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10 Peidiwch, a gwybyddwch mai myfi sydd Dduw: dyrchefir fi ym mysg y cenhedloedd, dyrchefir fi ar y ddaear.

11 Y mae Arglwydd y lluoedd gydâ ni; ymddiffynfa i ni yw Duw Iacob.

PRYDNHAWNOL WEDDI. : Psal. xlvii. Omnes gentes, plaudite. R

Y law; llafar genwch i Dduw â llef gorfoledd.

2 Canys yr Arglwydd goruchaf sydd ofnadwy; Brenhin mawr ar yr holl ddaear.

3 Efe a ddwg y bobl danom -ni, a'r cenhedloedd dan ein traed.

4 Efe a ddethol ein hetifeddiaeth i ni, ardderchogrwydd Iacob, yr hwn a hoffodd efe.

5 Dyrchafodd Duw â llawenfloedd, yr Arglwydd â sain .udgorn.

6 Cenwch fawl i Dduw, cenwch: cenwch fawl i'n Brenhin, cenwch.

7 Canys Brenhin yr holl ddaear yw Duw: cenwch fawl yn ddeallus.

8 Duw sydd yn teyrnasu ar y cenhedloedd: eistedd y mae Duw ar orseddfaingc ei sancteiddrwydd.

9 Pendefigion y bobl a ymgasglasant y'nghŷd, sef pobl Duw Abraham: canys tariannau y ddaear ydynt eiddo Duw: dirfawr y dyrchafwyd ef.

Psal. xlviii. Magnus Dominus.
AWR yw'r Arglwydd, a

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9 The princes of the people are joined unto the people of the God of Abraham for God, which is very high exalted, doth defend the earth, as it were with a shield.

Psal. xlviii. Magnus Dominus.
REAT is the Lord, and

Mahramoliantus, y ninas highly to be praised: in yn Gr ein Duw ni, yn ei fynydd sanct- the city of our God, even upon his holy hill.


2 Tegwch bro, llawenydd yr holl ddaear, yw mynydd Sïon, yn ystlysau'r gogledd, dinas y Brenhin mawr.

3 Duw yn ei phalasau a adwaenir yn ymddiffynfa.

2 The hill of Sion is a fair

place, and the joy of the whole earth: upon the north-side lieth the city of the great King; God is well known in her palaces as a sure refuge.

4 Canys wele y brenhinoedd a ymgynnullasant, aethant heibio y'nghŷd.

5 Hwy a welsant, felly y rhyfeddasant; brawychasant, ac aethant ymaith ar ffrwst.

6 Dychryn a ddaeth arnynt yno, a dolur, megis gwraig yn esgor.

7 A gwynt y dwyrain y drylli longau'r môr.

8 Megis y clywsom, felly y gwelsom yn ninas Arglwydd y fluoedd, yn ninas ein Duw ni: Duw a'i sicrhâ hi yn dragywydd.

9 Meddyliasom, O Dduw, am dy drugaredd y'nghanol dy deml.

10 Megis y mae dy Enw, O Dduw, felly y mae dy fawl hyd eithafoedd y tir: cyflawn o gyfiawnder yw dy ddeheulaw.

11 Llawenyched mynydd Sion, ac ymhyfryded merched Iudah, o herwydd dy farnedigaethau.

12 Amgylchwch Sïon, ac ewch o'i hamgylch hi; rhifwch ei thyrau hi.

13 Ystyriwch ei rhagfuriau, edrychwch ar ei phalasau; fel y mynegoch i'r oes a ddelo ar ol.

14 Canys y Duw hwn yw ein Duw ni byth ac yn dragywydd: efe a'n tywys ni hyd angau.

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3 For lo, the kings of the earth are gathered, and gone by together.

4 They marvelled to see such things: they were astonished, and suddenly cast down.

5 Fear came there upon them, and sorrow as upon a woman in her travail.

6 Thou shalt break the ships of the sea through the eastwind.

7 Like as we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God: God upholdeth the same for ever.

8 We wait for thy lovingkindness, O God in the midst of thy temple.

9 O God, according to thy Name, so is thy praise unto the world's end: thy right hand is full of righteousness.

10 Let the mount Sion re

joice, and the daughter of Judah be glad because of thy judgements.

11 Walk about round about her towers thereof.

Sion, and go and tell the

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adfyd, pan y'm hamgylchyno the days of wickedness =anwiredd fy sodlau?

6 Rhai a ymddiriedant yn eu golud, ac a ymffrostiant yn llïosogrwydd eu cyfoeth.

7 Gan waredu ni wared neb ei frawd, ac ni all efe roddi iawn drosto i Dduw :

8 Canys gwerthfawr yw pryniad eu henaid, a hynny a baid byth.

9 Fel y byddo efe byw byth, ac na welo lygredigaeth.

10 Canys efe a wel fod y doethion yn meirw, yr un ffunud y derfydd am ffol ac ynfyd, gadawant eu golud i eraill.

11 Eu meddwl yw, y pery eu tai yn dragywydd, a'u trigfeydd hyd genhedlaeth a chenhedlaeth: henwant eu tiroedd ar eu henwau eu hunain.

12 Er hynny dyn mewn anrhydedd, nid erys: tebyg yw i anifeiliaid a ddifethir.

13 Eu ffordd yma yw eu hynfydrwydd: etto eu hiliogaeth ydynt foddlawn i'w hymadrodd. 14 Fel defaid y gosodir hwynt yn uffern; angau a ymborth arnynt; a'r rhai cyfiawn a lywodraetha arnynt y bore; a'u tegwch a dderfydd yn y bedd, o'u cartref.

15 Etto Duw a wared fy enaid i o feddiant uffern: canys efe a'm derbyn i.

16 Nac ofna pan gyfoethogo un, pan ychwanego gogoniant ei dý ef.

17 Canys wrth farw ni ddwg efe ddim ymaith, ac ni ddisgyn ei ogoniant ar ei ol ef.


when the wickedness of my heels compasseth me round about? 6 There be some that put their trust in their goods and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches.

7 But no man may deliver his brother nor make agreement unto God for him;

8 For it cost more to redeem

their souls so that he must let that alone for ever;

9 Yea, though he live long : and see not the grave.

10 For he seeth that wise men also die, and perish together as well as the ignorant and foolish, and leave their riches for other.

11 And yet they think that their houses shall continue for ever and that their dwellingplaces shall endure from one generation to another; and call the lands after their own names.

12 Nevertheless, man will not abide in honour: seeing he may be compared unto the beasts that perish; this is the way of them.

13 This is their foolishness : and their posterity praise their saying.

14 They lie in the hell like sheep, death gnaweth upon them, and the righteous shall have domination over them in the morning their beauty shall consume in the sepulchre out of their dwelling.

15 But God hath delivered my soul from the place of hell : for he shall receive me.

16 Be not thou afraid, though one be made rich or if the glory of his house be increased;

17 For he shall carry nothing away with him when he dieth: neither shall his pomp follow

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D glwydd, a lefarodd ac a

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MORNING PRAYER. Psal. 1. Deus deorum. HE Lord, even the most spoken

alwodd y ddaear, o godiad haul and called the world, from the hyd ei fachludiad.

2 Allan o Sïon, perffeithrwydd tegwch, y llewyrchodd Duw.

3 Ein Duw ni a ddaw, ac ni bydd distaw: tân a ysa o'i flaen ef, a thymmestl ddirfawr fydd o'i amgylch.

4 Geilw ar y nefoedd oddiuchod, ac ar y ddaear, i farnu ei bobl.

5 Cesglwch fy saint y'nghŷd attaf fi, y rhai a wnaethant gyfammod â mi trwy aberth.

6 A'r nefoedd a fynegant ei gyfiawnder ef: canys Duw ei hun sydd Farnwr.

7 Clywch, fy mhobl, a mi a lefaraf; O Israel, a mi a dystiolaethaf i'th erbyn: Duw, sef dy Dduw di, ydwyf fi.

8 Nid am dy aberthau y'th geryddaf, na'th boeth-offrymmau, am nad oeddynt ger fy mron i yn wastad.

Ni chymmeraf fustach o'th dŷ, na bychod o'th gorlan

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rising up of the sun, unto the going down thereof.

2 Out of Sion hath God appeared in perfect beauty.

3 Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence there shall go before him a consuming fire, and a mighty tempest shall be stirred up round about him.

4 He shall call the heaven from above: and the earth, that he may judge his people.

5 Gather my saints together unto me those that have made a covenant with me with sacrifice.

6 And the heaven shall declare his righteousness: for God is Judge himself.

7 Hear, O my people, and I will speak: I myself will testify against thee, O Israel; for I am God, even thy God.

8 I will not reprove thee because of thy sacrifices, or for thy burnt-offerings: because they were not alway before me.

9 I will take no bullock out of thine house: nor he-goat out of thy folds.

10 For all the beasts of the forest are mine and so are the cattle upon a thousand hills.

11 I know all the fowls upon

yddoedd: a gwyllt anifeiliaid y maes ydynt eiddof fi.

12 Os bydd newyn arnaf, ni ddywedaf i ti: canys y byd a'i gyflawnder sydd eiddof fi.

13 A fwyttâf fi gig teirw? neu a yfaf fi waed bychod?

14 Abertha foliant i Dduw ; a thal i'r Goruchaf dy addunedau :

15 A galw arnaf fi yn nydd trallod: mi a'th waredaf, a thi a'm gogoneddi.

16 Ond wrth yr annuwiol y dywedodd Duw, Beth sydd i ti a fynegech ar fy neddfau, neu a gymmerech ar fy nghyfammod yn dy enau?

17 Gan dy fod yn casâu addysg, ac yn taflu fy ngeiriau i'th ol.

18 Pan welaist leidr, cyttunaist âg ef; a'th gyfran oedd gyda'r godinebwŷr.

19 Gollyngaist dy safn i ddrygioni, a'th dafod a gyd-bletha


20 Eisteddaist a dywedaist yn -erbyn dy frawd: rhoddaist enllib i fab dy fam.

21 Hyn a wnaethost, a mi a dewais: tybiaist dithau fy mod yn gwbl fel ti dy hun: ond mi a'th argyoeddaf, ac a'u trefnaf o flaen dy lygaid.

22 Deallwch hyn yn awr, y rhai ydych yn anghofio Duw; rhag i mi eich rhwygo, ac na byddo gwaredydd.

23 Yr hwn a abertho foliant, a'm gogonedda i a'r neb a osodo ei ffordd yn iawn, dangosaf iddo iachawdwriaeth Duw.

Psal. li. Miserere mei, Deus.
RUGARHA wrthyf,
Dduw, yn ol dy

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13 Thinkest thou that I will eat bulls' flesh and drink the blood of goats?

14 Offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy vows unto the most Highest.

15 And call upon me in the time of trouble: so will I hear thee, and thou shalt praise me.

16 But unto the ungodly said God: Why dost thou preach my laws, and takest my covenant in thy mouth;

17 Whereas thou hatest to be reformed and hast cast my words behind thee?

18 When thou sawest a thief, thou consentedst unto him: and hast been partaker with the adulterers.

19 Thou hast let thy mouth speak wickedness: and with thy tongue thou hast set forth deceit,

20 Thou satest, and spakest against thy brother: yea, and hast slandered thine own mo ther's son.

21 These things hast thou done, and I held my tongue, and thou thoughtest wickedly, that I am even such a one as thyself but I will reprove thee, and set before thee the things that thou hast done.


22 O consider this, ye that forget God lest I pluck you away, and there be none to deliver you.

23 Whoso offereth me thanks and praise, he honoureth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation right will I shew the salvation of God.

Psal. li. Miserere mei, Deus.
AVE mercy upon me, O

TRUGA, HA Wytarugar- H God, after thy great good

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