustrates another phase of the pr little Polish fellow 10 years old, Chas. My.. in an alley between 28th street and L. aven His father is a drunken brute and has driv away from home to make his own living. T very abusive to the family, and they say t kinds of violence, even the killing of them."

Although truancy is not so prevalent a still more exists than one would suppose from of truant reports. The girls are better sh truant officers, no doubt, more lenient in Girls are frequently kept home by their paren with the work". It is quite difficult to reach The parents are here to blame, and should b accordingly.

However much we may account for the ch shows and five-cent detective stories on the

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the city boy needs some mental stimulus to produce a reaction against the intense city life, it is, nevertheless, true that over-stimulation and the reaction which inevitably follows tend to weaken the boy's mental and moral This is especially noticeable in undue mental excitement incurred by plays or novels presenting vice and crime in an attractive manner.


It must be admitted that even in the worst theatres plays are presented having a certain moral value. The melodramatic hero usually survives and the villain receives a just punishment. But the accessories to the play are so bad that what little moral value there is in it is obscured to the boy who is "out for a good time". He cannot help being contaminated by the questionable character of the actors, and the unhealthy moral atmosphere of the "peanut gallery".

At the trial of juvenile offenders in the Police Court it is frequently brought out that such and such a boy was "hanging about the gallery entrance to Whitney's (theatre)" or that he was seen often "around the Avenue (theatre)." Two girls were brought into the police court with serious charges against them. The truant officer stated that he found them "hanging about the stage entrance to Whitney's and carrying on questionable practices with some of the men." These are cases typical

of many others that might be given.

There can be no doubt that sensational newspaper reports of crime and five-cent detective stories are appreciable factors in inciting some boys to deeds of daring, and perhaps crime. The boy sees in these unwholesome stories men and women who do things. An adventurous life appeals strongly to the normal boy. He is a hero-worshiper to the very backbone, and is not very particular where his heroes come from so long as they exhibit traits of daring and strength. Thus the boy is

unconsciously led to do things by suggestion end in a criminal career.

Moral Conditions.

To anyone who has had experience with evident that sexual abuses are quite prevalent a matter concerning which it is very difficult to definite knowledge. From my experience wi should say that a fairly large percentage, at o another, carry on such abuses. Through ignora attendant dangers the boys are led into immoral It would be impossible to give any reliable sta to its relation to juvenile delinquency, although it is a factor to be considered.

The use of alcoholic liquors among juver limited as hardly necessary to receive serious tion as a direct cause of delinquency. It should however, that some boys at an early age exhil for alcohol which they endeavor to satisfy whe sible. Case 12 in the appendix well illustrates few will do to obtain intoxicating liquors. It uncommon sight to see a boy take a sip from beer which he has brought from the saloon. must be regarded as a secondary factor in the pr

On the other hand the use of tobacco, esp the form of cigarettes, is so prevalent among class of boys that it should receive much more tion than it usually does. Physicians and ju affirm that habitual cigarette smoking produces marked physical defects and moral insensibility ette fiends" who take to a criminal career offer hope for reform. Public sentiment should, demand that the laws against furnishing mir tobacco be strictly enforced.

It is unnecessary to say much in this place

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