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the diftrict regulate the fum of these proportions by the advice, and at the request of the marshal. For every copy of his account which the affiftant affixes for public infpection, he is paid two dollars.

The whole of this enumeration ought to be performed in nine months; the total expence of it is estimated at forty thousand dollars every time it is made.

The enumeration of the people taken in 1791, by virtue of law, announced a population of three millions nine hundred and twenty-nine thoufand three hundred and twenty-fix inhabitants, of which three millions two hundred and thirtyone thousand fix hundred and twenty-nine were free; among whom were fifty-feven thousand feven hundred and feven negroes, or persons of colour, and fix hundred and ninety-feven thoufand fix hundred and ninety-one flaves.

The inhabitants of the territory of the weft are not included in this number; but the population there is fo inconfiderable, that if it were added, it would make no important difference in the total number.

It is believed, upon a series of partial obfervations, that the population of the United States is doubled every fifteen years; not including in this eftimation the emigration from Europe, which

varies annually, and is at present much less than it was fome years fince; but the exact number cannot be known, because there is no register kept of them at the different places where they arrive at; this emigration confifts principally of Irish. But not to exaggerate the increase of population in the United States, I do not fuppofe it is doubled in lefs than twenty years, that is five in the hundred every year.

The population was in 1791, four millions in twenty years it will be augmented to eight millions; in forty years to fixteen; in sixty years to thirty-two; in eighty years to fixty-four; and. in eighty-five years to eighty millions; then the territory of the United States will be peopled in the fame proportion that France was before the revolution. The extent of the territory poffeffed by the United States, after the war, was fix hundred and forty millions of acres, from which fiftyone millions ought to be deducted for lakes and rivers, and then there will remain five hundred and eighty-nine millions of acres.

Befides, they have granted to the Indians, whose rights they have acknowledged, two hundred and twenty millions, which reduced their poffeffions to three hundred and fixty-nine millions..

But by the treaty with Great Britain in 1795,

their territory has been increased twenty-three millions of acres; fo that their actual territory is three hundred and eighty-two millions of acres.

In these calculations I have neglected odd numbers; the American geographers and land-furveyors estimate the extent of the territory at three hundred eighty-two millions four hundred twenty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty


France, when the enumeration of the people was taken by order of the conftituent affembly; contained twenty-feven millions one hundred and fixty-nine thousand inhabitants, and its extent was, at the same time, (anterior to its conquests) twenty-fix thousand nine hundred and fixty square leagues, at the rate of two thoufand two hundred and eighty toises to a league, of which the total is a hundred and thirty-one millions two hundred twenty-two thousand and ninety-five acres. Her extent of territory was to that of the United States as nine to twenty-fix, very nearly. The United States, therefore, must have a population of nearly eighty millions of inhabitants to be peopled in the fame proportion as France; and it has been fhewn, that according to the leaft favourable cafculations, they may arrive at that state in 1876.

What an enormous fund, a great and inexhaustible fource of profperity, must fuch a popu

lation afford, particularly when destined to be fpread over lands eafy to be made fertile, over a country watered by the finest rivers, with the means of extending the interior navigation to almost every spot.

It is true that this increafing progreffion of population may be diminished by feveral circumftances; and even that this progreffion may become lefs in proportion as population arrives to a great number; for then marriages will become lefs frequent, lefs carly, and probably lefs fruitful. But it is not neceffary for the United States to arrive at this high degree of population before they profit by the abundance and richness of their foil, maintain an active industry, and nourish with their produce a folid and rich commerce; and should they never reach fo high as to the twothirds, or at least to one-half of the population to which it appears by calculation they may attain in twenty-five years, they may be more numerous than is neceffary for them to become a rich and refpectable nation. Bad laws, illiberal or weak principles in the legislature or government, can alone oppofe the profperity and the greatnefs deftined for them.

Voi. IV.




The United States have a mint; the law which ordered its establishment was made in the month of April 1792. It regulates the divifion, the value, and the standard of the money of the United States.

The divifion and value of these monies are as follow:


The eagle, value ten dollars.

The half-eagle, value five dollars.

The quarter-eagle, value two dollars and a half.


The dollar, value a hundred cents.
The half-dollar, value fifty cents.

The quarter-dollar, value twenty-five cents. The tenth of a dollar, value twelve cents and a half.

The half-tenth, valuc fix cents and a quarter.


The cent, value the hundredth part of a dollar. The half cent, value the two hundredth of a dollar.

The weight of these is as follows:


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