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Assembly met according to adjournment.

Assembly adjourned until to-morrow morning, eight o'clock.

Assembly met according to adjournment.

Tuesday, March 17, 1778.

Voted, that the petition of Mr. Ebenezer Hosington lie upon file, till some future opportunity.

Voted, that there be but two regiments in this State, on the west side of the range of Green Mountains, at present.

Voted, that the north line of Arlington and Sunderland, shall be the division line between the two regiments as aforesaid.

Voted, that the south regiment, on the east side of the mountains, extend north, to the south line of Rockingham, Tomlinson and Kent; that the second regiment extend north, to the south line of Norwich, and that the third regiment extend to Canada line, so called.

Voted, that the report of the committee, relative to providing attornies for the county courts, regulating their fees, &c. be accepted.

Voted, to accept the bill presented to the House of Representatives by his Excellency the Governor and Council, describing the boundaries of the county, on the west side of the mountains.

Voted, that the bill presented to this House by the Governor and Council, be altered, and, in the place of "New Hampshire west line,” insert the west bank of Connecticut River.

Voted, that Col. John Barrett, Mr. Thomas Rowley, Col. Jacob Kent, Lieut. Thomas Jewett, and Mr. Elijah Alverd, be a committee to appoint the several shire towns in this State.

Assembly adjourned until two o'clock, afternoon.

Assembly met, according to adjournment.

Voted to accept the bill presented to this House by the Governor and Council, prescribing the boundaries of the county on the east side of the mountains, with the alteration as above.

Voted, that the County on the west side of the range of green mountains be, hereafter, styled and known, by the name of Bennington.

Voted, that the county, on the east side of the range of green mountains, be hereafter, styled and known by the name of Unity.


Voted, that there be four probate districts, in the county of Benning

Voted, that there be four probate districts, in the county of Unity.

Voted, that Mr. Brewster, Col. John Barrett, Col. Kent, Mr. Alverd and Lieut. Ormsby be a committee to draw the lines between the probate districts, and also, to appoint places for the representatives of each town to meet, to count the votes of the county elections.

Voted, to postpone acting any thing concerning filling up Col. Seth Warner's regiment, until to-morrow morning.

Mr. Ebenezer Hosington desired that the House of Representatives would give their opinion, whether they would act, or do, any thing, respecting some old iron, lately brought from Mount Independence, by enemical persons to the American cause, that fell into his hands by virtue

of a commission of sequestration; which being put to vote, passed in the negative.

Voted that the county elections be held on the first Wednesday of June


Assembly adjourned until to-morrow morning, eight o'clock.

Wednesday, March 18, 1778.

Assemby met, according to adjournment.

The petition of Watts Hubbard, of Windsor, praying that he might be released from the confinement he some time had been subjected to, for enemical conduct; which being put to vote, was dismised, for the present.

The act for providing, altering, regulating and mending, highways, with the exceptions presented to this House by the Governor and Council, was put to vote, and passed in the negative.

Voted, that Nathan Clark, Esq. Capt. Curtice and Major Fletcher be a committee to prepare a bill for providing, altering, regulating, and mending, highways.

Voted, that Capt. John Fassett be Speaker, pro tempore.

Voted to accept the report of Committee appointed to prefix the lines of the probate districts.

Voted, that the proposals and preliminaries exhibited to this House by a committee representing a number of towns on the New-Hampshire Grants, east of Connecticut river, relative to forming a union between said Grants and this State, be laid before the people of this State, at large, for their consideration and determination.*

Assembly adjourned until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Assembly met, according to adjournment.

Voted, that the style of the Governor of this State be, His Excellency. Voted, to concur with the Governor and Council, relative to the time and place, when and where to adjourn this Assembly, whenever they think proper to adjourn.

Voted to adjourn this House till eight o'clock to-morrow morning.

Thursday, March 19, 1778.

Assembly met, according to adjournment. Voted, that the Council do take the express (sent from Capt. Sawyer in Clarendon) into consideration, and report thereon to this House.

Voted to give Mr. John Payne and others, specified in a petition, presented to this House by said Payne, the refusal of the land, as specified in said petition, with the restrictions, and on the proposals, therein mentioned.

Voted, to allow Lieut. Elisha Hawley, continental pay as a subaltern, fifteen days, for his services at Tyconderoga.

Voted, that the Treasurer be bound of ten thousand pounds, lawful money, with sufficient sureties.

* See page 69.

Voted, to choose three men as a committee, to adjust all accounts un der ten pounds.

Voted, that Col. John Barret, Capt. Ebenezer Curtiss and Col. Jacob Kent be the above committee.

Voted to accept the report of the committee, relative to prefixing the place for holding county elections.

Voted, that the several towns in this State shall meet, to give in their votes for judges of the inferior courts, judges of probate, high sheriff, &c. on the second Thursday of April next.

Voted, to send the order presented to this House, by the Governor and Council, to Captains Ebenezer Allen, Isaac Clark, and Thomas Sawyer. Voted, that Mr. Thomas Tuttle be dismissed from this House, for the present, to forward the express to Capt. Ebenezer Allen, &c.

Voted, to dismiss Daniel Gilbert from this Assembly, for the present, for certain reasons, &c.

Assembly adjourned until two o'clock, afternoon.

Assembly met, according to adjournment.

Voted, that a committee be chosen to appoint a day for annual town meetings, for choosing town officers.

Voted, that Capt. Curtiss, Mr. Ebenezer Harris and Capt. John Fassett be a committe for the purposes aforesaid.

Voted, to petition the Governor and Council, whether they would do any thing relative to persons which have been to the enemy and have returned.

Assembly adjourned until to-morrow morning, eight o'clock.

Assembly met, according to adjournment.
Voted the act of affirmation for Quakers.

Friday, March 20, 1778.

Voted, to provide a surgeon for Captains Allen and Clark's companies. Voted, that Doct. Jacob Ruback be the surgeon for the purpose afore


Voted, that those men that enlisted under Captains Allen and Clark, should have ten dollars as a bounty, in lieu of double rations.

Voted Col. Peter Olcutt trustee of the loan office.

Voted, to appoint one Brigadier General in this State.

Voted, Seth Warner, Esquire, be, and is hereby, appointed Brigadier General.

Voted, to appoint a Brigade Major for this State.

Voted, that Major Samuel Fletcher be, and is hereby, appointed a Brigade Major.

Voted, that the Representatives be allowed three dollars per day, from the time they left home until the House adjourns, and four pence per mile for horse travel.

Voted, that the Councillors be allowed the same wages as the Repre


Assembly adjourned, until two o'clock, afternoon.

Assembly met, according to adjournment.

Voted, that the petition signed Reuben Jones, in behalf of himself and others, be received on file.

Voted, that Captain Gallop have leave of absence until to-morrow


Voted, to appoint overseers to take care of the timber on the Governor's lots, and other lots that are not under the immediate care of the grantees, or any holding under them.

Voted, that Mr. Alverd, Ensign Harris and John Winchester Dany, Esq. be a committee to prepare a bill to lay before this House, for the preservation of timber, &c.

Voted, that the petition signed Jonathan Darby, lie upon file, for the present.

Voted, to give his Excellency the Governor, the sum of fifty pounds, as a salary, for the time since he came from home, until the next session of this Assembly.

The petition of John Barnes, John Newton and Benjamin Baldwin, relative to obtaining liberty to make a lottery, after being read and debated, was put to vote, and passed in the negative.

Voted, to grant the request of Mr. Moses Sage.

Voted, to take into consideration an act relating to tories.

Voted, to appoint five persons as a committee to prepare a bill relative to tories.

Voted, that Col. John Barrett, Lieut. Thomas Jewett, Major Samuel Fletcher, Mr. Elijah Alverd and Ensign Harris, be the above committee. Passed the highway act.

Voted, that Lieut. Joseph Safford have leave of absence, on reasons offered to this House.

Assembly adjourned until to-morrow morning, eight o'clock.

Saturday, March 21, 1778.

Assembly met, according to adjournment.

Voted, to adjourn to Mr. Coles.

Assembly met, according to adjournment, at Mr. Coles.

Voted, that it is the opinion of this Assembly, that the persons that collected arms at Hubbarton, the summer past, and delivered them to the Council of this State, be honorably rewarded, and not to be paid the full value of said arms.

Voted, that the first class of tories, described in the report of the committee concerning enemical persons in the town of Bennington, be committed to close confinement; that the second and third classes, mentioned in said report, be disposed of, by Capt. Samuel Robinson, (who is their overseer, for the time being,) taking the advice of any three members of this Assembly.

Voted, that Mr. Timothy Bartholomew have leave of absence, at four o'clock this afternoon, for certain reasons he mentioned.

The petition presented to this House by Benjamin Baldwin, in behalf of himself and the inhabitants of Mooretown, after being read and debated, was voted to receive the same on file.

Assembly adjourned until two o'clock, afternoon.

Assembly met, according to adjournment.

The petition of Nathan Clark, in behalf of himself and others, being read, was voted to be received on file.

Voted the recommendation relative to keeping the Lord's day and other religious duties, presented by Doct. Jones, in the affirmative.

Voted, that Col. Barret, Capt. Curtiss and Mr. Elijah Alverd, be a committee to inspect the bill from the Governor and Council, and report their opinion to this House.

A bill being presented to this House, by the Council, relative to raising men to fill up Col. Seth Warner's regiment; which, being read and debated, was put to vote, and passed in the negative.

A bill being presented to this House, by the Council, relative to establishing the common law as the law of this State; which, being read and debated, was put to vote, and passed in the affirmative.

Voted, to re-consider a vote passed this House, relative to naming the county on the east side of the Green Mountains, "Unity."

Voted, that the county on the east side of the Mountains, be, hereafter, called and known by the name of Cumberland.

The bill presented to this House, being read and debated, was put to vote, and passed in the affirmative.

Voted, that Doct. King have leave of absence.

Assembly adjourned until Monday next, eight o'clock in the morning, at the meeting-house.

Assembly met, according to adjournment.

Monday, March 23, 1778.

Voted, that Maj. Samuel Fletcher, Lieut. Thomas Jewett and Capt. John G. Bayley, be a committee to devise measures for the raising men to defend the frontiers of this State, either by filling up Col. Warner's regiment, or otherways.

Voted, that Capt. Jonathan Fassett and Deacon Edward Aiken be added to the foregoing committee.

Voted, to excuse and release Col. Olcott from being trustee of the loan office, the ensuing year.

Voted, to receive the petition of Abraham Jackson and others, on file, for future consideration.

Voted, that Capt. Thomas Rowley, Nathaniel Robinson, Esq. and Col. Jacob Kent, be a committee to prepare a bill for the purpose of preventing some individuals catching all the fish that pass and repass up and down White River, so called.

Voted, to accept the first paragraph of the list bill.

Voted, to accept the second



Voted, to accept the third

[blocks in formation]

Voted, to accept the fourth

[blocks in formation]

Voted, to accept the fifth

[blocks in formation]

Voted, to accept the sixth

[blocks in formation]

Voted, to accept the seventh

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Voted, to accept the eighth

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