Mastering Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (Pls-Sem) with Smartpls in 38 HoursiUniverse, 22 Feb 2019 - 184 halaman Partial least squares is a new approach in structural equation modeling that can pay dividends when theory is scarce, correct model specifications are uncertain, and predictive accuracy is paramount. Marketers can use PLS to build models that measure latent variables such as socioeconomic status, perceived quality, satisfaction, brand attitude, buying intention, and customer loyalty. When applied correctly, PLS can be a great alternative to existing covariance-based SEM approaches. Dr. Ken Kwong-Kay Wong wrote this reference guide with graduate students and marketing practitioners in mind. Coupled with business examples and downloadable datasets for practice, the guide includes step-by-step guidelines for advanced PLS-SEM procedures in SmartPLS, including: CTA-PLS, FIMIX-PLS, GoF (SRMR, dULS, and dG), HCM, HTMT, IPMA, MICOM, PLS-MGA, PLS-POS, PLSc, and QEM. Filled with useful illustrations to facilitate understanding, you’ll find this guide a go-to tool when conducting marketing research. “This book provides all the essentials in comprehending, assimilating, applying and explicitly presenting sophisticated structured models in the most simplistic manner for a plethora of Business and Non-Business disciplines.” — Professor Siva Muthaly, Dean of Faculty of Business and Management at APU. |
3 | |
Evaluating PLSSEM Results in SmartPLS | 15 |
Evaluating Model with Formative Measurement | 27 |
Handling NonLinear Relationship Using | 33 |
Analysing Segments Using Heterogeneity | 42 |
Estimating Complex Models Using Higher | 72 |
Mediation Analysis | 92 |
New Techniques in PLSSEM | 99 |
Conclusion | 114 |
Edisi yang lain - Lihat semua
Mastering Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (Pls-Sem) with ... Ken Kwong-Kay Wong Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2019 |
Istilah dan frasa umum
arrows assess Bootstrapping brand reputation café patrons Calculate Chapter collinearity composite reliability Consistent PLS convergent validity Crosstab CTA-PLS customer loyalty LOYAL Customer satisfaction SATIS Data Group dataset discriminant validity f2effect Figure FIMIX-PLS formative measurement model formative measurement scale Henseler hyperlink hypothesis indicator reliability inner model internal consistency reliability IPMA latent variable Least Squares Structural linear marketing research measurement invariance Mediation Analysis menu and select MICOM missing values non-linear non-students number of segments Nyenrode Business Universiteit outer loadings Outer Model outer weights p-Values parameters Partial Least Squares path coefficients Path Model Estimation performed Permutation PLS Algorithm PLS path modeling PLS-POS PLS-SEM PLSc Predictive Relevance PRICE procedure Prof Quadratic Effect quadratic term reflective measurement model relationship restaurant example result Ringle Ryerson University sample Sarstedt Seneca College significance significantly SmartPLS SPSS statistical structural equation modeling structural model Structural Path Susan Total Effect unobserved heterogeneity variance VIF values window Wong