Mastering Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (Pls-Sem) with Smartpls in 38 Hours

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iUniverse, 22 Feb 2019 - 184 halaman
Partial least squares is a new approach in structural equation modeling that can pay dividends when theory is scarce, correct model specifications are uncertain, and predictive accuracy is paramount. Marketers can use PLS to build models that measure latent variables such as socioeconomic status, perceived quality, satisfaction, brand attitude, buying intention, and customer loyalty. When applied correctly, PLS can be a great alternative to existing covariance-based SEM approaches. Dr. Ken Kwong-Kay Wong wrote this reference guide with graduate students and marketing practitioners in mind. Coupled with business examples and downloadable datasets for practice, the guide includes step-by-step guidelines for advanced PLS-SEM procedures in SmartPLS, including: CTA-PLS, FIMIX-PLS, GoF (SRMR, dULS, and dG), HCM, HTMT, IPMA, MICOM, PLS-MGA, PLS-POS, PLSc, and QEM. Filled with useful illustrations to facilitate understanding, you’ll find this guide a go-to tool when conducting marketing research. “This book provides all the essentials in comprehending, assimilating, applying and explicitly presenting sophisticated structured models in the most simplistic manner for a plethora of Business and Non-Business disciplines.” — Professor Siva Muthaly, Dean of Faculty of Business and Management at APU.


Using SmartPLS Software for Path Model
Evaluating PLSSEM Results in SmartPLS
Evaluating Model with Formative Measurement
Handling NonLinear Relationship Using
Analysing Segments Using Heterogeneity
Estimating Complex Models Using Higher
Mediation Analysis
New Techniques in PLSSEM
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Tentang pengarang (2019)

Dr. Ken Kwong-Kay Wong is an award-winning marketing professor who has taught applied research for more than fifteen years in higher education. He has trained students on PLS-SEM in Canada, China, Finland, France, South Korea, UAE, and Eastern Europe. His research interests include luxury marketing, customer experience management, and emerging research methods. He is also the author of Avoiding Plagiarism, Approved Marketing Plans for New Products and Services, CRM in Action, More Bucks Annually, and Putting a Stake in the Ground: Strategies for Getting Your First Marketing Journal Article Published Successfully.

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